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Police hostage situation


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Ballas basement
Gangs get scrutinised on a daily basis about how bad there RP is but nothing gets said about how bad police RP is getting i know im not the only person who has had the same experience i just want to share mine and see if anyone else has had similar situations

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Most situations I have been in with police they always have a win mentality, they don't like to prolong the roleplay out they just care to get the situation over and done with so they can deal with something else, honestly awful roleplay.

Even with creative attempts to create roleplay this has happened where they just breach and ruin it just get that win.

Coalition "robbed" a Fleeca bank and then police just couldn't be bothered, laughed at them for trying to create roleplay on a roleplay server because obviously Fleeca banks aren't robbable but again they could've roleplayed it out as if they were, actually could've shown a new path to roleplay.

Triads did Life Invader with Chloe as a guide and them as people wanting to look around if I remember correctly, I remember in the clip that one of the officers was saying "Just arrest them!" and prompting a win situation however the officer in charge (Matthew Smith) said no to that and actually went along with the roleplay, ended up in them getting out of there HOWEVER they spoke their way out, they roleplayed it out.

When it was my birthday at Hustlers, we had a party thrown and there was a lot of people there, again police came with that win attitude impounding cars without warning, without any sort of roleplay just straight up impounding cars without telling us to move them, keep in mind that if asked to we would've complied, they baited a reaction - when trying to speak to them they were just straight up arresting which made the situation worse then ruining such a great roleplay event.

I feel like the roleplay standards at the minute aren't there anymore when it comes to creativity or fun, we want house robberies and we want more criminal jobs but what's to say that'll make it fun with the winning attitude of police, and I am NOT saying all police are like this, however there a big bunch that are like this.

I will add one of the small amount of times I have felt like police have roleplayed with me is when Bowen was on patrol and Triads got raided, I had logged on and instantly got gassed and arrested, Bowen took me aside and roleplayed it out very well, didn't rush things - the only negatives were that when I was trying to create roleplay with the other officers they were more focused on just sitting there either just in their head or just not going along with it.


I know officers of RPUK can name a BUNCH of times gangs have rushed roleplay standards however I feel like every situation is different and we should all go into situations with our characters with a fresh mindset not just think "Right this gang is just gonna do this so we have to stoop down to their level" - we as a community need to heighten our roleplay standards as this is a "Serious Roleplay" server.

If someone is trying to make roleplay don't dismiss it and instantly break that roleplay unless it's obviously stupid "/me uploads data to cloud" for instance but if someone is genuinely roleplaying out then give them a chance - whether that be with a hostages life, let them be chased, don't rush it out - or whether that be they're trying to roleplay out a scenario, give them a chance to explain and roleplay out their story.

A friend of mine also pointed out - things aren't likely to change due to the people not playing a character but just an extension of themselves in a video game which I don't blame anyone because of how the server is very grindy for assets like cars, items, buildings etc because it takes hours, days, weeks even months.

This is my input on the whole situation of Police and Gangs and I guess the server.

Triads did Life Invader with Chloe as a guide and them as people wanting to look around if I remember correctly, I remember in the clip that one of the officers was saying "Just arrest them!" and prompting a win situation however the officer in charge (Matthew Smith) said no to that and actually went along with the roleplay, ended up in them getting out of there HOWEVER they spoke their way out, they roleplayed it out.
I remember this well. It was Reece who was saying "just search and arrest them all" and @Pontysaved the whole situation by roleplaying it with us, pretending to plug in the usb to find chloe and PJ's nudes on there or something, was brilliant in the end 🙂

Can we get some more Pontys please

Even with creative attempts to create roleplay this has happened where they just breach and ruin it just get that win.

Coalition "robbed" a Fleeca bank and then police just couldn't be bothered, laughed at them for trying to create roleplay on a roleplay server because obviously Fleeca banks aren't robbable but again they could've roleplayed it out as if they were, actually could've shown a new path to roleplay.
I was going to type this one up, saved me the job. Planning went in to the Fleeca, escape routes and swapping of vehicles as well as diversions were made. Soon as the police rock up the first words that come out of a cops mouth are "what in the aids is this... this is a thing now?" straight away we could sense the whole scenario was going to be shit. We had people sat in the back literally roleplaying with a wall as if they were hacking / drilling the bank while cops outside take the piss knowing we would get no cash so would make a mockery of it with comments like "are you robbing the pencils off reception" it sort of killed it, once we decided we had spent time hacking. we got in vehicles and left. No chase was made, no continuation of roleplay was instigated because police knew it wasn't possible to rob the Fleeca banks. We even took guns, not in the hopes of a shootout but to make it more authentic and if we were caught then the police still had a reason to arrest us and take items. I am sort of glad in a way no chase was made though, because thesituation made me not want to log in for some time.

