Beloved community,
I am still receiving questions if they can go to this meeting, mainly low-ranking police officers, and if not, why the hell not Xsum?
As I tried to explain this earlier, since Steph left this community these kind of meetings hasn't been done for a long time. Recently
@Vladic Kacame to talk to me and ask me if I could take the initiative to kick this meeting back to life. I agreed that this meeting could be valueable, though it is a tough challenge to give everyone in the community the chance to pass on their concerns or feedback.
That's why I decided to start small. You can arraise your agenda points trough your gang-representative's which will represent your points and put it up for discussion. I am going to look for better tactics in the future and would love to have
@FriendlyFireGuyon my side to see how we can make this meeting even better and more efficient. In the best case scenario;
@FriendlyFireGuyis going to pick this idea up and develops the meeting to a high quality standard, but that's up for him to decide.
Also, for the next meeting, I am going to look in to the spectator request, but it is best for now to just have this meeting and see where we end up. This meeting is not a secret-meeting. The minutes will be posted on the forum and can seen by every member of this community.
See you tonight, and please, share your agenda points! Form:
Chief Superintendent Xsum