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Police-Rebel Race


Well-known member
So we decided to hold a race between cops and members of The Copper Kings to boost relations with both factions.

The race was from kavala Police station to Atheria Police station. 1st prize was 1m 2nd prize 500k 3rd prize 200k.

We decided to make sure its fair and let the kings use a couple police hatchbacks and the black hatchback was the medical/repair car.


Mr wade found out that hatchbacks do not like him : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/253714756089276330/B46E4B72EB3AF64CD528C8FF6D5C86DFF2CFAD65/

The race was an interesting success after all cars used 2 repairs kits and me having to use the medical car to help 2 people up.

TCK @Hammah came in 1st and won himself 1 million pounds.

SPC outlaw came in 2nd after a very close race between them winning himself 500k

PC @wadeannibal02FINALLY came in 3rd winning 200k after a judges decision due to the fact he forgot to bring the car withhim

(he crashed it on the airport road and ran : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/253714756089275174/E45DFF86FDB19EF053CFF84A6801663232B604DD/ )

So i present to you the first winners of the hopefully annual police-rebel grand prix with a cheeky cso pom photo bomb.


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