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Quality of Roleplay

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Active member
Canadian living and working in Bahrain
hey hope you all doing well,

I have recently noticed a big drop in the QUALITY of role-play i.e. people are just "role playing" to meet and fulfil server rules rather than actually putting in an effort.

for example:

1. police officer approaches an armed man in public, the armed man asks the police not to get out of his vehicle and leave. (by saying this he has declined the officer of role-play) although as per server rules he is correct as he has "initiated" (verbally).

2. Police officer approaches an armed man and steps out of his vehicle, the armed man responds leave the area or your are going to get killed. again this meets the required minimum of "role-play" but in this instance the officer can actually go through this encountered without saying ONE word. so yes its not RDM its not breaking role-play but its more the fact that role play is being denied to the other member. 

in conclusion, I am sure you are all thinking "well but that does not happen much", you would be surprised as 90 percent of encounters generally end with a decline of role-play and or death. if as an officer you try to stick around and have a conversation (role-play) you get shot and if you leave well you have been declined the very essence of why we play altis life, and remember role play is not there for you just to fulfil server obligations but more for the actual ROLE PLAY aspect of it.

id like to know your thoughts and encounters about this general topic. and maybe suggestions on how we can improve this. thank you. 

Ive been in the police since saturday and i have noticed atleast 80% of my incounters with INS or SGT's are "Dont get out the car or you will be shot" or "Get out the area or you will be shot"

But then when you call in backup and you taze them they start crying, No offence to anyone

Ive been in the police since saturday and i have noticed atleast 80% of my incounters with INS or SGT's are "Dont get out the car or you will be shot" or "Get out the area or you will be shot"

But then when you call in backup and you taze them they start crying, No offence to anyone 
Great feedback again another example of a person being declined the chance to role play.

Great feedback again another example of a person being declined the chance to role play.
Ive been in the police since saturday and i have noticed atleast 80% of my incounters with INS or SGT's are "Dont get out the car or you will be shot" or "Get out the area or you will be shot"

But then when you call in backup and you taze them they start crying, No offence to anyone
We had an SGT and he got pissed and sprayed 2 of them down with rubbers and they were Crying

I agree, I joined this community to roleplay with people, to become my character when I am roleplaying. But now it seems that, like you said, I'm either shot as soon as I step out of the vehicle or I'm shot once I ask them to put their hands up or sometimes randomly halfway through a sentence. People seem to think all the police want to do is deprive them of money or send them to prison, but probably about 50% of the time a real good roleplay story will get you out of it. Now I get that if you are busted doing weed or LSD you will want to defend your precious cargo, but please, I beg, I pray, at least TRY to roleplay with us first, dont just say  "Dont get out the car or you will be shot" or "Get out the area or you will be shot"  it is not fun for any of us.

Kind regards 

SPC Mason

I agree, I joined this community to roleplay with people, to become my character when I am roleplaying. But now it seems that, like you said, I'm either shot as soon as I step out of the vehicle or I'm shot once I ask them to put their hands up or sometimes randomly halfway through a sentence. People seem to think all the police want to do is deprive them of money or send them to prison, but probably about 50% of the time a real good roleplay story will get you out of it. Now I get that if you are busted doing weed or LSD you will want to defend your precious cargo, but please, I beg, I pray, at least TRY to roleplay with us first, dont just say  "Dont get out the car or you will be shot" or "Get out the area or you will be shot"  it is not fun for any of us.

Kind regards 

SPC Mason
Well most of the people do it and i must agree i do it sometimes aswell. But you gotta understand its a both edged sword from the past encounter's some people think that police will not let them away with their cargo and equipment and they're afraid to lose it. However i agree with you there should be more space for RP i had a 2 or 3 hour long RP with cop's last night was flawless and made me think better of the police force. They're on a good way hopefully us rebel's will show progress aswell!

I agree, I joined this community to roleplay with people, to become my character when I am roleplaying. But now it seems that, like you said, I'm either shot as soon as I step out of the vehicle or I'm shot once I ask them to put their hands up or sometimes randomly halfway through a sentence. People seem to think all the police want to do is deprive them of money or send them to prison, but probably about 50% of the time a real good roleplay story will get you out of it. Now I get that if you are busted doing weed or LSD you will want to defend your precious cargo, but please, I beg, I pray, at least TRY to roleplay with us first, dont just say  "Dont get out the car or you will be shot" or "Get out the area or you will be shot"  it is not fun for any of us.

