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Police-hobo confrontation RP opinions?


So I witnessed a situation recently, just wanted to get your opinion on if it was all above board, or if either party was in the wrong:

Police officer was solo in Kavala (well outside green zone) and a hobo came up to him with a gun out and said put your hands up several times... The officer decided to run around a corner and pull out his gun but the hobo followed while issuing normal death threats (u will be shot etc) - hobo saw he had pulled a gun and so shot him dead (but didn't execute execution).

What is your opinion on this?

Was the hobo okay to shoot the police officer who pulled out his gun?

Was the officer in breach of preservation-of-life by running away and pulling a gun instead of putting his hands up?

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So I witnessed a situation recently, just wanted to get your opinion on if it was all above board, or if either party was in the wrong:

Police officer was solo in Kavala (well outside green zone) and a hobo came up to him with a gun out and said put your hands up several times... The officer decided to run around a corner and pull out his gun but the hobo followed while issuing normal death threats (u will be shot etc) - hobo saw he had pulled a gun and so shot him dead (but didn't execute execution).

What is your opinion on this?

Was the hobo okay to shoot the police officer who pulled out his gun?

Was the officer in breach of preservation-of-life by running away and pulling a gun instead of putting his hands up?
Im pretty sure that officers have a rule that states that if you are outnumbered / being threatened you have to either negotiate or just proceed to back off and not interfere as they value their lives alot. i think its bad RP that the cop just ran away from the hobo and pulled a gun. he should've just tried negotiating and began an RP.. 

but im no officer/admin i have no idea what the rules apply on them.. dont quote me on that im just giving an opinion. 

Have a nice day! :D 

As for the shot, you need to elaborate more. Did he issue death threats? did he give the officer outcomes of what will happen if he doesn't put his hands up? did he give a clear and good initiation? those all interfere with the fact that if he had the right to shoot the officer or not. 

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If there s more than 3 ppl with guns (3v1) you must surrrender,  that s the only rule regarding this. If the hobo initiated he can shoot, it s a basic server rule.

Well there was a large gang of hobos, I defo saw 1 with a gun, the other might have had one too, but the fact the police ran and pulled a gun is poor rp imo.

from what i saw the hobo wanted to hold the guy hostage and the police forced his hand by pulling a gun.... the hobo with the gun was shouting put your hands up or ill shoot, while he was chasing the police round the corner. Does pulling a gun in a gun fight (like the police did) mean the police went from being able to negotiate to just starting a gunfight (police could have shot the hobo as soon as he had a gun, so what was the hobo to do other than shoot first?)

The 3 to 1 rule is a police rule not a server rule, please bear in mind.

I can see nothing wrong here with the officer defending himself. Had the hobo done the same to a rebel would there be an issue? Had the hobo done the same to a hobo would there be an issue?

Roleplay isn't all about shooting but it's also not all about talking. This is a roleplaying game mode on a military simulation game, the officers reaction is justified.

If there s more than 3 ppl with guns (3v1) you must surrrender,  that s the only rule regarding this. If the hobo initiated he can shoot, it s a basic server rule.
Don't you think that value of life should be accounted for rather than the 3-1 rule, in roleplay the officer would have been shot down if he tried to run 

Don't you think that value of life should be accounted for rather than the 3-1 rule, in roleplay the officer would have been shot down if he tried to run 
If he was like in the middle of the street and tried to run it is indeed stupid but if he was like next to a corner or a house he could ve run and get cover and defend, therefore valuing life. It s very situational

Impossible to give a definitive answer without knowing the the full set of circumstances, but hypothetically, based on the situation you described, IMO, neither did anything wrong.

The fact the cop didn't get shot before he made it to cover suggests he was close enough to do a quick bolt and made the right decision. How far was the cover? Did the criminal have time to kill him before he got their? Sometimes in the heat of the moment you have to make a split second decision. Sometimes it's the right one, sometimes it's not.  If he was surrounded by kavala hobos, there was probably a high level of commotion, noise and confusion. He probably took advantage of that. Who knows?

