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RDM - DeFrag

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): DeFrag
Time & Date this happened: 00:54 am  24/07/2015
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: We pulled up to 2 tempests to check them out, we engaged in friendly role play, i had to ask firmly to cut an engine at one point, in the recording it clearly shows my teammates [KING] Stef get RDM'd without DeFrag initiating RP, Straight after this i am RDM'd by the same player without him speaking to me either.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
[SIZE=medium]3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:[/SIZE]

 [SIZE=medium]Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes we discussed this all in teamspeak for which we was told we would receive small compensation, which after a mentor left, he refused to pay or said he would quit the server and not give us it anyway, Mentors name if needed to confirm is Samuel Thompson
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
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Reporting me even though this has already been discussed and resolved by a mentor.

Sorry I'm well aware this isn't my post but I thought this would speed things up a bit :)  

Mentors name if needed to confirm is Samuel Thompson

I was asked to pay compensation of 200k, being on this server for only a couple days that would be all my money, given the reasons that I explained I said that I didn't agree with paying out of my own pocket so I didn't pay there and then. If you had heard my reasons for what happened, you may or may not agree.

You resolved this by saying you would pay 200k but you then later denied paying it so the mentor told me to report you and link a compensation request under rdm, my report stands under your rdm anyway

DeFrag thinks its okay to RDM people with bigger guns in the fear that he thinks people may rob him, it might not have even ended in him being robbed, but he still decided to shoot first and ask questions later... Now wont pay RDM comp out his own pocket for killing us. And if you try to talk to him on teamspeak he kinda just talks to you like a dick and is very hard to talk to.

I never agreed to pay, the mentor will confirm this :D

And look closely at the footage, you actually shot at me aswell so you had the same instinct I did, but you missed because you're just not as good as me xD

We fired at the same time, when the ammo goes red, that indicates that you've fired a bullet.

I don't think I did shoot... Let the mentors decide what it already is and what the other mentor already said about it...

Ah okey I did shoot a bullet, you still shot first... Without talking to me where are you trying to take this DeFrag we already had 1 mentor say it was RDM and he said you can pay comp, You don't want to pay comp so why are you here?

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Proof I shot first? You were on 91% HP the whole situation, my first shot killed you, although it's hard to make out because of audio delay on the clip, you fired and missed, I fired and killed you. You fired first. (Without saying anything). Playing fields are equal, neither party deserves to get compensation.

Defrag stop putting words in the mentors mouth to begin with the mentor ended our discussion in team speak after you agreed to pay, could a admin of some sort close this topic until a conclusion is made.

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