Kind regards 

SPC Mason
a good session of RP will get you out of most scenarios, yesterday we busted a few felllas going a drug run, we let them go and just gave them a small ticket and impounded their vehicles only because they had flawless rp and even though they were armed and could have just shot us all they decided not to but actually RP, so yes what you said is absolutely true.

99% of the time if you try to put in effort to RP with the police, you will get away from almost every situation. I personally let many people go just for putting in effort to talk and communicate, and have a bit of fun with things - people need to stop taking situations so seriously and have some entertaining RP scenarios.. I agree 100% with foxhound in this post. 

This is NOT just rebels though. I have seen officers that do nothing but arrest people for the smallest reasons, which is honestly just wasting their own time along with the criminals time. Just ENJOY the game.. there's no point in making each situation so serious. When I train in new CSO's/PCSO's I personally try to emphasis that if they RP with you to reward them by lowering charges or even in some cases setting them free (dependent on situation), so at least try, if it doesn't work, well, it's not the end of the world.

If there is a severe case where an officer just wants to arrest you and nothing else that's still considered power gaming, report them on the PCC or if they are still in training report it to an Academy SGT+ so they can be watched internally.

There is NO excuses to not try and RP with police and vice-versa.

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Well most of the people do it and i must agree i do it sometimes aswell. But you gotta understand its a both edged sword from the past encounter's some people think that police will not let them away with their cargo and equipment and they're afraid to lose it. However i agree with you there should be more space for RP i had a 2 or 3 hour long RP with cop's last night was flawless and made me think better of the police force. They're on a good way hopefully us rebel's will show progress aswell!
i completely understand that rebels want to protect their precious cargo, but doing illegal activities is a RISK and just by taking that risk you should expect sometimes it does not go as smoothly as possible. then again role-playing it out well could just get you out of it, and at the same time you are not neglecting RP by taking the easy way out and shooting everyone. another thing 95 percent of the time rebels are armed with a better armament then police. 6.5 vs 5.56 generally the advantage goes to rebels in a gun fight. so if the easy way is taken and RP is declined 

I had an instance where me and two of my gangmates returned 2 corrupt officers to the police for processing. Rather then the police openly enjoying and accepting this RP, we were met with hostility from the start with them taking up fire positions, when we asked for the officers to come and join us, again we were met with hostility, regardless if we had firearms with us, we never raised them, nor were the police restrained.

It's a two way street, you can't put the onus on the rebels when both parties are guilty, even in this instance, I had an officer swear at me and my gangmate for little to no reason. 

Also 6.5 vs 5.56 is a bit BS, Marmite Miners once did a bank job only using 5.56 and still won. I personally prefer to use the TRG21 or MK20 in the current patch for their fire rate and aim for legs/arms, I find them far superior for how close you need to be for initiation.

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I had an instance where me and two of my gangmates returned 2 corrupt officers to the police for processing. Rather then the police openly enjoying and accepting this RP, we were met with hostility from the start with them taking up fire positions, when we asked for the officers to come and join us, again we were met with hostility, regardless if we had firearms with us, we never raised them, nor were the police restrained.

It's a two way street, you can't put the onus on the rebels when both parties are guilty, even in this instance, I had an officer swear at me and my gangmate for little to no reason. 

Also 6.5 vs 5.56 is a bit BS, Marmite Miners once did a bank job only using 5.56 and still won. I personally prefer to use the TRG21 or MK20 in the current patch for their fire rate and aim for legs/arms, I find them far superior for how close you need to be for initiation.

i have serious love for that weapon, all i ever hear is PCSO/PC/SPC complaining about how "Its crap" or "Rebels have 7.62 and we have 5.56" and screw that, MK20 in the hands of somebody who knows how to use it, or even can't shoot to save their own life (Like me) it is a beautfil weapon, LOVE LOVE LOVE! <3

Anyways, I'll let this thread go on as it was <3

I think from the rebels side if they DON'T issue this compliance right away, and get out of the car to RP with the officers inside 9/10 it leads to back up being called and surrounding the said rebels, or the cops, after a short conversation, saying 'We really can't let you leave with those weapons'. 

Now whilst im entirely open to RP with cops, as last night, doing so with a weapon and a bounty isn't just stupid it's not realistic. If im carrying a 7.62 and the officer knows it, i'm not going to be 'friendly' and have a chat. it's not realistic, puts me at risk and leads to confusing situations.

