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Pro La Fam visits UNMC

The level of banter is simply too strong hahahahah. That burn by Blaze and the return by Fuel hahahhaa

The level of banter is simply too strong hahahahah. That burn by Blaze and the return by Fuel hahahhaa
lol fair play to fuel i cant really say much as he sells me all my blueprints on rust so i have to be nice ?

If we were not so undermanned the AVC would be happy to gather info and go on recon trips for the UNMC. All i can say to Pro la Fam though is, bad move....

Well, atleast UNMC have something else to do other then border control. As Montgomery said: Good luck everyone, and good hunting.

Any one seen my lama? 


About time someone declared war against UNMC....

Let me get some popcorn...

This is the plan for our next attack. You guys better prepare!



PLF declares war on UNMC

Next thing that happens:
But I left on Monday, this post was made yesterday lol but to be fair you are a little bit right, I was getting pretty fed up of people crying when we destroyed them lol

This is the plan for our next attack. You guys better prepare!
Well shit.

We're done boys. PLF has got us beat.

We'd better start drawing some blast shields or we're in trouble. Or bigger guns, yeah bigger guns, that'll work.

Banter aside, I hope this will be enjoyable for everyone involved, and nothing like it was last time...!