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I don't know how many times I have been identified by voice even though I made an active effort to change the general appearance (hair colour, style of clothing, change of accent)  of my character. Not only is it very frustrating and completely ruins the fun and every possible RP scenario that could have been but also it goes against everything the server stands for. I have witnessed situations where the main goal was just to get me in handcuffs for the officers then to go away and leaving me by myself for 30 minutes plus, treating my time as if it's nothing and not so much but exchange just one word with me. And I KNOW that almost each and every criminal spent at least an hour in the cells at MRPD being completely ignored and the only interaction being offered water or food IF they are lucky. There's been numerous situation where RP gets shut down by police officers manically shouting down the microphone in a way that let's you actually feel that this is not just RP but someone who seriously compensating whatever they got going on in their life rn. I know people will say "but gangs/criminals do it too" and I won't deny that but this right here is about police and sadly there is more than enough people who let our their frustrations, boredom or maybe even general dislike for a person out on the Server and that really shouldn't be the case. "You are not your character" is something criminals and also girls get told a lot and maybe some police officers should live by that statement too. 

On that note though there is some Police officer's that I genuinely always enjoy RP with such as @Kate Anderson, @Fred Hoeor @Jay Martinezwho make RP genuinely pleasant and fun.. in most cases 😉

I was going to type this one up, saved me the job. Planning went in to the Fleeca, escape routes and swapping of vehicles as well as diversions were made. Soon as the police rock up the first words that come out of a cops mouth are "what in the aids is this... this is a thing now?" straight away we could sense the whole scenario was going to be shit. We had people sat in the back literally roleplaying with a wall as if they were hacking / drilling the bank while cops outside take the piss knowing we would get no cash so would make a mockery of it with comments like "are you robbing the pencils off reception" it sort of killed it, once we decided we had spent time hacking. we got in vehicles and left. No chase was made, no continuation of roleplay was instigated because police knew it wasn't possible to rob the Fleeca banks. We even took guns, not in the hopes of a shootout but to make it more authentic and if we were caught then the police still had a reason to arrest us and take items. I am sort of glad in a way no chase was made though, because thesituation made me not want to log in for some time.
We also did a pretend fleeca back in november and the first thing they said when they arrived at the bank was that "this isnt a thing so you can just go away and pretend nothig happened" it seems to be a recurring theme.

Literally did Life Invader for the FIRST time ever after being on the server for over a year the other day and it was just cops running straight to the room to lock up whilst me and Father Augustus and 2 others were trying to RP it as an Anime convention lol we tried to put alot of effort into it by making posters that there was an event etc and showing the officers but they completely shut the RP down and couldn't care less.

I was going to type this one up, saved me the job. Planning went in to the Fleeca, escape routes and swapping of vehicles as well as diversions were made. Soon as the police rock up the first words that come out of a cops mouth are "what in the aids is this... this is a thing now?" straight away we could sense the whole scenario was going to be shit. We had people sat in the back literally roleplaying with a wall as if they were hacking / drilling the bank while cops outside take the piss knowing we would get no cash so would make a mockery of it with comments like "are you robbing the pencils off reception" it sort of killed it, once we decided we had spent time hacking. we got in vehicles and left. No chase was made, no continuation of roleplay was instigated because police knew it wasn't possible to rob the Fleeca banks. We even took guns, not in the hopes of a shootout but to make it more authentic and if we were caught then the police still had a reason to arrest us and take items. I am sort of glad in a way no chase was made though, because thesituation made me not want to log in for some time.
I can't even talk about this because it was a pain in the ass. So long went into planning this 😧

There has been multiple situations where I have been on my civ/gang characters in the likes of a hostage situation. Pretty much every time the police end up breaching, I'm not being biased in any way, I do play as police and criminal. I would always try and make it fair without that 'win' mentality behind it when playing. I remember quite some time ago when I first joined the community back in June/July 2020, there was never any of this I never seen. The likes of police breaching hostage situations and the hostage ends up dead or severely injured.

There is a couple of times that really stick out to me, when I was playing on as  my female  character I got took hostage by Strawberry and Rouble, Police were outside and Rouble made it clear that I was going to get stabbed up if they came in and they ended up breaching the back door and I  got chefed up.

