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Police Changes

Ben Clark

Well-known member
Before Reading this suggestion dont make it into a Crims vs Police in the comments we are all adults and everyone can put there opinions in how they are feeling about it.

I Think some of the police RP in the city lately is shocking I'm not saying all the police But some these police. I can say i can have good RP with some police. But some are acting like gang members posting tweedle posts trying to get a reaction. Driving past certain gangs and saying "Fuck that gang" when driving past" Police should be acting professional and not trying to trigger a gang.

I have done my fair share of shop robberies before and i noticed that firearms show up first it should not be firearms to first respond to the situation it should be Normal police turning up to the situation addressing the situation and requesting firearms if they are needed at the situation

I've also noticed unmarked police using vehicles as weapons lately. A situation starts and when it turns into a fight why are police using unmarked champions and non police clothing to run people over how are we meant to identify that is a police officer and not a civilian. Police have the equipment to counter a lot of situations in the city using vehicles should be a last resort such as if you ran out of ammo or your the only person left and its time to get out of there

its not only issue with gangs. Yesterday i was in my G6 Character we has a 1 PIC trying to lock pick there way outside prison they didn't get far as our response time was quick so G6 are running inside with tazers and Police was running in with firearms and have there AR's out ready to shoot. The PIC didn't even get close to escaping all the outside doors are still locked the most that PIC is going to have on him is a mele weapon. So why is is necessary for 4+ firearms to charge at the PIC with AR's. Police have other weapons to counter that such as tazers i can guarantee that 4+ Police with tazers are going to win against 1 prisoner trying to escape.

Now you cant buy a Marksman Pistol or repair them. I think its time for a police change to balance to the server. I think head Armor should be removed from the police to make it fair instead of police tanking bullets. Police have a big ass armory what most crim characters don't have. I just don't think head armor is not needed anymore if the marksman pistol is out of the picture. I think there also should be a limit on how many police turn up on a situations. I get some situations need a lot of police are needed to shut of a road when a bank robbery is going on. I have witnessed in the past 10+ police cars chase 1 drug dealer or chasing a stollen police vehicle i think only a set amount of police should be authorized at certain situations if one police member goes down then yh fair enough radio another unit to come in.

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with the clip above why is the police officer acting like a gang member "What's Up Ivan Pussy" that's the sort of stuff you see gang members do why is the officer being the aggressor there?

I thought i would make this suggestion as I'm seeing many gangs dropping in the server and a lot of gang turfs are very quite. I will say my self i dont enjoy playing my crim character as much any more. I think the balance between police and crims is a mess we should be working together to sort the issue out between us getting everyone's opinions and sorting the issues out. Its not about winning or loosing its about how long a situation goes on for and enjoying the RP both sides. Most times with police and crim situations are not lasting long at all id rather have a 20min - 2h roleplay situation than a 5 minuet roleplay situation boom arrested and in prison.
Also your points about not using non-lethals in a lethal situation? What was I supposed to do in that situation?

If you fully read the suggestion i did not say that your twisting the suggestion about. You are the only one who has brought up about using non-lethals in a lethal situation. In the suggestion under the bit where i mentioned when i was on my G6 character when 4+ firearms was pointing AR's at a prisoner attempting escape prison who could only have a mele weopon so tazers would have been the right approach rather than AR's.

The clip its self was was example how SOME feds say stuff to crims in city and nothing else (I appreciate your context)
Seeing head armour on a dog was the final straw for me i think , why the hell is that even a thing? (Is funny though)
I'm not sure why this is a common thing that people think when they see people wearing a helmet, just because a civ/officer etc has a helmet on doesn't mean they are wearing helmet armour. In fact Bruno can't even use helmet armour and I'm fairly sure regular armour doesn't work on animal peds either.
All I'm saying to the gangs reading this, police higher ups have the right to remove someone from police for OOC reasons(shit RP that might not be corruption and so on) clip and pass it on to polcom/someone that can bring it to polcom

Nothing stopping you, and from my experience in various positions and/or units they do take that stuff somewhat serious depending on severitt
what you have raised here are all RP issues icl, im a balanced player nowadays on both cop and crim and even I can recognise this is moaning for the sake of moaning.
If you fully read the suggestion i did not say that your twisting the suggestion about. You are the only one who has brought up about using non-lethals in a lethal situation. In the suggestion under the bit where i mentioned when i was on my G6 character when 4+ firearms was pointing AR's at a prisoner attempting escape prison who could only have a mele weopon so tazers would have been the right approach rather than AR's.

