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Police vest appears when downed

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Lost MC
Los Santos NHS
In a closet
When UC as a police officer, if you remove your vest and subsequently get downed while not wearing it, you'll have the pleasant surprise of finding that falling off your bike at a somewhat unreasonable speed into a lamppost will forcefully put it back on yourself like a mother concerned you're going to get cold in the winter.

To replicate:

Put on civilian clothing

Put on Police vest in police station

Take off vest via wheel

Get downed

BOOM, vest.

I believe this may happen when you put on the hat as well, but I'm unsure.

i believe its a bug i once got downed as nhs and ended up in my sexy police outfit ahaha

Has happened to me a few times. Bug only started occurring recently.

Yeah happened to me before when off duty, I think it just restores your saved clothing.

Put on civilian clothing

Put on Police vest in police station

Take off vest via wheel

Get downed

BOOM, vest.
These steps don't seem to work for reproducing the issue? I've tried multiple things and am unable to get the bug to occur.

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These steps don't seem to work for reproducing the issue? I've tried multiple things and am unable to get the bug to occur.
Try save it in the wardrobe first & set it as your saved clothing? So:

Creat a civilian outfit with police vest and save in wardrobe

Save the outfit to ur character

Take off the police vest via interaction menu

Get downed

Vest should reappear

I've got two clips here of it happening as well

See if that has any luck 🙂

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As of recent this seems to be a vest issue no matter what vest. I often use an outfit I have saved as weazel news because I like the hat, only putting the vest on when I’m doing weazel news (its still ‘equipped’ but turned off via clothing wheel).

Got hit by a car and downed twice last night and both times my weazel news vest popped right back on to my chest so I’m laying in the road like luminescent roadkill.

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Try save it in the wardrobe first & set it as your saved clothing? So:

Creat a civilian outfit with police vest and save in wardrobe

Save the outfit to ur character

Take off the police vest via interaction menu

Get downed

Vest should reappear

I've got two clips here of it happening as well

See if that has any luck 🙂
Can't reproduce with them steps either. I've attempted this on both the main server & my dev server both clocked in and clocked out of police.

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Can't reproduce with them steps either. I've attempted this on both the main server & my dev server both clocked in and clocked out of police.
When you're on the character selection screen, is your char wearing a vest?  Could be it if not.

Can't reproduce with them steps either. I've attempted this on both the main server & my dev server both clocked in and clocked out of police.
Happens with the Weazel News vest too, essentially any vest. Sometimes your clothing will "reset" to whatever you have on your character, but have taken off via the wheel.

I had this happen with The Lost MC vest

From what I can tell, I had a saved outfit on from the wardrobe, changed the outfit to another vest instead of the 'saved' one but didn't save the outfit. When I was injured I was put back in my original clothing that I started with

On the clip of this report, right at the end you can see it happening

On a side note, I am not involved in this report, just noticed this happening

Any more ideas on how to reproduce this?

Any more ideas on how to reproduce this?
I've recently expericneced this happen to myself and although not attempted to reproduce it these are the specifc steps which happened.

1. Equipped outfit 'HART Uniform' from NHS Locker
2. Used Save Clothing option in Locker
3. Switched to 'HEMS Uniform'
4. Don't use Save Clothing option but keeping HEMS uniform equiped
5. Involved in accident that resulted in me Switching back to 'HART Uniform'

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Any more ideas on how to reproduce this?
Put something on and don't save it as your outfit

Get injured

Old stuff returns

I believe it's resetting to your 'saved' or logged into outfit, I recently joined an RPU patrol where I equipped a vest out of the car, from black to green, got injured, and my black/normal response vest appeared and stayed after being revived.

I also found that if you do /resetui it will reset your clothing as well (if you haven't saved it)

I also found that if you do /resetui it will reset your clothing as well (if you haven't saved it)
That was the first thing I checked but all the stuff that resets clothing on /resetui has checks before doing so, so I'm not exactly sure what specific script would be causing the issue. However I'll take another look.

By any chance did you use the tattoo shop during the same session that the bug occurred? Since that's the only one that stands out to me.

That was the first thing I checked but all the stuff that resets clothing on /resetui has checks before doing so, so I'm not exactly sure what specific script would be causing the issue. However I'll take another look.

By any chance did you use the tattoo shop during the same session that the bug occurred? Since that's the only one that stands out to me.
I've had this bug happen to myself multiple times as well.

I did not use the tattoo shop in the same session(s).

What stands out as well is that its happened multiple times that I swap from the patrol uniform to formals (saved clothing) then when I get downed my loadout reversed back to the patrol uniform including vest and all.

Once I relogged the formals came back to me in the most recent case.

I've had this bug happen to myself multiple times as well.

I did not use the tattoo shop in the same session(s).

What stands out as well is that its happened multiple times that I swap from the patrol uniform to formals (saved clothing) then when I get downed my loadout reversed back to the patrol uniform including vest and all.

Once I relogged the formals came back to me in the most recent case.
So you had the formals saved and you were wearing the formals then when you got downed the patrol uniform (which you wore beforehand but didnt have saved) reappeared?

Nevermind, found the issue thanks to @Jesse

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