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Put your hands up or you will be tazed?

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it's stupid that police can say this, but rebels aren't aloud to say "hands up or die" its essentially the same thing. 
How is being restrained and roleplaying, the entire aim of the server, any similar to dying and sitting on the ground waiting for a medic?

To be honest that phrase often kills most enjoyable outcomes of a situation. 'Hands up or be tased' leaves 3 likely scenarios:

1. Hands up, restrained ticket/confiscation of gear/ drugs or transport to prison (depending on crime)

2. Running away, tasered and restrained, ticket/confiscation of gear/drugs or transport to prison (depending on crime)

3. Stand there without moving and attempting to roleplay, tasered and restrained, ticket/confiscation of gear/drugs or transport to prison (depending on crime)

There is the less likely chance that the officer will actually show you a fair amount of respect and let you be unrestrained whilst dealing with you, normally it will be a SGT or higher or someone that you know that's a cop. If a rebel gets in this situation of 'hands up or be tased' and they don't counter it with either fun roleplay to calm the cop down or 'counter-initiation' then they will be losing something in that situation.. (they probably deserve it xD)

You could always say "officer i will return fire if you do not leave the area right now." 

I got to agree with @Solomon on this one. Pretty much every officer, myself included, receives daily complaints concerning the use of tazers. I have almost given up using it at all since pretty much everybody starts going on about how I'm not justified to use it in a situation and so on. Do you even understand how annoying this is for us who just want to RP as police officers? I'm sorry, but if you break the laws and get confronted with it by the police, how do you expect us to react? By giving you a pat on the back and let you carry on with whatever illegal activity you are doing?

You see, if you don't stop to have a talk with us when we want to speak with you, then how are we supposed to carry out our role on the server? I joined the police to ROLEPLAY as a police officer. And being a police officer implies a whole lot of talking and not necessarily a whole lot of shooting and confiscation of illegal items. At least that is what I try to achieve. And I'm going to be honest. People who complain about the tazers are often the ones who always run away or instantly start to threaten us when we want to initiate a conversation. Needless to say these peple don't really give us much choice other than using a bit more force. I'm not saying you are one of these people but maybe you can better understand where we are coming from?

The only time I'll resort to tazing is if they pose a threat, i.e. he has a weapon in his hands and looks as though he's about to use it, or has used it, or if he tries to run either before or during an investigation.

Other times will be when the suspect has refused to comply with my polite requests for him to put his hands on his heads. Usually I'll give two warnings and a final warning with the threat of a tazer on the last warning. You've got to give folks enough time to comply.

It will go like

"Ok buddy, I need to detain you whilst we conduct our investigation, do me a favor and place your hands on your head."
"Sir, I'm going to ask you again to place your hands on your head!"
"Sir, this is your final warning, please don't make me have to use my 50,000 volts tazer."
"Ok buddy, I did warn you."


Personally I've always ran away and tried initiating on cops behind a wall
Gunfight over RP mentality. So basically what your saying is a cop who is trying to get you to comply, then forced to use non lethal methods because you made a choice not to comply is just going to be murdered in cold blood. Where is the roleplay in that?

Most people in RL when faced with the prospect of receiving a 50k volt electric shock tend to comply, but because it's a game and there's no real pain, people enter 'I want to win mode' and act like super heroes.  Try complying then engaging in RP. You'll be amazed at how many cops let people go for good RP. 

Problem is, if you have a reputation for repeatedly choosing a gun fight over RP, cops might be less likely to attempt RP with you in the future. Metagaming, sure. Human nature? Definitely.  

Gunfight over RP mentality. So basically what your saying is a cop who is trying to get you to comply, then forced to use non lethal methods because you made a choice not to comply is just going to be murdered in cold blood. Where is the roleplay in that?
After doing a weed run that took 30 minutes I would rather attempt to get away with my earnings instead of being tazed, getting my truck scrapped and going to prison.

Most cops don't even listen to my RP. I try to use new methods not 'its a paintball gun' but I still get tazed and lose my gun. That's the reason I am forced to fight my way out.

You don't understand the amount of effort it takes to get geared up, we have to risk our lifes and rebel outposts and 9/10 of the times I get shot.

Or go to the black market and pay 50k just to pass. Plus you don't understand how expensive it is to buy a decent gun, just for a MXM its 210k and for a silencer its about 150k.

You really think were just gonna let you take it off us when you don't allow us to try to roleplay? Your gear is free, you don't understand the struggle of losing gear as rebel.

the problem with it is imo that officers are far too keen to use it, rather than chatting or trying to diffuse the situation.

If you look at the UK police (which we are presumably trying to mimic) their use of tazers are very restricted, I think just because someone is in say drug dealer area and is acting shady, doesn't give the police the right to taze them unless they seem aggressive/are armed.

So to police i say: use your tazer as a last resort, dont just get it out if someone doesnt comply with a request... try RPing and convincing them to comply (as real police would do).

to hobos/rebels etc i say: dont give the police an excuse to use the tazer, dont threaten them or others, just discuss with them, most times ive been able to RP my way out of minor crimes with some funny RP/excuse... (also running away kinda forces the police to taze since you are evading questioning).

RP is the most important thing here, thats why i'm a member of this community, because i enjoy interacting with people in RP and chatting shit.

