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Powerless police

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I just want to know what players think about how much police influence rebels. IMO when people hear police sirens it should be "fuck the police is here run" not "yo the police is here, tell them if they don't leave they will die". Of course if every rebel thinks like that the server will be boring as hell but 4 hobos with pistols not giving a fuck about police just shows how powerless the police are. Anyway rant over but what do you guys think about police? 

It's really not police being powerless if 3-4 hobos with pistols was a problem then it would be really easy to deal with, when I played on the server around a year ago I used to be shit scared of the cops whenever I done weed runs and drug runs but it's not the same now (probably because I'm in the police) but the main thing is gangs baiting and shit, really don't want to name names but we done a HM Op last night and all the trucks there were full with SALT, seems like when people see the police they just think 'lets be a cunt to them because we don't like them fuck the police' etc just because we catch them doing drug runs.

It's not that the police are powerless it's that some people are to big for their boots, or that some people have the perfect sized Ugg boot.

The police aren't always 'the force to be reckoned with' as we have our lack of combat training which therefore means that officers have a lack of combat awareness and basic/advanced knowledge, whereas established gangs and players that have a lot of experience in Arma can put up a very strong fight.

It's also the mentality, I say this a lot because it is a fact. Peoples mentality on here is different to IRL and it's different to how the server way 6 months or 2 years ago. 

From what i've personally seen in-game is that it's mainly the established and well numbered gangs that put up fights against the police compared to loners and small groups of people.

It's really not police being powerless if 3-4 hobos with pistols was a problem then it would be really easy to deal with, when I played on the server around a year ago I used to be shit scared of the cops whenever I done weed runs and drug runs but it's not the same now (probably because I'm in the police) but the main thing is gangs baiting and shit, really don't want to name names but we done a HM Op last night and all the trucks there were full with SALT, seems like when people see the police they just think 'lets be a cunt to them because we don't like them fuck the police' etc just because we catch them doing drug runs.
I just think there needs to be a change. Many police never give the full price of tickets and I also think there should not be a ticket limit. If they can pay more then £99,999 then let them.

As everyone has already said, the Police aren't powerless but I agree that they could be "more powerful", I'm not in the Police that long but 75% of the time I pull someone over its "let me go or you will die there is snipers in the area", I mean sure your going to get away with the crime, but where's the RolePlay in it? Myself and two other officers went up to Kavala drug dealer just to chat and RP with people. It ended up with a being told to leave ot we will die by someone with an MX, tryed to tell him we were just there to have a chat, but there was no talking out of it, just ended up with a gunfight and 2 officers down. 

I understand that it's frustrating when the Police catch you and take you to prison or take your brand new MX you just bought for £320,000, trust me I've been there myself. But at least try to RolePlay it, (don't tell me it's a fishing rod, the top of a hoover, or even a strobe light) if you have a good RolePlay reason as to why you have the weapon, judging on the officers decision he/she may let you go. Telling the officers that there going to die just involves more officers and usually not a good outcome for either sides, rebels loosing their gear they were trying to save in the first place and Police loosing officers available to patrol the area of which they are in. 

Short summary of all of this is RolePlay, RolePlay, RolePlay. I don't know about others opinions but in my opinion I believe that telling a Police officer to leave the are or he will be killed just because he's an officer is the lowest form of RP possible instead of having a chat with the officer.

That's another very long rant over from me lol.

~ PC James Travers

The police aren't always 'the force to be reckoned with'
Shouldn't they be? Right now the only "force" you can't mess with is the UNMC because again going back to police, the police to nothing to stop them.

As everyone has already said, the Police aren't powerless but I agree that they could be "more powerful", I'm not in the Police that long but 75% of the time I pull someone over its "let me go or you will die there is snipers in the area", I mean sure your going to get away with the crime, but where's the RolePlay in it? Myself and two other officers went up to Kavala drug dealer just to chat and RP with people. It ended up with a being told to leave ot we will die by someone with an MX, tryed to tell him we were just there to have a chat, but there was no talking out of it, just ended up with a gunfight and 2 officers down. 

I understand that it's frustrating when the Police catch you and take you to prison or take your brand new MX you just bought for £320,000, trust me I've been there myself. But at least try to RolePlay it, (don't tell me it's a fishing rod, the top of a hoover, or even a strobe light) if you have a good RolePlay reason as to why you have the weapon, judging on the officers decision he/she may let you go. Telling the officers that there going to die just involves more officers and usually not a good outcome for either sides, rebels loosing their gear they were trying to save in the first place and Police loosing officers available to patrol the area of which they are in. 