I think from the rebels side if they DON'T issue this compliance right away, and get out of the car to RP with the officers inside 9/10 it leads to back up being called and surrounding the said rebels, or the cops, after a short conversation, saying 'We really can't let you leave with those weapons'. 

Now whilst im entirely open to RP with cops, as last night, doing so with a weapon and a bounty isn't just stupid it's not realistic. If im carrying a 7.62 and the officer knows it, i'm not going to be 'friendly' and have a chat. it's not realistic, puts me at risk and leads to confusing situations.
that attitude from the police has to change, if the rebel comply's i usually just confiscate the weapon and RP the situation if there is no compliance from the rebels side expect a different attitude to be issued. that is what i tell  all the new cso/pcso to do if RP is great why send the man to prison just confiscate is illegal items and RP the situation its a better overall situation for everyone on the server. i do agree the attitude towards having an illegal weapon does have to change. great feedback! 

How is that worth it?So the rebel pays 500K just to have some quality rp with the police? Thats a loss for the server, it doesn't benefit everyone mate... @SPC Foxhound

I think it's very important that we acknowledge quality as a whole has gone down...and seeing a thread like this does worry me at times when it's clearly from one side aimed towards another, because I'm sure the last thing we want is a huge argument between different groups. I'm personally of the mindset that Roleplay has dropped because we have had 6 months of roleplaying using the exact same assets, so most of the Roleplay avenues have already been visited multiple times. Now I know we don't know what is coming in the Framework but any additional assets to the server can only help provide new avenues for us to explore which will be fresh and interesting...

I agree, I joined this community to roleplay with people, to become my character when I am roleplaying. But now it seems that, like you said, I'm either shot as soon as I step out of the vehicle or I'm shot once I ask them to put their hands up or sometimes randomly halfway through a sentence. People seem to think all the police want to do is deprive them of money or send them to prison, but probably about 50% of the time a real good roleplay story will get you out of it. Now I get that if you are busted doing weed or LSD you will want to defend your precious cargo, but please, I beg, I pray, at least TRY to roleplay with us first, dont just say  "Dont get out the car or you will be shot" or "Get out the area or you will be shot"  it is not fun for any of us.

Kind regards 

SPC Mason
Its true that police like a shootout, it can be very rewarding when in an operation whatever it be.. thats what i like about the police, it offers quality combat and roleplay, as well as good teamwork and banterz, however most officers joined for the rp like Mason stated, im sick of chasing wanted vehicles for sometimes 20 mins at a time only to be met with combat. I understand rebels spend upwards of 200k on gear alone but instead of fighting to save it why not rp it? Rebels and civilians have the power to change how an officer acts in a situation,  Police only shoot to kill if you do, and even then rubbers are usually more effective. You have a better chance of saving your stuff if you comply with police by pulling over and chatting whether you have a bounty etc, in that situation i and many officers will feel safer and kinder than if you were to drive away. You cant complain when police give you a hefty fine or send you to jail if you didnt comply when there were better alternatives available.

How is that worth it?So the rebel pays 500K just to have some quality rp with the police? Thats a loss for the server, it doesn't benefit everyone mate... @SPC Foxhound
but denying RP to a fellow officer is over and over again is something you agree with. I see you are a medic how would you feel if every person you revive just gets up and runs and declines you of RP wouldn't you feel like you've been robbed of an opportunity to RP

I have had alot of great RP situations with rebels, and civs as a cop. 

In mabye 80/90% of the times i get RP, so i cant really see how you get into this kind of situations ?

@SPC FoxhoundI never said denying it to a fellow officer is something i agree with. But you've CHOSE to chase a car with a one million bounty and seen the gun, Maybe your just trying to RP with the wrong people? Your driving after a highly wanted criminal with a gun whose speeding in an expensive and fast car, in a gang thats known for being the most aggressive on the island. Officers in that situation not expecting to be met with bullets is just plain dumb.

If you find a rebel on the street or in a car with NO weapon (Which is rare, as they are a Rebel) I BET they will RP and not bother to escape, why? Because they've got nothing to lose. Which shows that the only reason Rebels drive and shoot is because they, and i, cannot be assed to lose 500K worth of gear and a trip back to rebel no matter how hard i try to RP it. 

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