Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Police Trainer
- Location
- TBJs basement
Im sure we have all seen the recent reports and acusations of hop on squad. Weve all also had that moment where we want to log on but worried we would get accused of hop on squad. Im suggesting we re add a old arma rule that follows (from a old unappeal i got this rule)
Less chance of being accused of hop on.
Make hop on squad issues eaiser to report and solve
Fabricates senarios a little bit. But personally for the better. You don't know if the other side has already scouted and counted or checked roofs that you then appear on. (I had that before where someone spawned next to me mid gunfight on roof very funny)
This will protect those who dont log on in fear as they just simply dont attend the fight that happens as they log on. Ofc they can still attend any that happen after. And they can join after 15 mins as if it was a NLR only they can join this one unlike nlr. Its a lot easier then throwing it under C1.7 or G3.1 as here.Rule 4.7 states that When joining the server, you cannot involve yourself in any ongoing gunfights involving your group/faction for 15 minutes.
Less chance of being accused of hop on.
Make hop on squad issues eaiser to report and solve
Fabricates senarios a little bit. But personally for the better. You don't know if the other side has already scouted and counted or checked roofs that you then appear on. (I had that before where someone spawned next to me mid gunfight on roof very funny)