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RDM/NLR - Kakk Wad (Rejected - No more evidence posted)

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Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Kakk Wad
Time & Date this happened: 11/13/14   around 10pm EST
Description of what happened: Well LRG has had numerous roadblocks set up along the main road leading out of kavala/to kavala. At one point we robbed this gentleman of his Hemmt Box.  He was uncooperative and we ended up shooting him at the time of robbery. Several hours later this happened.  **EDIT** he was sniping our roadblock with no RP from some unknown place in kavala**
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I tried contacting him in sidechat and he said LRG GOT REKT LOL. 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here  
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence) Here i attached a screenshot. 
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Kakk Wad here.

they did not talk to me before shooting me dead in my disabled Hemmt BOX as i was stepping out to surrender, don't know if that is RDM or not. i think it is.

This topic will be followed up by a fraps from my friend. all though i do not believe it is needed.

i am new to RP. thats not an excuse, and i am not making it one. after the lives had been taken i would like to point out i was sure i did BREAK the NLR, and admitted to it. but upon further thought i realized i was in the right. and very much so.

the NLR states: "A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, i.e. it is still part of the rebels or cops and it still knows all his friends. Your character just forgets what was leading to that death."

thats true, i did not remember who killed me. though i said so in side chat (that is out of RP anyways)

but what i do remember is my HEMMT BOX TRUCK you guys stole. and yes, i do not remember it was YOU who stole it after i died. but when my gang friend (the frapser) told my newly revived character my truck was outside kavala guarded by heavily armed men that were killing people outside kavala, also shooting into kavala (fraps incomming). upon learning this information my character of course got in his heli and promptly liquidated the evil thieves. and therefore i believe i was in the right.


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First of, BOTH those trucks where stolen, and I just happen to have recorded that aswell, hmm touchè.
That other truck where my truck, you shot my tires and fucked me over. Then you did the same to Kak wad, killed him at the spot. 
You strip people naked, drag them up in cranes, and drops them dead; video below. 
(Got plenty of more comin, thing is it takes shitloads of time to process 72gb raw video material.)

i especially like it when they start opening fire into kavala from outside the greenzone. because:

Rule 4A: Safe Zones

Killing = Instant Ban, No killing in the safezone... no killing from outside the safezone if someone is inside it and no killing people outside the safezone from the safezone.

i killed them from COORD: 038133. and LRG told me they were  not in a green zone. my friend has that bit recorded as well.

@norse, how can you be so certain your truck was part of the roadblock? the only reason we were in kavala was so we could use the drug dealer.  

Sense you are new to RP id like to ask the admins to view this post over and issue a warning. You can post all video you want, but the one you posted of me chatting with your friend is a clear sign of my roleplay. Just because its a RP server doesnt mean i have to be a honkey dory cheery person, catching the drift? I have 7+ hours of video from today of everything i did on the server from doing an HM treasury job leading up to my internet crashing 2 hours ago lol. 

** Crane area and our roadblock is not green zone, green zones are carefully marked on the map. 

and even if that was your truck there, which you still had no idea it was you cant just snipe players. thats a RDM act. If it was a wastelands server and kavala was enemy town, do you think i would be walking about in the middle of road talking to people ETC. no lol

Righto fellas, keep things on track and don't get personal in here... I know insults are thoroughly entertaining but lets keep it clean, I know spirits get high and people get angry! 

But this is a place for evidence, accusation and denial, not personal insults. Don't make me use my big voice.  :D  

A proper Admin will review this soon. Until then, let's all remain cool.

Submit any evidence you guys have (Both sides) and I'll go back and hide irrelevant posts afterwards. 

We could all just shake hands and go for a pint instead which would be infinitely easier but hey, I'm old, it's raining and it's Friday. So crack on but lets all be nice with each other.  ;)

If you have more evidence please go ahead and post it. 

As Reverend said we do not want to read any more of those childish insults.


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