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Question regarding VDM


Good afternoon all, 

I am fairly new to this community with about 150 hours played on this server and I want to ask a question regarding VDM. 

I have read the rules twice over now and can't find a topic like this in the forum so here goes,

Robberies. They happen a lot. Especially when you have worked your way up to a Hemmit box it is a pretty common scenario that you have to fight your way out of a stick up occasionally, sometimes works out sometimes you get screwed. 

Ok now to my latest 2 robberies attempted on me. 

First Robbery - I had just finished picking weed and was on my way to the UNMC guys, it's a long road and usually pretty quiet but this time on my way there 2 guys attempted to rob me. They didn't follow me in a truck like usual, these guys stood directly in the middle of the road. They shouted "stop the vehicle" and with 500k+ worth of weed on board I didn't want to, so keeping VDM in mind I swerved to the right, hit a rock and flipped my truck, they then proceeded to kill me for "not stopping" and stole my truck, fair enough I had that coming for not stopping. 

Second Robbery - This happened just last night. The exact same scenario, I was on my way to UNMC and round a very sharp tight bend (Couldn't see what was on the other side) they had again positioned them self directly in the middle of the road, 3 guys spread across the road doesn't leave ANY room for a truck to fit past.

So again with precious cargo on board I didn't want to stop, I swerved the best I could but clipped a guy on the far right hence my question about VDM. I carried on driving say 50-75m before they unloaded on my truck, the tire blew, I swerved into a ditch, flipped the truck and blew up.

Just before I blew up I could hear them shouting all kinds like, "what the fuck you ass hole" "that's against the rules" "you will be banned for this" etc etc

I didn't catch any of their names and I completely understand VDM is against the rules, but when does VDM become THEIR fault? They purposely positioned around the sharpest bend imaginable, I couldn't avoid them and sure wasn't going to stop to 3 guys with rifles. 

Apologies if it's a bit long winded but I really want to get this cleared up. This style of robbery has happened twice in a couple of days and I think these guys know they are bending the rules slightly by doing this. I always ensure I do my up most to avoid hitting them, but like I said in the second robbery that is not always possible and I would just like some clarification on the topic.

Cheers guys. 

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Accidents happen. As long as you tried not to hit him with your truck i dont see anything wrong with it.

But thats just my opinion.

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I feel your pain if it was me in real life Id flatten them like a bug on server id try to avoid hitting them

Yeah at the end of the day people can get banned for trying.g to initiate vdm, have seen it plenty in kavala, but if you stand in the middle of the road your gonna have a bad time. Especially if your threatening somebodies life.

If it were me, I would of flattened the arsehole and floored it out of there, yes that would be my roleplay response. 3 heavily armed men is not a good incentive to stop.
