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Proper Weapon Handling and different Holster Animations

Luke Mc Duke

Active member
United Kingdom
Brief Summary:

I would like to suggest this mod as it would be nice to see people using proper gun skills and holding a gun in the correct way.


Detailed Suggestion: As you can see from the YouTube link that there are different ways to hold and shoot the weapon also different ways to where you can draw the weapon from instead of knowing each time where it will be drawn from bringing some realism into the game.

The Pros: Better Gun sills, realism to gun fights and it is random where the person draws the weapon from due to the different holster animations.

The Cons: None that I can think of

Does this suggestion change balance on the server? no

+1, Would help with the drawing of weapons so that they aren't so sudden. Easier to see when something is happening instead of a gun being straight in your face.
