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Reading 2016 - Cancelled

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Anyone can go the event so i'm almost certain @Wilco wouldn't add his own age limit considering a big fraction of the community is under 18.

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Read the official website for reading, if they have an age limit then they have an age limit, if not then your invited.

@blaze1981 I would be down brother ! Been before but would not mind another crack at it :p  
ok Joe I'm deffo up for it I'm sure a few of the other welsh lads will be up for it maybe we can hire a mini bus or go on the train, and stop at Bristol so wilco and any of the other West country gang can join us

Need any Swedish Arac at the meetup  ? ;)

tbh I might come and show how Vikings party.

@blaze1981 Ye a mini bus would be fucking dope. As long as we keep them English segregated at the front of the buss that is ;)  Maybe @Wilco can sit in the middle because he has some welsh blood in him.

Ok so I am currently waiting on the wife confirming whether she is coming with me or not to get my tickets but I will be going no matter what.

If I come, can someone help me with navigating my way there from London-Gatwick airport?

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