The other time is I think around March time, I was with about 7 other Grove members, we were doing big bank operation. We all were strapped, mostly with standard pistols, we  had the front and back door all covered with multiple people, and we had someone downstairs cracking the vault etc. We had 2 HOSTAGES. We were speaking with Bowen's police character and he was speaking back and forth to us making sure the hostage  was okay and fed etc. We were saying that the hostages won't be touched aslong as police stayed outside of the bank and we made it very clear that the hostages will die if police entered the building and assured that the hostages will be 100% safe if police stayed back. We got confirmation that they would stay back and I went outside and gave the 2 hostages either armor or food/water the police gave me to hand to them. It was al good up until about 20minutes into the situation and the police ended up shooting the doors open and started spraying I think 3 of us who was standing at the front, then we ended up shooting the hostages in  the head. Police also breached the back door also and ended up downing us all.

It seemed as the hostages lives didn't matter in the slightest and it was whatever if they died, just aslong as the police got to spray us criminals down and get the arrest. It just seemed like a win mentality in this, which I don't like. Because OFCOURSE there was about 20 police outside at least and so if they breach shoot us all along with not caring for the hostages lives they will win due to the Assault rifles you get as firearms officers.

On another note, criminals have to work hard for guns, bullets, drills and all that kind of stuff to do this sort of thing. There was probably 3Mill + easy worth of materials which takes a bit of time (hours in game) and grinding for criminals/gangs to rack up to just get shot up in seconds. It seems as there isn't any point in doing the likes of the big bank, that's sort of a reason we haven't attempted to do it since.

It's been a long time where I have had good quality RP with robberies, I feel as criminals are scrutinized for poor RP with robberies etc, but really there are gangs/groups out there who want a good RP story of a robbery, getting into a police chase and to either be TC'd and caught OR they end up juking police and end up getting away with the goods..

Not ALL police, but I do say a god MAJORITY of police just want to go in and shoot everyone down or get their gun in their face and end the situation as quick as they can to move onto the next one. Not every situation needs to end up in a shootout.

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I'd also like to add - As soon as police breached and hostages died due to the breach - Police say 'DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD, ALL DEAD SECURED THE BANK'. Seem as like all they wanted to do was breach, not care about the hostages lives weather they died or not was none of their concern, kill all of us so they could have a big fat W for this situation and just have it done and over with and move on to another situation.

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The thing I find is that, you are creating unique characters not unique encounters.

The argument of id’ing by voice is such a ehhhhh argument because look at it this way.

The player called Alpha let’s say creates a character called John Doe.

John Doe is a petty criminal, he undertakes car thefts, drug smuggling and hustling on the side. He’s been caught several times by the police and he’s well known due to his “characterisms” these being explosive outbursts and a distinguishable Yorkshire accent.

John Doe attempts to up the ante and break into Life Invader to attempt to steal software he hopes he can sell on, to do this, he masks up and tries a cockney accent.

When the police inevitably arrive they identify John straight away as the accent he is imitating isn’t good enough, he’s sussed out and then arrested.

Alpha the player loses his mind and claims that he’s been metagamed or whatever it may be. 

The above is a scenario that could be easily avoided, Alpha, the player could easily create a NEW character, of which could undertake bigger jobs without the risk of being identified by voice or characterisms.

We all have numerous character slots, the key word being characters, if your main character is a part of a gang like Grove, and you get done for gang related shit, don’t be surprised that if you attempt something different, you may get caught out. Your character is meant to have a story you develop, not the embodiment of yourself who thinks today I’ll be a fighter pilot, then a bank robber the next, then to top it off, on the weekend I’ll be a law abiding citizen. 

You can’t switch off when you want to be a tough guy or deviate from your characters story.

On another note, I’ll be more than happy to support unique interactions, but they have to make sense with your characters story and background.

If your big tough guy OCG character wants to be clean for something, my best advice, save that scenario that’s in your mind. Log off, create a new character and when possible, use that story at the right time, rather than force an improbable story on a character it doesn’t suit.

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The thing I find is that, you are creating unique characters not unique encounters.

The argument of id’ing by voice is such a ehhhhh argument because look at it this way.

The player called Alpha let’s say creates a character called John Doe.

John Doe is a petty criminal, he undertakes car thefts, drug smuggling and hustling on the side. He’s been caught several times by the police and he’s well known due to his “characterisms” these being explosive outbursts and a distinguishable Yorkshire accent.

John Doe attempts to up the ante and break into Life Invader to attempt to steal software he hopes he can sell on, to do this, he masks up and tries a cockney accent.

When the police inevitably arrive they identify John straight away as the accent he is imitating isn’t good enough, he’s sussed out and then arrested.

Alpha the player loses his mind and claims that he’s been metagamed or whatever it may be. 

The above is a scenario that could be easily avoided, Alpha, the player could easily create a NEW character, of which could undertake bigger jobs without the risk of being identified by voice or characterisms.