Short summary of all of this is RolePlay, RolePlay, RolePlay. I don't know about others opinions but in my opinion I believe that telling a Police officer to leave the are or he will be killed just because he's an officer is the lowest form of RP possible instead of having a chat with the officer.

That's another very long rant over from me lol.

~ PC James Travers
I agree with you totally but when saying "let me go or you will be shot" is the only way to be let go. Can you blame them? 

I just think there needs to be a change. Many police never give the full price of tickets and I also think there should not be a ticket limit. If they can pay more then £99,999 then let them.
I agree, fed up with people who have a bounty of 750,000 and they get off with 99,999. I'd have no problem lowering the ticket price is they were willing to RolePlay but other than that it winds me up a bit that the punishments for doing illegal activities aren't strict enough in my opinion. I will ask a few officers and get their take on it, if a lot of people agree I will take it to my constabulary representative to pass it on to Police Command.

~ PC James Travers

I agree, fed up with people who have a bounty of 750,000 and they get off with 99,999.
I dont think you should be doing this, if their thicket is more then 100,000 then go to jail. Thats the rule right now. But what im saying is that if their ticket is 750,000 let them be able to pay it.

Shouldn't they be? Right now the only "force" you can't mess with is the UNMC because again going back to police, the police to nothing to stop them.

I agree with you totally but when saying "let me go or you will be shot" is the only way to be let go. Can you blame them? 
I can't speak for every officer in the force, but I can speak on behalf of myself at least. If you give me a very good RolePlay explanation and thoroughly explain to me what happened (even if it is completely made up) once it's at a good standard I'll accept it and drop the charges. Those who tell me that their illegal firearm is a Fishing rod, pressure washer and I even got "it's a strobe light" not so long ago, their charges won't be dropped as it's just lazy RP with no effort put in to it.

~ PC James Travers

Shouldn't they be? Right now the only "force" you can't mess with is the UNMC because again going back to police, the police to nothing to stop them.
So to make the police a force to be reckoned with and never to be fought against the police would have to enforce all laws 24/7 with no 'letting people off', always imprisoning and giving high tickets. They could start doing lots of combat training and become equal to the UNMC in combat skills (if that's possible ;) ). We could start NOT letting people say shit like 'fuck the police' and instantly fine them.

All that is a LOT of effort for a force of around 300 officers. All the training that would need to be done almost routinely and the effect of a militaristic style force on the server, from the position of the actual government (separate to the UNMC) would not be good in my eyes.

I agree, fed up with people who have a bounty of 750,000 and they get off with 99,999.
As an officer we go by the handbook and we are not to ticket anyone for more than £100,000. I trust you know that their bounty value in-game will be entirely different to the actual value by the handbook? If a financial form of punishment like that isn't deemed enough then, provided a crime they have committed is worthy of prison and the quality of their roleplay isn't good enough then they can be sent to prison. Don't forget if they have a vehicle it can be scrapped. If they have a rifle that has a, quite possible huge retail value that should be taken into account when ticketing/fining/imprisoning a player.

I agree, fed up with people who have a bounty of 750,000 and they get off with 99,999.
Depends on the situation. If someone RP's really well and makes me smile, I'm not gonna send them to prison, I'm going to be as lenient as possible. Likewise, if someone doesn't put any effort into it, I'm gonna be harsh and give them the full ticket or prison sentence. 

So to make the police a force to be reckoned with and never to be fought against the police would have to enforce all laws 24/7 with no 'letting people off', always imprisoning and giving high tickets. They could start doing lots of combat training and become equal to the UNMC in combat skills (if that's possible ;) ). We could start NOT letting people say shit like 'fuck the police' and instantly fine them.

All that is a LOT of effort for a force of around 300 officers. All the training that would need to be done almost routinely and the effect of a militaristic style force on the server, from the position of the actual government (separate to the UNMC) would not be good in my eyes.

As an officer we go by the handbook and we are not to ticket anyone for more than £100,000. I trust you know that their bounty value in-game will be entirely different to the actual value by the handbook? If a financial form of punishment like that isn't deemed enough then, provided a crime they have committed is worthy of prison and the quality of their roleplay isn't good enough then they can be sent to prison. Don't forget if they have a vehicle it can be scrapped. If they have a rifle that has a, quite possible huge retail value that should be taken into account when ticketing/fining/imprisoning a player.
Yes, I am aware that the bounty is different but just say for example the suspect has been driving dangerously and has commit verbal assault.

