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Prison Change


Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter
Bonjour, I know its been suggested before but I couldn't find it and want to revive this type of suggestion.

Here's the scoop then.

#1 Make it so players MUST be online to serve their prison sentences.
#2 LOWER all sentencing guidelines for the police when it comes to charging offenders, lets be honest no one wants to be soft banned and I think if #1 was made a thing then lowering all sentences would make a lot more sense.

For example lets say you've been charged with being in a shootout with police, you've been given three firearms charges which in this current state would make you server around 400-500 months sometimes more sometimes less depending but lets just say 400-500 for now. people just log out lets be real I've been to prison soooooooooooooooo many times, I've had G6 characters and there's just no real prison RP anymore, back in 2021 prison was great you had really cool lifer characters and the RP was great but nowadays it just doesn't exist.

In my opinion if #1 and #2 are implemented then prison would once again come back to life, stop this rerun of do crime > get nicked > go prison > log out > go againe.

Instead Do crime > get nicked > go prison > roleplay.

I know prison can be boring especially when there's no one there but we as a community can make prison an area of roleplay again, I cant speak on current day G6 but from what I see they don't even really like going up there anymore, I also think this will make people come up with more unique plans on getting away from police because prison will actually server as a punishment.

Pros - MORE ROLEPLAY - prison comes to life - LOWER SENTENCES FOR CRIMES (depending on the crime of course)

Cons - Some dev work - not sure what else.

Let me know what you think.
ALSO ALSO - more things to do in prison not sure what they could be but suggest suggest ya know
How long would the actual times be though? Because spending, let’s say, “250 months” or 250 mins or just over 4 hours in a lifeless and quite frankly boring prison is not very appealing to me.
How long would the actual times be though? Because spending, let’s say, “250 months” or 250 mins or just over 4 hours in a lifeless and quite frankly boring prison is not very appealing to me.
Well that wouldn't be up to me because every charge would have a different sentence, I think something like 250-400 months should be reserved for something like extended sentences for crimes such as terrorism or lets say you decide to shoot up the city hall or something
ALSO ALSO - more things to do in prison not sure what they could be but suggest suggest ya know
This is the way it used to be and even on arma, 60 min max but having to be online. The biggest issue being there was nothing to do.

Currently take away cleaning tables, playing music and making smoothies there really isn’t much to do. Not enough to keep people engaged.

For the most part as much as the sentences are long they aren’t too bad assuming they are the standard 720.

My issue comes with extended sentences, people given multiple days. Is there a time and a place for them yes, however are they given out way too much for way to little 100%.

This can be changed within RP but the requirements for increasing a sentence needs to me massively increased and strengthened.
Excellent suggestion, would very much like to see prison and sentencing reformed in this way. In addition, I also think it would be worth integrating the concepts of probation and parole in game.

Ultimately from a police POV, the goal is to reduce crime. So when we look at the balancing of pros/cons of committing crime at the moment (including stuff as silly as shooting up police at a traffic stop), the disincentives are few and far between. Especially given that the prison clock runs regardless of being in character. The consequence of getting locked up is limited as there is always something else to do to run the clock down, whether another character or whatever. Meanwhile, not being able to come back to that character until the sentence is served would be a more powerful disincentive and balancer of pros/cons. Revised sentencing guidelines go hand in hand ofc, nobody wants to be unreasonable.

Adding probation and parole into this mix would give police more flexibility in terms of sentencing and allow PICs to get out sooner, but with strict conditions that, if broken, mean they'll go back inside and stay there (potentially longer than initially depending on the nature of subsequent offending). This is another factor to balance the pros/cons more. On the technical side, there's probably a number of ways this can be integrated in the game. It could be placed directly into the PNC like max prison sentence and fines (something like 'minimum sentence' or 'probation guideline'), which could be a percentage of the max sentence based on the severity of crime (the less severe the lesser the percentage of time to serve before parole). There could also be a role for the judiciary here.
Adding probation and parole into this mix would give police more flexibility in terms of sentencing and allow PICs to get out sooner, but with strict conditions that, if broken, mean they'll go back inside and stay there (potentially longer than initially depending on the nature of subsequent offending). This is another factor to balance the pros/cons more. On the technical side, there's probably a number of ways this can be integrated in the game. It could be placed directly into the PNC like max prison sentence and fines (something like 'minimum sentence' or 'probation guideline'), which could be a percentage of the max sentence based on the severity of crime (the less severe the lesser the percentage of time to serve before parole). There could also be a role for the judiciary here.
this has already been done before. Contact CPS next time and they can help you get some pre charge bails or release conditions @James Major hehe
I do like the suggestion.
When I had Harriet in jail for a long sentence, I enjoyed the prison RP and it was my experience that people did too.
However, if we are to make it like that, which I hope they do, it would be cool to "add more" to the prison experience :)

Exactly what it would need, I think others might have better suggestions for than me, but I def think people having to serve their time is a good thing.
ALSO ALSO - more things to do in prison not sure what they could be but suggest suggest ya know
An Idea could be where you see in some prisons where they have big laundry rooms, potentially they could clean/make clothing for the clothing store's in the city, truck drivers would then be able to pick up full trailers of clothing to supply the clothing stores with, you could add a possible escape route this way where they could hide in the clothing trollies and get a hitch hike to the city in the back of the truck, but keep it a low change of succeeding so it stays a fun gamble if you can escape or not.

How long would the actual times be though? Because spending, let’s say, “250 months” or 250 mins or just over 4 hours in a lifeless and quite frankly boring prison is not very appealing to me.
This is the way it used to be and even on arma, 60 min max but having to be online. The biggest issue being there was nothing to do.

So what if we'd combine these 2?

So let's say you can be in the prison for a max sentence of 60 min, BUT if you have a 250 min sentence, you'd do 60 min in jail, and 190min you walk around with one of those ankle boxes doing community service?

If you then show good behaviour they might let you go after doing 125 min of your sentence? So you'd have to do around 2 hours of prison RP. And be the criminal you are trying to RP.

Or idk not log in for 4 hours and 15 minutes and let the timer naturally run out and not provide any rp if you don't feel like doing it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(this would prob involve a lot of dev work)
I am 50 50 on this. Cause if there is not enough to do in prison and or no one else there to RP with then it would just be AFK watching youtube and typing roleplay every time it pops up. SO it will be a hard balence but if pulled off will be fun.
I am 50 50 on this. Cause if there is not enough to do in prison and or no one else there to RP with then it would just be AFK watching youtube and typing roleplay every time it pops up. SO it will be a hard balence but if pulled off will be fun.

I agree with this. Prison RP has always been something i have never really experienced as i am usually the only person in there. either due to the lack of things to do or people logging out. But as Nikki has said here, it could end with people AFK farming their time when no one else is about causing the same issue.

+1 - I would like for more changes to happen within the prison.
I see your points about the possible AFK farming, but thats where my idea comes in, if people HAVE to be logged in to serve their sentences, the issue of prison having no one inside would slowly and surely vanish (At least I hope so) because people would have to stay logged in to do their time meaning more people actively in prison doing their time and providing some sort of prison RP, that kinda thing i mean it could work or it could backfire horrendously I guess it just comes down to if people actually want to do prison RP, and of course the more jobs added to prison cause right now with people logging out whenever they go to prison theres no real point in adding more jobs to it