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Real Estate Business

Holsy Kray

New member
I feel like the property department could do with a real estate business module.

If a business for real estate was in city; this could massively increase the role-play opportunities & also provide a few more jobs for citizens within.

I’ve been going around third eye’ing every house door and discovered that this is actually quite unrealistic from my point of view.

If a citizen could attend a real estate office & discuss with a real estate agent what properties/containers are for sale, organise viewings, negotiate prices etc. This would in my eyes save endless amounts of time & create an excellent opportunity to provide that touch more professionalism in the city & achieve that roleplay goal we’re all in this for.

Business module could consist of;

Client requests house or apartment to be put up for sale via real estate agent, a 10% on total price selling fee would be discussed & the real estate agent can aim to obtain the maximum price for the client within a sensible 15-20% threshold.

8% would go to the real estate agent & 2% would go to the real estate business owner.

On a 1 million pound sale; the client would receive 900k, the real estate agent would receive 80k & the business owner would receive 20k, this in my eyes would make the job fit in quite well with the current economy system.

There’s also quite a few houses I’ve noticed that are not able to be purchased, these could be made obtainable via Auction.

What do you guys think?
This can and has been done within roleplay. I don’t see the necessity for development on it.
I think the server could benefit alot from a real estate agents. Running around looking for a house is so long.
The problem is alot of people have try'd to rp it out but always burn out.
As one of the people who has ran an Estate agents for a few months I can 100% agree that it's so easy to burn out. Especially when the housing market is on a low for available houses. We had the idea of a tablet that would show all the available houses and the prices can be seen and prices set from there.
This is something solicitors help with from time to time when approached, effectively acting as estate agents/conveyors. I see no reason this needs development given the great number of things devs have on their plate at the moment.

Sorry its a -1 as its effectively a take roleplay away from some, to give it to someone else who gets to decide who has this roleplay or not.
I understand what some of you are saying, but, the “burnt out” issue could be irradicated with some development, I.e; list of houses for sale within the real estate premises that the public can see, perhaps even a tablet style set up to notify real estate agents of interest on a property. The amount of RP it could provide would outweigh the current RP that people currently have with housing. Of course, private sales could still exist. But seeing people run around third eye’ing doors to earn 50k for selling a house location is actually quite comical, just wouldn’t happen in real life haha. I’m sure there’s even a script out there somewhere that has this function to save development time.

Even if the whole real estate business idea was out the window & houses available are a bit limited; at the bare minimum have a blip to see what houses are available across the map.
I understand what some of you are saying, but, the “burnt out” issue could be irradicated with some development, I.e; list of houses for sale within the real estate premises that the public can see, perhaps even a tablet style set up to notify real estate agents of interest on a property. The amount of RP it could provide would outweigh the current RP that people currently have with housing. Of course, private sales could still exist. But seeing people run around third eye’ing doors to earn 50k for selling a house location is actually quite comical, just wouldn’t happen in real life haha. I’m sure there’s even a script out there somewhere that has this function to save development time.

Even if the whole real estate business idea was out the window & houses available are a bit limited; at the bare minimum have a blip to see what houses are available across the map.
Again, I get where you are coming from. But your suggestion takes RP away from Solicitors who act as Conveyors. Got to bare in mind, we don't have a great number of avenues of RP as solictors some evenings.

If your suggestion could work in such a way as not to take away from already existing groups, what would you have in mind?
Again, I get where you are coming from. But your suggestion takes RP away from Solicitors who act as Conveyors. Got to bare in mind, we don't have a great number of avenues of RP as solictors some evenings.
sometimes you need to take something away from one to improve it for another, just the way the cookie crumbles unfortunately, i think it might be worth it for you to consider it as a non solicitor, after all what's to stop you(as a solicitor) to work for a real estate business aswell?
+1 Running around checking 100s of doors is silly. Somewhere to go. chat, buy and trade houses would be a nice thing to RP.
Would it be possible to incorporate solicitors into the sale of the house, as a witness to signatures or something along those lines?
Again, I get where you are coming from. But your suggestion takes RP away from Solicitors who act as Conveyors. Got to bare in mind, we don't have a great number of avenues of RP as solictors some evenings.

If your suggestion could work in such a way as not to take away from already existing groups, what would you have in mind?
Ngl I've never heard of a solicitor doing this(not saying they don't).
I see people ask about houses and getting zero replies/help.
Solicitors could be involved within the business module, but a lot of people want things straight away without the wait. So a group chat between solicitors & real estate agents could be created, solicitor comes down to the office, signs the dotted line making sure the price of the house is reasonable for both parties, client signs the dotted line. Deed & keys are handed over perhaps?