We all have numerous character slots, the key word being characters, if your main character is a part of a gang like Grove, and you get done for gang related shit, don’t be surprised that if you attempt something different, you may get caught out. Your character is meant to have a story you develop, not the embodiment of yourself who thinks today I’ll be a fighter pilot, then a bank robber the next, then to top it off, on the weekend I’ll be a law abiding citizen. 

You can’t switch off when you want to be a tough guy or deviate from your characters story.

On another note, I’ll be more than happy to support unique interactions, but they have to make sense with your characters story and background.

If your big tough guy OCG character wants to be clean for something, my best advice, save that scenario that’s in your mind. Log off, create a new character and when possible, use that story at the right time, rather than force an improbable story on a character it doesn’t suit.
This argument of "Uniqueness" gets thrown around so much now i am gonna ask you a simple question Ponty as a Police officer what "Unique" Scenario have you made/Created.

I see this getting thrown around at criminals all the time i already said sure you want one of those google docs situations or highly elaborate situations but you fail to understand that when something becomes "Meta" you will come with the same argument of trying something unique and thats what i am trying to reach here, there is only so much unique you can bring.

As for the voice recognizing, this is something that its impossible to change unless you forcefully use a voice changer, which i came to terms with because well already used to it.

As for the getting caught, People have said it multiple times no one cares of getting caught during the bank job the thing is at the moment you do the bank and it gets breached witch means you have no chance at all of winning the fight almost like using a car to block the crims from getting out because we both know that crims wont be able to win a shootout with cops if they just get out the door. People have said it multiple times they just want to have a chase, i do agree that maybe crims do to many demands like the removing NPAS and Spikestrips but if thats the issue just tell them to choose between one of them atleast it gives them something besides the "Powergaming"(In the sense you cant win)  that happens right now.

To be honest the fact this happens so much made me vote for something else in the criminal update changes because if banks do get added from popular vote i reckon the same thing will happen in those so adding those banks or not would have the same problem that happens now with 1 bank which means that it will probably become another useless piece of content added to the server.

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I've had a few great experiences with officers on the server but the bad majorly outweigh the good unfortunately,

Ran into MRPD with a PDW the other day and got cuffed from 3 metres away by a probie with no weapons out or any words said to me 🤣 I obviously wasn't expecting to 'win' this situation and didn't give a shit about losing the gun but its something different that no one see's and could have been a great situation if it was just played out correctly, but again shut down straight away

I think there are a lot of factors that come into play and there's not just an easy fix, life invader is one of the few things to do on the server that decent level crims do for RP cause no one is really desperate for the software lets be honest and most of the time its just ruined. Think more content is needed and the whole server just needs to get rid of the winning mentality, let things run out longer and see where it goes and just relax a little. Gangs work hard to get things I get it but who really about losing shit if its for decent RP. 
Add more criminal content, and whitelist rpuk hehe

I dunno as I say there are so many factors and things that would need to happen to sort the issues that lead to things like above happening but yes I think we all have experienced lots of this above and not just from police but from gangs and individuals also.

Even with creative attempts to create roleplay this has happened where they just breach and ruin it just get that win.
@Mark Riley Rhodes Yes, some, if not most scenarios involving police end up with the police on top. Not fair or fun. I can however tell you that as a person who played crim for a long time and recently became a CID detective, not all of the police are win hungry and some even seek out to get that extra bit of roleplay. 

As a criminal I have dealt with many officers that were win hungry and not fun to be around in general but I cannot forget the good times with various officers and endless roleplay  scenarios. 

As a CID detective I see most of my job as roleplay. I can’t rush anything and I need to acquire most,  if not all my information in character. That’s what I find fun and fascinating. I love to do questioning, interact with people who I arrest, Speak to judiciary and further more.

I’m always happy when people point out flaws in the system because it gives me my shot to fix it for myself and other people. We are all humans in the end of the day and we’re bound to make mistakes. The question is, whether you learn from it or not.

@Mark Riley Rhodes Yes, some, if not most scenarios involving police end up with the police on top. Not fair or fun. I can however tell you that as a person who played crim for a long time and recently became a CID detective, not all of the police are win hungry and some even seek out to get that extra bit of roleplay. 

As a criminal I have dealt with many officers that were win hungry and not fun to be around in general but I cannot forget the good times with various officers and endless roleplay  scenarios. 

As a CID detective I see most of my job as roleplay. I can’t rush anything and I need to acquire most,  if not all my information in character. That’s what I find fun and fascinating. I love to do questioning, interact with people who I arrest, Speak to judiciary and further more.

