- Location
- United Kingdom
Brief Summary:
Certain punishments are a bit harsh for the type of city this is and feels like it is providing a 'double jeopardy' of punishments - https://sites.google.com/view/lscourts/policies/legislation?authuser=0
Detailed Suggestion:
I think the community would benefit from a review/revamp of the following offences to avoid the fun being ripped out. I will put an example below;
Person on a bike is drug dealing in one of the dealing spots, police arrive, suspect makes off driving the wrong way up the wrong lane of travel for about 20 yards (not much traffic around, and not driving at extremely high speeds) then goes off road, pursuit lasts around 15 seconds after suspect hits a tree; immediately arrested for failing to stop for police [max 23 months] and dangerous driving [max 45 months].
Following search, found with 2 units of cocaine on person leading to search of bike which found 100 units of cocaine and a knife in bike storage; arrested for PWITS [max 180 months!!!] and due to previous offences further arrested for bladed article in public [max 45 months].
Max sentence for all these offences were: 293 months - everyone in the city does dangerous driving in some capacity, whether that is public sector with blue lights or otherwise.
Solicitors were called to represent resulting in the custody process lasting an hour - some good discussions and RP where happening. Due to time in custody and previous criminal history, sentence was reduced to 190 months (which I believe isn't supposed to happen but is a good gesture from Police to suspect). Whilst 190 months isn't that long in comparison to the more severe offences, and probably the types of offences you would not want to see often in this type of city (murder, hostage taking/kidnapping etc), the type of offences committed were more or less the normal day for a low-level crim. The crim is already losing the time spent to make and bag the drugs or money spent on buying them ready to sell from a production member; the street value being worth £70,000 - I believe a fine could have also been imposed which have added more misery to a low-level crim.
Suggested Sentences Changes
To put into context; IMO the most severe MDA offence would be production - I suggest this stays as max 180 months, then supply - I suggest max 140 months, then PWITS - reduced to max 100 months, and go downwards from there.
In the statistics I have access to it is clear that blades in public and dangerous driving are majorly represented in the top three favourite offences.
Change Dangerous Driving to driving offences 'only occasions which result in a collision of vehicles; either by suspect or other road users attempting to move out of the way', or words similar.
Change blades and offensive weapons in public to 'only weapons which are directly in possession / on person or has been reported as being in connection with an offence', or words similar.
Any offence committed upon an Emergency worker in any capacity should be increased to discourage those types of offences.
The Pros:
Changes to dangerous driving and bladed article in public definitions would give a bit more flexibility to both Cops and 'Robbers' in the city; allowing them to carry 'offensive weapons' in boots unless used in the commission of an offence or liked to such activity and accepting the level of driving in the city can be poor at times but unless it results in an accident it isn't any lower than the normal standard of driving.
Maintain the fun element of the Crim and the Police side - by leaving the feeling of being smashed by Police, low-level crims might actually decide to not bother - resulting in less work for the Police to respond to.
The Cons:
It could encourage more people to commit crime, specifically this type of crime - but that could be a positive as Police will potentially have more work, expecially in quiet times?
Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
I don't think so.
Some people may think this is a whinge, it is most definitely not - it was only 100 units of cocaine and after cleaning tables an hour or so in prison. The suspect has lost far more over the past few days
Certain punishments are a bit harsh for the type of city this is and feels like it is providing a 'double jeopardy' of punishments - https://sites.google.com/view/lscourts/policies/legislation?authuser=0
Detailed Suggestion:
I think the community would benefit from a review/revamp of the following offences to avoid the fun being ripped out. I will put an example below;
Person on a bike is drug dealing in one of the dealing spots, police arrive, suspect makes off driving the wrong way up the wrong lane of travel for about 20 yards (not much traffic around, and not driving at extremely high speeds) then goes off road, pursuit lasts around 15 seconds after suspect hits a tree; immediately arrested for failing to stop for police [max 23 months] and dangerous driving [max 45 months].
Following search, found with 2 units of cocaine on person leading to search of bike which found 100 units of cocaine and a knife in bike storage; arrested for PWITS [max 180 months!!!] and due to previous offences further arrested for bladed article in public [max 45 months].
Max sentence for all these offences were: 293 months - everyone in the city does dangerous driving in some capacity, whether that is public sector with blue lights or otherwise.
Solicitors were called to represent resulting in the custody process lasting an hour - some good discussions and RP where happening. Due to time in custody and previous criminal history, sentence was reduced to 190 months (which I believe isn't supposed to happen but is a good gesture from Police to suspect). Whilst 190 months isn't that long in comparison to the more severe offences, and probably the types of offences you would not want to see often in this type of city (murder, hostage taking/kidnapping etc), the type of offences committed were more or less the normal day for a low-level crim. The crim is already losing the time spent to make and bag the drugs or money spent on buying them ready to sell from a production member; the street value being worth £70,000 - I believe a fine could have also been imposed which have added more misery to a low-level crim.
Suggested Sentences Changes
To put into context; IMO the most severe MDA offence would be production - I suggest this stays as max 180 months, then supply - I suggest max 140 months, then PWITS - reduced to max 100 months, and go downwards from there.
In the statistics I have access to it is clear that blades in public and dangerous driving are majorly represented in the top three favourite offences.
Change Dangerous Driving to driving offences 'only occasions which result in a collision of vehicles; either by suspect or other road users attempting to move out of the way', or words similar.
Change blades and offensive weapons in public to 'only weapons which are directly in possession / on person or has been reported as being in connection with an offence', or words similar.
Any offence committed upon an Emergency worker in any capacity should be increased to discourage those types of offences.
The Pros:
Changes to dangerous driving and bladed article in public definitions would give a bit more flexibility to both Cops and 'Robbers' in the city; allowing them to carry 'offensive weapons' in boots unless used in the commission of an offence or liked to such activity and accepting the level of driving in the city can be poor at times but unless it results in an accident it isn't any lower than the normal standard of driving.
Maintain the fun element of the Crim and the Police side - by leaving the feeling of being smashed by Police, low-level crims might actually decide to not bother - resulting in less work for the Police to respond to.
The Cons:
It could encourage more people to commit crime, specifically this type of crime - but that could be a positive as Police will potentially have more work, expecially in quiet times?
Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
I don't think so.
Some people may think this is a whinge, it is most definitely not - it was only 100 units of cocaine and after cleaning tables an hour or so in prison. The suspect has lost far more over the past few days

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