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major cuddles

New member
theres not enough cops! you need to hurry this application process cause there was 32 civilians to 4 cops the other night, thats nowhere near enough, fair enough you want to have goood quality people helping out around the cities and that but people are just going to lose interest, if you take the time to make sure the right people are good enough to be cops, you need to put in the time to doing the applications, taking weeks is rediculous!

I must admit, the past 2 days from 11am->1/2pm i've been the only officer online.. Against about 30-50 civs..

That is extremely taxing for me to do, as only a POA aswell. So any help is extremely usefull!

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I don't know how many applications are received but there are many younger players on the server so perhaps lower the age limit to 16 as any ages below that I assume won't be well received, I'm pretty sure the age limit was not set at 18 before Lewis as an example so maybe get some more people in and give some others a chance. 

Not sure you being a cop Price be such a good thing as no one would get a word in edge ways B)

Yeah Ive noticed this also, at times there seems to be very minimal cops online. Although Im sure the guys are working hard through the process to get as many cops accepted as quickly as possible, they seem to have a problem with not enough people showing up for training after the application is accepted, which is slowing them up. Im very eager to get my application accepted and proceed to training, Ive been waiting for a bit. :)

Me and alot of other players i talked to has applied and we are all between 20 and 40 years old.

So speeding up the application time would help alot.


But I agree, more police is needed.

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The application process is currently under review, and we are hoping to streamline this as much as possible as soon as possible.

We won't do this by 'speeding it up' as such, because we (as we should) prefer quality over quantity (Though we do realise the need for more officers). We are aiming to get more eyes on the application forms so they are reviewed faster, and communications between the police and the applicants will be greatly improved so people won't have to feel like they have 'waited ages,' so will keep up their interest.

Finally, the training process itself will be looked at to ensure that it is training new recruits as efficiently as possible as quickly as possible, in the hope that we can introduce capable officers at a good rate.

It might be a little slow at the beginning, but once the ball starts rolling things should advance a lot quicker.

Bear with us : )

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