Dangerous Driving: 100,000 

Verbal assault: 60,000

So a total of 160,000, I would just like to see people being able to pay the full 160,000 if that's what the given officer/player wants to be done. As I've already said if they have a genuine RolePlay reason behind their charges I'm more than happy to lower the ticket or drop the charges all together. But if it's not a good standard (it's a fishing rod) well then I would like to be able to charge people the 160,00. I know if they can be sent to prison for various things, thanks for pointing out the scrapping and things like that as I didn't even think about it when posting my previous comments but I would still like to see there still be a limitation on fines but raised to anywhere in and around £250,000 to £300,000. I also think Police could make a different approach as I have written below.

Also @Bobby Shmurdathere is one way that I think the Police can make an impact by trying to influence people to do the legal stuff and to do a bit of what is practically educating the Community of Altis about why not to do Weed and illegal things. Don't get me wrong there will still be people doing illegal things and there always will be but again speaking for myself, I like to try and encourage the civilians of Altis to make their cash the legal way when I am not busy and not really up to much. It can also lead to the Police being respected more by the civilian population of we come across as friendly and helpful instead of just being people who stop people commiting crimes only for them to do it again and become more hostile towards the Police. Whether or not something like this would work is anyone's guess but I'd like to see civilians relying on Police a bit more than they currently do.

~ PC James Travers

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The thing is some think they are untouchable.. But what most people fail to realise is you need to be smart about how you choose your fights..

And theyve got the MK20 which is an absoloute beast, you just need to know how to use it efficiently..

So conclusion police isnt powerless but they sure arent overpowered either, but its a lack of good calls and how to go about a firefight..

but its a lack of good calls and how to go about a firefight..
Couldn't agree more, perhaps in operation channels you need talk power or need to be a certain rank? I understand everyone needs to make calls but when i was a in the police and there was a firefight it was so stupid and wasn't even fun just "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS" then some sad CSO "CAN I PICK UP A GUN??????????????????" then some pcso "CAN I GET SOME LETHALS" then some SPC "NO LETHALS HAVE NOT ME AUTHORIZED" "DUDE OFFICER DIED LIKE 2 MINUTES AGO LETHAL AUTHORIZED" by then most of us were dead.  

The police aren't always 'the force to be reckoned with' as we have our lack of combat training which therefore means that officers have a lack of combat awareness and basic/advanced knowledge, whereas established gangs and players that have a lot of experience in Arma can put up a very strong fight.
I mean training will be a really good idea, but when academy are taking 12 hours to do a PA, combat training is totally out of the picture.. 

Couldn't agree more, perhaps in operation channels you need talk power or need to be a certain rank?
Its not as easy as this. Comms arent everything, And it is hard to stop people doing something, if you dont know they are doing it. 

To be fair, police are very powerfull because of their numbers. But when some gangs or the unmc have the same numbers as the cops and much better guns, it is extremely hard to win.

But again, people dont apply for the cops so they can be in the "unstoppable force", They apply for the roleplay. And finding someone good at roleplay AND fighting is a very rare occurence.

Its not as easy as this. Comms arent everything, And it is hard to stop people doing something, if you dont know they are doing it. 

To be fair, police are very powerfull because of their numbers. But when some gangs or the unmc have the same numbers as the cops and much better guns, it is extremely hard to win.

But again, people dont apply for the cops so they can be in the "unstoppable force", They apply for the roleplay. And finding someone good at roleplay AND fighting is a very rare occurence.
We need to face facts, yes this server should be about RP and police do provide good RP but its takes 2 people to do it. Rebels want to fight, so train police to fight.

The trouble I found while being in the police is that we all were so scared of breaking the rules! We wouldn't want to use any of the power we had because there was such a large fear of breaking a rule. Of course when you arrest someone the arrested has in a way "lost" and when people lose they get upset or salty as I would if it was me as I've put in so much time on a run only to be arrested at last second. We don't mean to be but it's just the feeling you get for half an hour after getting arrested. Half the time if you get arrested then ask for the police to go to the liaison room you can pick holes in what they did wrong and get comp for it, which completely defeats the point of the police force but it happens. As an old police officer I would say that the problem is that the police are so scared of breaking rules they don't use the power they have. 

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