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QOL Change - Disarm Locals

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Well-known member
With the current situation of Guns being under incredibly tight control and prohibitively expensive to a lot of players, plus being very hard to replace if lost, I feel that the locals (npcs) should also be subject to the same conditions. Too many times when in the city I have seen random fire fights erupt which breaks my immersion, simply because i bumped a car or, at times, tried to car jack a person to get their car because i couldnt hail a cab (low pop when i play) etc.

I feel that both men and women should more frequently vacate vehicles to fight a player but also should not be pulling guns out willy nilly when the city is already so firmly controlled in terms of firearm availability.

I don't see why this is getting so many downvotes yet no comments to explain why. I completely agree with you. Random NPC's opening fire on an unsuspecting group makes no sense in a UK roleplay server every 5 mintues. +1

I also gotta agree with this, the downvotes are pointless disarm the locals and should be an easy fix?

Gang areas should have people packing. The rougher areas. Regular folks shouldn't. 

As for the amount of downvoting without a comment. I just assumed it was from members of the community who couldn't dribble enough on the keyboard to provide a complete post so just clicked and moved on. The whole point of this section is to improve the server through intelligent discussion and not just dismiss things out of hand. 

My faith is somewhat restored so thank you to those who took the time to add something. 

If its easy to do then yes it's reasonable to ask. It's a nightmare when you see a car with black people in it and so many of them have guns. No this isn't a racist comment but it is an observation that it seems the ethnic minority locals have more guns than others. 

I may be wrong but this the perception. 

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