I’m always happy when people point out flaws in the system because it gives me my shot to fix it for myself and other people. We are all humans in the end of the day and we’re bound to make mistakes. The question is, whether you learn from it or not.
Agreed we are all human, we all make mistakes and we learn from them!

I genuinely just want everything to be fun, if one side isn't having fun then I simply feel like then everything is unfun.


In response to your comments, my purpose of being a cop on here was to facilitate the scenarios presented with me, I don't create scenarios off of the premise I play a character, that being a harsh but fair cop. I have made numerous efforts to maintain public relations with groups, gangs and public figures to ensure policing was being done correctly.

Examples of this:

1. When the old man @Archiereported a burglary to me, I investigated it as a police officer would and did occasional call backs to the address to see how things were going, this furthered the overall story where when present at places such as the gallery or in passing on the street, the Old Man would engage in conversation with me and I may learn a thing or two about what's going on.

2. Recently, prior to my resignation, 229 had an incident whereby it appeared a heavy handed approach by police officers caused a bit of distress, I attended the scene, and engaged with 229 to ask what the main complaint was about and then proceeded to explain on our end as to why we were there, what powers were used and I even managed to gather intel on other gangs, just by engaging in conversation.

There could be countless engagements I've had with people but as the LSPS, we aren't strictly there to create scenarios, some can, via one of the only routes we have, this being corruption, besides this being restricted by staff meaning anyone of certain rank being unable to be corrupt, there is not many an avenue for us to explore.

Ultimately, RP is just glorified improv acting. We as players facilitate roles in that, as the harsh but fair cop, my role is to attend a job, and deal with it. I can be lenient with you, or reason, or depending on how you act, I'll give you the max. I look to engage with people wherever possible and make it more interesting, but this cannot always be the case. I see you are a part of the LS Police too and I'm sure you know as well as anyone the number of hoops and hurdles we have to go through to just get someone convicted. This compounded with the high standards we are expected to hold makes us robots, its not like Altis, where we had less legal infrastructure. Here we are held to a higher level of accountability. As has been seen via the PNC, reports, courts and sentencing that is done.

I'd implore you to ask around about people's interactions with me as Matthew Smith, the police officer, I'd like to think I've been as I've written above, but I could well be wrong.
To further evidence the point I'm making, it was on this very thread that @Candicecited an experience at Life Invader where I was presented with a scenario and added to that incident. 

The best way I can summarise this server in a sentence would be
"A semi-serious roleplay server with a hyper-realistic police service"

The scale is tipped too far in making the police follow all the damn rules, this is a creation of our own design in house in the LSPS and the external factors aggravating it such as; courts, warrants and general governance of what we can and cant do.

TL;DR: As police, I manage and engage in scenarios presented to me, playing the character of the harsh but fair cop. It's hard as police to create scenarios or facilitate some due to the hyper-realism of the service we provide.

I was going to type this one up, saved me the job. Planning went in to the Fleeca, escape routes and swapping of vehicles as well as diversions were made. Soon as the police rock up the first words that come out of a cops mouth are "what in the aids is this... this is a thing now?" straight away we could sense the whole scenario was going to be shit. We had people sat in the back literally roleplaying with a wall as if they were hacking / drilling the bank while cops outside take the piss knowing we would get no cash so would make a mockery of it with comments like "are you robbing the pencils off reception" it sort of killed it, once we decided we had spent time hacking. we got in vehicles and left. No chase was made, no continuation of roleplay was instigated because police knew it wasn't possible to rob the Fleeca banks. We even took guns, not in the hopes of a shootout but to make it more authentic and if we were caught then the police still had a reason to arrest us and take items. I am sort of glad in a way no chase was made though, because thesituation made me not want to log in for some time.
This was actually awful, we felt there was nothing to get up to so we took matters into our hands and tried to do something through roleplay. The officers that pulled up were Conor (NVL Artist)  dima the aussie and riley sharpe. These officers have been in the force for long enough and some of them have or have previously held high positions and yet they still act like this. What's the point of trying to give them anything if there is nothing in return. We were robbing a bank, please tell me in what world its acceptable for these idiots to pull up and say oh 'what is this aids' and 'is this a thing now' We are in a bank with a hostage, use your brain and go along with it don't be detrimental to the whole situation and act like children, running around in circle with your ARs out, laughing at what were doing or saying, and shutting down all potential RP. 

The force is getting to a point where its a joke. Honestly give me Shepherd back, man actually roleplayed , even when he murdered all the apostles there was actual RP to it and it didn't seem like a joke. By no means am I wanting this to come across like I'm hating on the whole force, there are some which are amazing, honestly I've had some great situations with police, but its that little social group. 