The cop shouldn't have been patrolling alone, but that said, we don't know if he was. Getting split up from your partner is common in urban areas.

The question is, did the hobo have a quality roleplay reason for sticking a pistol in the face of an armed police officer, or was he just trolling the cop? We'll never know.

Well it seems like the situation escalated and the hobo fearing he would be arrested/shot, defended himself.

Looks like neither did anything particularly wrong (not breaking the rules at least, but its a shame someone had to get shot). I think the hobo himself after said he wanted to take the police hostage, so he was denied the RP.

The hobo was in the right, the officer however in a disadvantageous position should have put his hands up. He denied the "roleplay" and abused the fact that you have to give High quality initiation and time to react, In real life the hobo wouldve just shot him dead on the spot..

Well there was a large gang of hobos, I defo saw 1 with a gun, the other might have had one too, but the fact the police ran and pulled a gun is poor rp imo.

from what i saw the hobo wanted to hold the guy hostage and the police forced his hand by pulling a gun.... the hobo with the gun was shouting put your hands up or ill shoot, while he was chasing the police round the corner. Does pulling a gun in a gun fight (like the police did) mean the police went from being able to negotiate to just starting a gunfight (police could have shot the hobo as soon as he had a gun, so what was the hobo to do other than shoot first?)
Rebels run around the corner and pull an assault rifle out of their bagpack in alot of situations especially combat situations. so could of been worse in my opinion, he pulled it off his back or raised his weapon, if he already had it out.  

To answer you're question though....

The 3-1 rule applies when it comes to value of life. But it if worth mentioning that not every situation is so clean cut....

He may have had backup nearby which he needed to call in bearing in mind the police vest can take a couple of hits with pistols. He also ran to cover while the hobo would have followed him out in the open. 

In the end many factors account in these situations:

  • The terrain (hills, forest, water)
  • Buildings in the vicinity
  • How close backup is 
  • What has happened prior in the situation
All in all, everything is situation.

This sounds like poor role play from both parties. By the sounds of it the hobo had no reason to pull the gun on the officer, but that's hobos for you, only play for the frags. Whereas for the cop it seemed bad roleplay from him as he ran off and didn't try to negotiate with the hobo. But seem as the cop did run and didn't do as the hobo said, then the hobo has full right to fire upon the cop as the hobo did warn him that if he didn't put his hands up he will shoot. (Even tho the initiation from the hobo sounds really poor of an initiation)

well I dont blame the hobo.... we cant know his reasons, but tbh the officer ran before he could really discuss anything.

perhaps he wanted kidnap money, and loads of hostage situations can be great rp.... i dont think it was the hobos fault the officer died, i think it was the officers; the hobo wasnt shooting before the officer ran, he followed the officer round the open corner, but when the officer pulled a gun, the hobo shot, there could have been negotiation with his hands up, great rp, we will never know, he was denied the chance to rp by the fact it turned into a gunfight.

Yeah at the end of the day, the hobo initiated on the cop and the cop didn't do the orders the hobo requested therefore the cop dies. Thats the whole point of initiation. 

As stated by alot of people before, Hobo is not in the wrong, and the cop is not in the wrong... you say taht being taken hostage is good RP, sometimes 30% of the times you get very good RP from it, 70% of the times rebels take you hostage, put you in a spot and the only words they say to you is Put everything on the ground im taking your radio and gps, and then 30 / 40 min of silence

well this hobo has great chat and doesnt really do much in terms of robbing ppl, but we'll never know now.

i think robbing ppl is pretty low rp, esp when its: pull a gun "hands up" followed by robbing and running away.

I might start a new character whose hostage situations/rp are very well thought out, kinda like a criminal mastermind!

And ideas on accents? (a few james bond villians come to mind)

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