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Prop System Rework

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Well-known member
Props are amazing and add great RP to situations but they can be very annoying too.

What I suggest for prop placement is the prop will be used and that will then show for the person using it. They can then move around and position the prop where they want it and then press a button to start placing it. This would allow for them to see exactly where the prop is being placed without having to place it and then pick it up to retry if it is wrong. 
For removing props I suggest that the prop pickup time remains the same but the person who placed the prop is able to pick it up slightly faster. I also think it would be good if you could push someone to stop them picking up the prop. 

Easier to place props
Can still be stolen if unattended
Less random theft of props in RP situations

Dev work


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+1 this would make placing props significantly easier if we could see them. Being able to interrupt people picking up the props would also be extremely helpful.

Thanks for the suggestion!
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