If the cop has jumped out his car and the 1st words he shouts is hands up or you'll be tazed, then that's poor. No doubt about it.  It does however, very much depend on the situation and you can't have a blanket discussion on whether it's acceptable or not without putting it into context.

Example : Cop has just seen you shoot and kill someone. What are you expecting here? "Hello sir, would you mind putting that smoking rifle away so we can peacefully discuss your brutal cold blooded murder?"  In this case, a cop will most likely move to the 'Drop the weapon / Hands up or you'll be tazed', because it's his job to eliminate the threat to himself and the public. Failure to comply in this situation will, and rightly so, result in you being tazed.  

If for any other reason, he's politely asked you to stop and put your hands on your head but you've refused multiple times to comply, what are you expecting here? That he just lets you walk away? At the end of the day, YOU make the choice on whether to comply or not. If your reason for non compliance is because you don't want to lose your weapons / drugs / gear, that's fine, just don't get salty when the cop roleplays his job.

As for this argument that being restrained kills RP, I totally disagree. Some of the most fun, interesting and enjoyable RP interactions I've had have been with people who have been arrested and questioned whilst in cuffs. I've had people message me afterwards to say they also enjoyed it. Not every arrest results in a jail sentence or loss of gear.

The problem is, many people don't regard 'losing', being caught or restrained by the police as RP. They get salty, hostile and shut themselves off to the possibility of further RP. It's in these situations that the cop is more likely to throw the book at you. 

With all that said, I do accept and sometimes see cops over reacting to situations. We're not RL trained police officers and we can't expect everyone to act like one. Best we can do is try to teach them and hope they learn form their mistakes. 

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For the past hour or so I have been reading through forum posts yet this is the one I reply to. In my opinion (if it matters) "Hands up or be tazed" is exactly the same as "Hands up or be shot" this is because players try and role play their way out and in certain situations are shot on sight. How is restraining them and telling them to talk enhancing the roleplay I feel it's destroying it as it is forcing them to stay there and talk while the officers don't listen. During countless situations I have been shot (While complying with their demands) and restrained and said to explain why I did *Some Crime* it makes roleplay somewhat useless as they are going to search you, take illigal items and then send you to jail or a ticket anyways. Only once has a cop took my roleplay seriously and I have been on the server for around 6 months now.


Jason Detiri  

For the past hour or so I have been reading through forum posts yet this is the one I reply to. In my opinion (if it matters) "Hands up or be tazed" is exactly the same as "Hands up or be shot" this is because players try and role play their way out and in certain situations are shot on sight. How is restraining them and telling them to talk enhancing the roleplay I feel it's destroying it as it is forcing them to stay there and talk while the officers don't listen. During countless situations I have been shot (While complying with their demands) and restrained and said to explain why I did *Some Crime* it makes roleplay somewhat useless as they are going to search you, take illigal items and then send you to jail or a ticket anyways. Only once has a cop took my roleplay seriously and I have been on the server for around 6 months now.


Jason Detiri  
'Destroying roleplay' and 'Making them talk' don't go together mate. And hands up or be tazed is not the same as hands up or be shot, its non lethal. Plenty ways to initiate if a cop tells you hands up or you'll be tazed.

Plenty ways to initiate if a cop tells you hands up or you'll be tazed.
Why would I have to initiate if the cop is actually RP'ing? If a cop is kind to me and isn't being hostile I would have no need to initiate and I would carry on the roleplay and actually enjoy myself. However if they run up to me and say "Put your hands up or be tazed" I don't have a chance to roleplay without being tazed! From then I would most likely initiate or 'try' to roleplay it out... 

The biggest difference between the 2 mentioned things is this. Not a single one of you picked up on this and its a huge shame.

Police - Place your hands on your head or you will be tazed. (This differs hugely from hands on your head or lethal force will be used)

Rebel - Place your hands on your head or die.

What the difference ? well the difference is massive.

Police - are asking you to comply to be detained/arreseted. This can then go 1 of 2 ways. You are let go or you go to jail, maybe a ticket or some RP (depending on the officer) end of the day you do not die. 

Rebel - shoots at other rebels / civilians or police, people die. 

i'll have to admit, roleplay is a two way street. If a cop gives bad roleplay, you're 9/10 (depending on the person) going to get some shoddy RP back. However, if the rp from the cops isnt just simply hands up or ill be forced to taze, it can actually be enjoyable and go down many different routes. People have just got to understand you cannot win every situation.

I'm seeing non lethal comments for rebels and all I can say is NO PLEASE - if rebels had non lethals it will just end up in a shitstorm of rubber rain and no initiation. :((

As a police officer its our job to uphold the law.

Now in-game if you break the law or we suspect you are breaking the law, we will stop you and ask you to place your hands on your head regardless of how innocent you claim to be.

"or you will be tazed" is the least aggressive method of taking down a suspect however DO NOT class it as "initiation" because Police Officers still need to do their job seeing as we cannot tackle people on foot.

"or you will be rubbered" is a slightly more aggressive manor HOWEVER should only class as initiation if an attempt to taze has not been mentioned.

If you attempt to taze someone and fail, rubbering is the SECOND least aggressive method of taking down a suspect.

If you straight up rubber someone without using the FIRST least aggressive method of taking down a suspect then rebels have every right to take the aggressiveness as initiation and fight back.

EDIT - Quality roleplay must always be a part of tazing. Do not say hands up or be tazed. Be creative.

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