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Pro La Fam visits UNMC


Advanced rebel

Yesterday Pro La Fam visited the UNMC base. UNMC have been causing damage not only to PLF, but also to the citizens of altis and also working with the police, that causes troubles to altis. The UNMC recently made a pact with the devil to gain free passage from the cops to cause damage to the economy of the island. The UNMC that once was about helping the citizens of altis against the government is now helping that same corrupt government.

Recently UNMC attacked us and stole our gold worth over 20 million pounds. We have been wanting to make our revenge for a very long time. Yesterday was the first of many upcoming attacks. We aim to take out the entire corrupt organization. We are the PLF. The one and only family brotherhood on the island. We are stronger than ever. This is a warning to all associates with the UNMC.

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Strange a Common Criminal who makes his money Selling Drugs to citizens feeding on their addictions,Killing Peace Officer's & Robbing Government Property.Your Rabble spouts disease & filth about the UNMC,Lies the people will see right through.BRing your conflict to our door,We like the company.

Of course High Command cares about our recruits...

They unload the brandy cases at the airport.

Strange a Common Criminal who makes his money Selling Drugs to citizens feeding on their addictions,Killing Peace Officer's & Robbing Government Property.Your Rabble spouts disease & filth about the UNMC,Lies the people will see right through.BRing your conflict to our door,We like the company.
The irony in your pitiful attempts to denigrate the  PLF by referring to them as "Common criminals"  is that you have simply described the UNMC. As for lies i think the people should be the judge of that.

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mate you never declare war with the UNMC. big mistake PLF you will all spend time in the pit

The irony in your pitiful attempts to denigrate the  PLF by referring to them as "Common criminals"  is that you have simply described the UNMC. As for lies i think the people should be the judge of that.

But now it is official... You killed an a UNMC Member on camera.
They may have won that battle in their eyes they got a private hostage but like he said in the  propaganda video he is  expandable but the war they have declared not so much as a couple of days ago own vault was 20 million up but not now as we have been buying PLFs lovers and booze we also expanded own strip club thanks to the large donations for Pro La Fam

The irony in your pitiful attempts to denigrate the  PLF by referring to them as "Common criminals"  is that you have simply described the UNMC. As for lies i think the people should be the judge of that.
Drug Dealers,Kidnappers & Violent Criminals,This is the PLF & all Rebel Gangs to a T,The UNMC's actions may not always be the morally or lawful choice,But every action,Every decision to act is done in a attempt to make Altis a Place where Hatchback Sports & Ifrits are just cool vehicles & not a Precursor to Robbery & Murder

Regardless of whatever attempts you make to "Drive" us out,you will fail,We are the Children of a Dying Altis & We will save her.......

The UNMC stands ready to serve our cause with everything we are,Can you say the same?

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mate you never declare war with the UNMC. big mistake PLF you will all spend time in the pit
+1 Timmy , couldn't have put it better myself hahahhaa.

I do hope that you guys do not target lone wolf UNMC members ( people that are the only one in game) , because it would be shit too attack the outpost if you know there is only one member online.

If you want to do something cool for your cause against the UNMC , do a big attack on the Checkpoint or go take mass UNMC members hostage. Just dont target lone people who play on there own when no other UNMC member is online.

Good luck with your war and good luck with your next bank job ...

Pvt. Hoggie [UNMC]

+1 Timmy , couldn't have put it better myself hahahhaa.

I do hope that you guys do not target lone wolf UNMC members ( people that are the only one in game) , because it would be shit too attack the outpost if you know there is only one member online.

If you want to do something cool for your cause against the UNMC , do a big attack on the Checkpoint or go take mass UNMC members hostage. Just dont target lone people who play on there own when no other UNMC member is online.

Good luck with your war and good luck with your next bank job ...

Pvt. Hoggie [UNMC]
Was only about 20 of them online when we had the hostage. When we tried to get somebody to negotiate with it was all denied and UNMC started shooting at us. Ill make sure there is 30 on duty next time if 20 is not enough ;)

Hostage? As far as I understood Pvt. Simen was sent in to negotiate and you demanded a higher ranked negotiator. Which we weren't prepared to send in. So, negotiating could have happened if you did it with the Private, who was acting on full authority. Seeing as you just showed us what happens to our Negotiators that we send in, dont count on any high rank negotiators next time =P I mean.. Privates, no matter how harsh, are expendable if push comes to shove. You killed him, he will be remembered as a hero to the UNMC and his sacrifice will only strengthen our determination to wipe criminal organisations such as yours of the face of the earth ^^.

Hostage? As far as I understood Pvt. Simen was sent in to negotiate and you demanded a higher ranked negotiator. Which we weren't prepared to send in. So, negotiating could have happened if you did it with the Private, who was acting on full authority. Seeing as you just showed us what happens to our Negotiators that we send in, dont count on any high rank negotiators next time =P I mean.. Privates, no matter how harsh, are expendable if push comes to shove. You killed him, he will be remembered as a hero to the UNMC and his sacrifice will only strengthen our determination to wipe criminal organisations such as yours of the face of the earth ^^.
Blood for Blood My General.....

Was only about 20 of them online when we had the hostage. When we tried to get somebody to negotiate with it was all denied and UNMC started shooting at us. Ill make sure there is 30 on duty next time if 20 is not enough ;)
I know mate, i was there. I have just seen it when gangs attack our checkpoint or take us hostage when we have like one member on duty. I think its a pretty shit thing to do as there is clearly no way to defend yourself or no way of ransom or an attack to save your life. So you are pretty much gonna die. Hopefully everything thats going too happen will happen with very high quality RP so its enjoyable for both sides.

I also don't think it was  very good idea taking a negotiator hostage as now its going to be very hard for both side to negotiate for there people now isn't it....

e n

Blood for Blood My General.....

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