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Police ranks


Well-known member
United Kingdom
this may sound like a wierd question but im just wondering if police still have to by mandatory order have their Rank before their name whilst on the server as a police officer?

the only reason i ask is there are more cops without their rank in their names now than there are with.

No. They do not.

Not mandatory, it doesn't matter really, it says it below their name and why would you need it anyways :p

no no, im not complaining, i was just curious as i can remember back in november when i joined the pd for a while i was told i had to have my rank in front of my name. it was just a curious questions guys =)

Only place I think it would matter, is when you get killed, fx [TC] Crazyone was killed by Aiden Hunter - it looks like it's some random guy who just came along, and started killing people.

Maybe im just used to, and likes the old way of doing it, with ranks.

[TC] Crazyone was killed by SGT Aiden Hunter - at least I got an idea of it being a cop then ;)

that is just my opinion. :)

It's useful to have when they are texting you too. Several times I've been 'who the hell is this?' and had to look on TS to find out.

The problem also comes when the name doesn't appear below their name, which happens often, and I have no clue what rank they are. Even when I was in the police I had this issue.

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I think it should be a rule that we do Wear our ranks.

myself is not having any problem going around called PCSO Bill Wisconsin. then people are not in doubt if i am a cop or not.

I think it should be a rule that we do Wear our ranks.

myself is not having any problem going around called PCSO Bill Wisconsin. then people are not in doubt if i am a cop or not.
I personally prefer the ranks in name , Will add it in on the next Police board meeting ... i miss the old way

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I may be slightly meta-gaming when I do it, but when you're talking to several police officers at once, I always find it easier to get their attention, or to make sure they know you're talking to them directly when you refer to them by their rank (not their name, as that's full on meta-gaming.

I mentally justify it (I haven't ever been questioned about it) by the fact a police officer in the Met (presumably that's what the police are modeled on?) have shoulder insignias that show their rank as shown here: http://www.met.police.uk/about/ranks.htm

So it would be nice if they had their ranks in their names still :)

+1 to ranks required.

Its not easy to tell if 3/3 cops online are cso or si. Si can handle a bit of filth but I dont want to put those poor blueberries down befote they even started xD.

I use ranks in player list to determine if something is do able, like a hostage or drugs in kavala or just genral rp or even help. Sometimes the poor cso just dont know what to do when ifrit is driving in kavala xD.

I want more police for server 2 and the next ;) ;).

I may be slightly meta-gaming when I do it, but when you're talking to several police officers at once, I always find it easier to get their attention, or to make sure they know you're talking to them directly when you refer to them by their rank (not their name, as that's full on meta-gaming.

I mentally justify it (I haven't ever been questioned about it) by the fact a police officer in the Met (presumably that's what the police are modeled on?) have shoulder insignias that show their rank as shown here: http://www.met.police.uk/about/ranks.htm

So it would be nice if they had their ranks in their names still :)

I don't think it's metagaming, but I'm in the US, where all cops have their ranks right on their uniforms (on their shoulders and on their collars).

Yea in Britian they have the ranks on their shoulders so it wouldn't be considered metagaming I dont think.

I feel like it isn't because people know I'm a unmc Pvt. due to my rank being on my uniform.
