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Purchasable Parachutes // More Use For Pilots License


Harare, Zimbabwe
I think  implementing purchasable parachutes would be a great idea for RPUK since you would then be able to take people for experiences like skydiving or "adrenaline junkies" looking to do some crazy jumps to post on tweedle to showcase to their friends. It would give people businesses to run or roleplay with such as skydiving companies and or even a "paragliding" hut at the top of Mount Chiliad ran by civs. It gives everyone in the server a chance to do something with friends, and it's just light hearted fun. 

Of course, the major con would be having to monitor what people are using parachutes for, as well as  making sure they aren't being used incorrectly. However since parachutes are already in base GTA it wouldn't be too hard to put into RPUK. I think to stop people from abusing parachutes, it would have to be a one time purchase. Once you have used the one parachute, it then has been "deployed" and has to be dropped onto the floor. The price margin for the parachute in the first place would also be too cheap neither too expensive, maybe around the 80-90k range? (the balance in the price can definitely be discussed). The Parachute could be used in your inventory and could be put on as if your using a bandage or putting on armour. 

I get people may be concerned about what Crims as well may do with these parachutes, but then again  I can see more interactions for police to bring out helicopters and boats onto water if crims decide to land in water  or fly away and eject themselves from their helicopters/aircrafts. 

This also may spike interest in people buying aircrafts or people even using aircrafts which I don't see as a terrible thing, however I'm guessing aircrafts/helicopters in the city are already pretty expensive, so there wouldn't be many newcomers abusing aircrafts or parachutes either. 


More interactions, light hearted fun, open to more RP scenarios. 

People more interested in the aviation sector of the city 

Open to everyone in the city if you are a Civ, Crim or Police 


Dev Work 

Could lead to abuse of parachutes in some way  


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Personally, I see the downside of this being something someone will abuse, but also the good side and the fun it can provide to people.

I think having parachutes, can lead to Mt. Chilliad being used more, and other parts of the countryside. 

Would definitly give NHS Search and Rescue more variety of responses aswell 🙂
