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RDM - Random Death Match ( explaining the story ) (Awaiting Player)

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befor this guy made a post about me not rping. and he say i broke som rules.

i wanted to make a post and clear the air. cous they need a ban not me!  

This is the post what i was talking about:

Time & Date this happened: 12/04/2015 Sometime around 9.30/10pm
Which Server did this happen on: server 1#
Description of what happened: i got robbed at the weed processing-
they say i was souting kill me kill me but that not treu. 
cous i gave them all the tings that they wanted. they told me to drop 
the key. and put my hands up.í did all of this. there story dossent
make sens.. if i really wanted to die why dident i run? or just try to
pull my gun ?  anways they shot me there .. they told me this will b a
exucution soo i told them that  ban cous i was doing all the tings they
were saying. i know i whent out rp. but only cous they breaking the
soo in my defense i was looking for my tuck after they shot me. i use
the keychains to find them .and i was still the same character cous i
was a victim of RDM. on the youtube vidio you can see me exlaining it
to the cop. but the guys cute all the part out that i am rping.and they
dont show the part of the shooting and what whent on befor that.. soo
you really sould ask yourself.. why dident they post all of it. 
if you ask me . people like this sould be band from the sever for faking
all this shit and stealing from people that really rping. 
5B) A new life does not start when
Your character has been the victim of a clear case of  RDM/VDM

You disconnect (end of session)

What Rule Was Broken ?:

3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting? no

Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

Yeah I'd like to see the rest of this Video.
Anyways. The ban on you was approved for breaking RP as in saying "This is banable".

i have no problem uploading the rest of the video how ever it will take a long time, this happened over the space of a hour

im not sure why any of my guys would be banned? this guy is very sour about the whole situation, the reason i kept it as small as possible was because it was late at night and i wanted just to get it uploaded 

also i just re read his report at 2.40 he said shoot me shoot me shoot me you cunt?  so i aplogise it wasnt kill me kill me but it was late when i wrote the report 

well look at the full ting you just kill me even when i was doing everything ..... sooo its just rdm 

look at the ting man... and listen to what i say and how i say it.. 100 % you know beter.. soo dont give me this shit. only reason you try to blame me . is cous you dont want a ban for killing me.  

And you guys were saying this is a execution before is was saying anything. about killing me... ..soo if you using your brain it will make sens what im saying

2:10 you will see it 

I Know i was not RPING at that time but i was afraid you would have shot me if i dident tell you about the rules... cous mb you guys dident know about the rulles. (this is the only reason why i dident RP)

and what happens you guys kill me ... 

soo really man dont rdm people....  Really hope you guys will get a ban for this aswell cous you guys lying and trying to get people in troubel. 

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oh dear can a admin make a decision on this as its just because him saying i deserve a ban, and just to note here, i did not kill anyone here

I gotta be honest I am not happy with the execution.

Those guys do everything you want at the beginning.

They put their hands up, they behave, they give you the keys. And you STILL gonna execute one of them?
Without any RP reason like "We well have to execute you so you cant go to the police" or whatever?

Shame on you. Im really not happy with this.

I really like to see you stepping up your RP. Im not a fan of this minimal RP Style and this you have 10 seconds shit.

I gonna keep an eye on you guys.

For now this is a warning not a ban.

Denied - 15/04/15

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