I can identify what the issue with cops and server 2 is right here, right now.
3 or 4 cops, along with myself, usually log on to server 2, and (try) to get other people to come on with us. Most of the time, because there are a small number of cops, rebels run around in Kavala causing chaos because they know that we are hopelessly outnumbered.
Rebels control server 2 because there are few cops online; there are few cops online because rebels control server 2 - Why would you want to log on to a server just to be taken hostage/ robbed/ told to "piss off or be shot"?
I've been trying for years, (literal years...) to try and fix this, and we do see the odd occasion where we get some cops online, but even when that does happen, it always ends up in constant gunfights.