The clip its self was was example how SOME feds say stuff to crims in city and nothing else (I appreciate your context)
Yes I do apologise, it was someone else who brought up that non-lethals shouldn't be used in lethal situations. I'll take that back
*insert CJ ah shit here we go again gif*

I haven’t read every single reply, and I can’t speak for the other departments like Firearms, CID and Response but from an RPU side of thing we have been pushing the whole force to put a huge emphasis on;
- Letting pursuits play out
- Drastically reducing the use of TC and promoting more use of skilled tactics like tpac and stingers
- A few other big changes recently which benefit the crim (including certain things not being mandatory anymore but find out in RP 😉)

Ultimately 10+ cars shouldn’t be in a simple dealing pursuit, but you don’t always know the reason why a pursuit is happening and the circs around it. The pursuit commander should be dictating the amount of and type of units involved and this is something we will raise again at the next police meeting to ensure everyone is on the same page.

On the police professionalism side, I understand your point, but it’s a game - not a real life job. If you take away people ability to have unique diverse characters and hold people accountable to the standards of a real life police officer then all you are doing is promoting boring robot RP - and the faction dies. I’m not quite sure what you intended to prove with the clip provided here? Honestly the main issue facing police IS the boring monotonous RP some officers provide.

On the topic of police complaints, I can assure you every single one is looked into. Unfortunately 9 times out of 10 they come with no evidence whatsoever and as such it’s impossible to act on.

I see no issues with firearms turning up to shop alarms. You have no idea what units are available at any one time as a crim. Are you saying if there are no response units available, police should ignore shop alarms?

I can’t comment on the bobcat situation, but I’ll agree that does sound really shit by the way you’ve described it.

Also whilst we’re on the subject yet again, I have access to a couple of different police helmets - but do not have access to head armour as is the case for a lot of the police.

I can totally understand the issue you have with officers turning up unmarked to gunfights and I’m happy you also agree it’s an issue when gangs do it too. I know it’s slightly off topic but if someone attempts to kidnap me who’s in gang colours - I’m honestly going to be more likely to let it happen and play out as 9 times out of 10 it’s enjoyable RP which isn’t gonna involve waking up in paleto.

I’m not here to brazenly defend the police as a whole, there absolutely are issues that need addressing but the majority of issues you’ve highlighted seem misplaced.
I see what you mean with the Police Complaints. As someone who carried Professional Standards Department for many months and worked on many cases. I can see why you are frustrated with complaints. Like it has been said, unit commands can let things slip, as units tend to become close friends. This is unfortunate but true. The alternatives have all been tried though.

The Independant Office for Police Complaints - IOPC were a separate faction, they got disbanded
Anti-Corruption - Managed by CID, got disbanded
PSAT - A unit managed within frontline (technically) that managed all complaints deemed to have to be managed impartially, and impartial people were managed to handle complaints.

The thing is with Police managing their own complaints, and I speak for a lot of people here: no one wants to the the person doing all the disciplinary stuff all the time, it quickly becomes all you do. No one likes that person, no matter the "power" they have it's only ever going to be temporary as that person will burn out, and want to do other things. My Police character is currently sat in Recruitment and Developmemt as a SGT but has been a Chief Inspector. He now wants to join firearms, not because he wants to be a fragger, but because it's the only thing he has never got to do in the Police in 3+ IRL years. And I've been here for 7 years in this community.

The only thing I'm not aware of trying, is for complaints to be outsourced to Solicitors. Though whether or not you file a complaint. You can always goto a Solicitor and if you file a complaint as part of your RP, your solicitor can get hold of that complaint via a SAR and what has been done with and take the matter to Civil Court for you.

I think using Solicitors for this as is already possible with no changes, is far better in all honesty. I can safely say many solicitors will welcome you, as it's RP for them as the solicitor role, while very fun can get quite boring as they don't get the massive list of things Police can do.
Before Reading this suggestion dont make it into a Crims vs Police in the comments we are all adults and everyone can put there opinions in how they are feeling about it.

I Think some of the police RP in the city lately is shocking I'm not saying all the police But some these police. I can say i can have good RP with some police. But some are acting like gang members posting tweedle posts trying to get a reaction. Driving past certain gangs and saying "Fuck that gang" when driving past" Police should be acting professional and not trying to trigger a gang.

