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Raids only to be aloud during peak times


Well-known member
I've seen too many raids either on houses, containers and car garages happen during times that virtually cuts out any RP and makes it unfair for the person/persons being raided, last raid I know of was done this morning at 3am, my suggestion would be raids to only be carried out during times that makes it fair for both parties to have a chance to be online. i.e 4pm till 12pm that matches the times people can rob the bank, life invader and even lockpick certain buildings. I find this meta of police raids happening at 3am or 11am extremely one-sided that makes it a sure win for police.

CID/Police do a lot of work to get a warrant approved writing up docs etc OOC and I find raiding at these times are a easy way out.

Pros - Improved RP for police/crims

         - More balance for people being raid  

         - Easy implement

From all the raids I've seen I've never seen less the 15 armed feds during a raid, with all the nearby roads blocked off. If police are wanting to raid a known gang members house then it should be planned out and manned up , Gang members are told how stupid it is do crime near or at PD as we have to RP that the PD is always fully manned ( even when its not ) so in reality police should expect some type of resistance in raids when its on a known gang member, not a quick 5 min job at 4am and definitely not a 5 man only raid.
Fully agree and fully agree with this too ^. If you are raiding a gang turf, it should always be treated as if there will always be strong resistance - even at off peak times. Doing it at weird times which avoids that resistance, even if not intentional, does seem a bit unfair and minimises RP imo.

Examples of raids being conducted outside of 16.00-00.00 not including vehicles or emergency warrants would would be nice. Almost all the time planned operations are carried out at peak times with emergency warrants being when its needed and vehicle warrants being when they're located.

tbf, outside of the emergency raids, and raids that needed to get done ASAP(atleast where we can't emergency warrant them/no SI+ about)
i've been a part of 1-3 in my whole time within police, which is about a year and a half at this point

I think a lot of people forgot that there are players who play that don't live in the UK and would potentially get excluded if this were to be implemented. 

Should probably try to remember there is more to life than what happens on your local council estate. 


A lot of salt in this thread sadly, I can see a multitude of points from all sides, and as mentioned most raids are carried out between 4pm and 2am latest, on the rare occasion some are conducted later due to time constraints, warrant approval etc, limiting RP to specific times is stupid, a good point was raised by Chilli however, crafting at 3am because of "risk", that's essentially why some late/early raids happen, risk factor, there are several problems with both gangs and cops, and although I don't play much anymore, I still see the issues from both sides.

In addition to the above, i've seen crims "raiding" PD's to get their friends back at silly o'clock in the morning as well, a change like this would severely upset the balance and unless counter changes are suggested with it (Such as limiting certain crims to certain times of the day) then I can't feasibly see this working, my comment about salt was a two way street as well mind, both from the crim and cop side, I think we can all agree this post could do with a sprinkle more maturity from both sides and enjoy a reasonable discussion regarding issues at hand.

Examples of raids being conducted outside of 16.00-00.00 not including vehicles or emergency warrants would would be nice. Almost all the time planned operations are carried out at peak times with emergency warrants being when its needed and vehicle warrants being when they're located.
Exactly. It's already like you stated. I really don't know where this thread is coming from.

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