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RDM by NICKKKKKKKK and [King] Staf

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):NICKKKKKKKK and [King] Staf
Time & Date this happened:7/13/2015 roughly 2:20 AM
Which Server did this happen on: Server #1
Description of what happened: Me DSGT Sycorax and DI Droge Worst, spotted two armed men so we pulled over and in reacion, me and Sycorax jumped out of the vehicle and instantly got shot by NICKKKKKK. A couple of seconds later DI Droge Worst got out and killed Staf and at the same time killing him. There was no compliance inssued and killed all three of us.
What Rule Was Broken ?: 3B
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes but NICKKKKKKK just explaining that there was a miscommunication error
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
I did not open fire untill, I was shot at so... Yeah if you did not shoot at me, I would not have shot you. Me and NICKKKK are two completely different people, shoot at him not me rofl

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I did not open fire untill, I was shot at so... Yeah if you did not shoot at me, I would not have shot you. Me and NICKKKK are two completely different people, shoot at him not me rofl
hey man. you can check the video evidence. its on 99% uploaded. but you can check it. i got out and i legged it behind the car without shooting. Sycorax who was next to me still performing the exit car animation was killed before the animation finished.

By NICKKK not me, I was shot at by a cop when NICKKKK done the killing, fair enough I have a gun out but, if shot at shoot back lol

By NICKKK not me, I was shot at by a cop when NICKKKK done the killing, fair enough I have a gun out but, if shot at shoot back lol
well even check the logs becuase it sais your name that killed DI Droge Worst. he came out of the vehicle with lethals and you killed eachother at the same time.

I did not start the fire fight though, he ran around the corner of a wall and shot at me so I shot back. And the reason we both die at same time is because we head shot each other...

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Hello. I spoke to you about it very vaguely, it was completely a miss communication error. This wasn't at all stef's fault.

So basically myself and a teammate said "do not leave the vehicle" or something around them lines. I'm pretty sure we said it before you jumped out the car, perhaps there was a delay with in-game chat with IRL which there sometimes is. Then I saw you guys jump out holding your guns so I just opened fire. 

I'm very sorry for this incident and will take full consequences if it goes any further.

I did not start the fire fight though, he ran around the corner of a wall and shot at me so I shot back.
I shot you. You had pointed a gun at me, whilst my other officer got shot down. I thought you were with him, since you were standing with your gun out and you were walking towards me. You were still aiming at me. That's why I shot you. I can't confirm that you were with Nickkkk, but I have a high suspicion. You were very close to each other and both had guns out. You guys did not shoot neither talk to each other at all. 

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Just because someone I know is responsible for something you shoot me? Did I once open fire on you? Only NICKKKK did, you did shoot at me first, I am only defending my self, I don't see why I am reported.

Just because someone I know is responsible for something you shoot me? Did I once open fire on you? Only NICKKKK did, you did shoot at me first, I am only defending my self, I don't see why I am reported.
Like stated above. I explained why I opened fire at you. You did not start to open fire at me as of yet, but you were still with the guy aswel that you were pointing your Assault Rifle at me. Report against you for RDM is too much. Your friend did RDM us though. 

If you see it from our perceptive it really isn't RDM, like I said above , we said don't leave the car, obviously there was a delay otherwise why would be the point of saying it after you eject out of it?. However I can see that it looks like we just wanted to kill you but we didn't. 

I'm not really sure how you want to resolve this as I feel that it's a tricky situation.

Also I don't have a clue on what you were talking about when you mentioned a chest rig glitch?

The entire situation is fucked up, I did not wana kill you guys and I did not want to die, I did die and lost a lot of gear, you did open fire on me first and I understand why you did. I lost out in the entire situation too...

You can hear him saying stay in the car so I will give him the benefit of doubt. Be aware tho Nick that next time I don't want to see this again and you will give Officers/Rebels/Civs more time to comply. To Steff: Next time you could TELL the Police that you are innocent .. it is always dodgy seeing someone standing around near a gunfight.

Denied - 24.07.15

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