I have done my fair share of shop robberies before and i noticed that firearms show up first it should not be firearms to first respond to the situation it should be Normal police turning up to the situation addressing the situation and requesting firearms if they are needed at the situation

I've also noticed unmarked police using vehicles as weapons lately. A situation starts and when it turns into a fight why are police using unmarked champions and non police clothing to run people over how are we meant to identify that is a police officer and not a civilian. Police have the equipment to counter a lot of situations in the city using vehicles should be a last resort such as if you ran out of ammo or your the only person left and its time to get out of there

its not only issue with gangs. Yesterday i was in my G6 Character we has a 1 PIC trying to lock pick there way outside prison they didn't get far as our response time was quick so G6 are running inside with tazers and Police was running in with firearms and have there AR's out ready to shoot. The PIC didn't even get close to escaping all the outside doors are still locked the most that PIC is going to have on him is a mele weapon. So why is is necessary for 4+ firearms to charge at the PIC with AR's. Police have other weapons to counter that such as tazers i can guarantee that 4+ Police with tazers are going to win against 1 prisoner trying to escape.

Now you cant buy a Marksman Pistol or repair them. I think its time for a police change to balance to the server. I think head Armor should be removed from the police to make it fair instead of police tanking bullets. Police have a big ass armory what most crim characters don't have. I just don't think head armor is not needed anymore if the marksman pistol is out of the picture. I think there also should be a limit on how many police turn up on a situations. I get some situations need a lot of police are needed to shut of a road when a bank robbery is going on. I have witnessed in the past 10+ police cars chase 1 drug dealer or chasing a stollen police vehicle i think only a set amount of police should be authorized at certain situations if one police member goes down then yh fair enough radio another unit to come in.

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with the clip above why is the police officer acting like a gang member "What's Up Ivan Pussy" that's the sort of stuff you see gang members do why is the officer being the aggressor there?

I thought i would make this suggestion as I'm seeing many gangs dropping in the server and a lot of gang turfs are very quite. I will say my self i dont enjoy playing my crim character as much any more. I think the balance between police and crims is a mess we should be working together to sort the issue out between us getting everyone's opinions and sorting the issues out. Its not about winning or loosing its about how long a situation goes on for and enjoying the RP both sides. Most times with police and crim situations are not lasting long at all id rather have a 20min - 2h roleplay situation than a 5 minuet roleplay situation boom arrested and in prison.
This is slightly unrelated and (more likely a panic reaction) but being tased and then INSTA CUFFED, that just seemed aids for the receiving end as it is very unnatural and more Robocop/ chasing a W like fashion to do that; (I KNOW he is getting shot) but even so give it a second before you cuff him lad XD the shooter is stunned take a breather <3

Back to the topic, I agree with the changes and this would influence some officers to consider their characters life in an active fight instead of running around in the open, rolling playing COD or running around as if they are the God of War as if they are impenetrable disregarding their own life.
This is slightly unrelated and (more likely a panic reaction) but being tased and then INSTA CUFFED, that just seemed aids for the receiving end

You should not be able to just press 1 and cuff someone, you should have to do what crims do when they need to put someone in zip ties.
instead of running around in the open, rolling playing COD or running around as if they are the God of War as if they are impenetrable disregarding their own life.

I mean, as I mentioned before, I'm a balanced player nowadays - however, gangs do this sort of thing way more than police so this to me is irrelevant. What I would like to see it the combat roll removed completely.
You should not be able to just press 1 and cuff someone, you should have to do what crims do when they need to put someone in zip ties.
Downside here is I can guarantee that you would taze someone 50 times and they still wouldent stop and put their hands up for you
Also may i add to this with the taser and beanbag gun. Why are they remotely allowed in GUN fights. Non lethal should not be allowed in lethal gun fights.
Beanbags allow for less chance of /me dead rp. And are perfectly fine to use on firearms people as real life shows
Downside here is I can guarantee that you would taze someone 50 times and they still wouldent stop and put their hands up for you
The way i worded it was unclear, I meant you should need to "hold caps, then go interactions and cuff person" you could still do if there hands arent up, its just a bit too OP being able to do it in a millisecond
The way i worded it was unclear, I meant you should need to "hold caps, then go interactions and cuff person" you could still do if there hands arent up, its just a bit too OP being able to do it in a millisecond
We used to have something similar. However it was very aids especially when trying to deal with baldies.We don't have the luxury gangs have of being able to kill baldies. It would result in police not bothering to arrest baldies because we would just get stabbed as we go to cuff as like what happened in 2020. when it used to be in a interaction menu