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Police base raid

So please explain to me how i am meant to defend myself in that situation? You guys were dumb enough to leave your vehicles open, it just so happens that it was an armored vehicle. I'm 100% certain that if i had of just ran around you guys would of killed me.

The whole scenario started off by me jumping out of the chopper and scouting the area at the Diamond trader, you guys then surrounded me asking for diamonds, then knocked me out and killed me. Effectively i was the "bait" for my friends... which you guys took. The diamonds were in our chopper, which flew away and you guys chased it.

So, Rasmus and myself were the whole reason this epic role playing event happened, and now you guys wanna try and get me banned? Thats pretty sad guys.

You can see in the video when the guy recording was behind the sand bags that i could of ran him over, but i chose not too. Also you can see very clearly in the video that people were firing at the vehicle i was in, so how is that VDM?

Another thing I noticed just now is that your friend did indeed break the New life rule. He was killed at the start of the video (0:01) by Inquisitor Hasan. he came back at the end of the video (4:43) to VDM me. That is <15min, hence not observing the NLR.

I will hence be reporting:

1) VDM

2) Breaking of the NLR

Good day! 

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So please explain to me how i am meant to defend myself in that situation? You guys were dumb enough to leave your vehicles open, it just so happens that it was an armored vehicle. I'm 100% certain that if i had of just ran around you guys would of killed me.

The whole scenario started off by me jumping out of the chopper and scouting the area at the Diamond trader, you guys then surrounded me asking for diamonds, then knocked me out and killed me. Effectively i was the "bait" for my friends... which you guys took. The diamonds were in our chopper, which flew away and you guys chased it.

So, Rasmus and myself were the whole reason this epic role playing event happened, and now you guys wanna try and get me banned? Thats pretty sad guys.

You can see in the video when the guy recording was behind the sand bags that i could of ran him over, but i chose not too. Also you can see very clearly in the video that people were firing at the vehicle i was in, so how is that VDM?
You broke two rules, you've just admited to being killed at the diamond trader (the reasin for this is we were asking for your diamonds and you didn't even engage in comms back to us) and then you went to aid your friend less then 15 minutes later and killed one of our guys. So that's breaking the New Life Rule.

Second VDM is VDM no excuses, I'll admit one of the new gang members left his Ifrit open and you did get into it, you also had ample opportunity then to run away, but no you decided to stay right where you were driving around and then VDMed our guy.

In all honesty I loved the whole chase and the battle afterwards, but if we had broken any rules in what we did you would've reported us so why should we make an exception for you, next time don't run back to help your friend when he's getting attacked by the same guys who killed you, that a clear violation of the new life rule and is ban able on its own.

Well it seems like you guys think that i came back >15minutes later just to VDM?

When actually i was standing at the police base talking to some officers explaining that our chopper is going to land here, and get ready for some rebels. The officer was Nozeinho (spelling)

As you can see at the start of the video i was killed, i was killed. One of your rebels crashed a chopper where i was standing, weather that was an accident or not, i don't know... i could count it as VDM and there's my case for getting one of your guys banned (which i don't want to do, as this scenario was epic) therefore it's questionable weather i was on a "new life" or not. Then i could also say that my VDM was an accident aswell.

As you can see in the video, the server had a yellow chain, which i believe is dsync. You can even see the car lagging around.

When i was back at the diamond trader and was surrounded by 3-4 rebels, you guys asked my for my diamonds, i said i didn't have any... so one of your members knocked me out and shot me in the head. I have read the rules and there doesn't seem to be many rules on what rebels CAN and CAN'T do, but i could also consider that RDM'ing. For instance you can't just go around Kavala asking civilians for their cash and if they say no you just shoot them, thats RDM for sure, and this is the same scenario.

So really i got RDM and VDM, therefore i didnt start a new life. i could make 2 cases against your "clan" but i won't as i enjoyed the whole thing.

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Second VDM is VDM no excuses, I'll admit one of the new gang members left his Ifrit open and you did get into it, you also had ample opportunity then to run away, but no you decided to stay right where you were driving around and then VDMed our guy.
I actually drove away for a minute or two, with one of your clan members following me in a Ifrit, my plan was to distract you guys and my friends escape in the chopper as the diamonds were still in it, but as only 1 of you followed i came back to the scene.

If the video hadn't of got cut off, you would of seen one of your Ifrit's following me.

The main ASR gang would never rob and kill someone like that. I can't speak for the new people since I don't know them and I wasn't online that evening.

I just wanted to point that out.

Well it seems like you guys think that i came back 15minutes later just to VDM?

When actually i was standing at the police base talking to some officers explaining that our chopper is going to land here, and get ready for some rebels. The officer was Nozeinho (spelling)

As you can see at the start of the video i was killed, i was killed. One of your rebels crashed a chopper where i was standing, weather that was an accident or not, i don't know... i could count it as VDM and there's my case for getting one of your guys banned (which i don't want to do, as this scenario was epic) therefore it's questionable weather i was on a "new life" or not. Then i could also say that my VDM was an accident aswell.

As you can see in the video, the server had a yellow chain, which i believe is dsync. You can even see the car lagging around.

When i was back at the diamond trader and was surrounded by 3-4 rebels, you guys asked my for my diamonds, i said i didn't have any... so one of your members knocked me out and shot me in the head. I have read the rules and there doesn't seem to be many rules on what rebels CAN and CAN'T do, but i could also consider that RDM'ing. For instance you can't just go around Kavala asking civilians for their cash and if they say no you just shoot them, thats RDM for sure, and this is the same scenario.

So really i got RDM and VDM, therefore i didnt start a new life. i could make 2 cases against your "clan" but i won't as i enjoyed the whole thing.
Ok you can't ban out guy for VDM as he purely crashed the chopper and I do have a nice recordings of that, so ok maybe that is questionable but you still returned even though gunshots were going off when you clearly should have stayed away.

Also you did VDM our guy that is obvious as he ran out of the way but clearly that server didn't catch up meaning on your screen you must've run him down or otherwise he wouldn't have randomly died.

Also I do have the video of the killing at the trader and we did ask you repeatedly for your diamonds (not knowing you didn't have any), and when you said you didn't have any we asked for your cash which you didn't respond to so we robbed you and again while you were on the floor asked for your diamonds but you made no attempt to respond so you were killed for not cooperating meaning no RDM.

I actually drove away for a minute or two, with one of your clan members following me in a Ifrit, my plan was to distract you guys and my friends escape in the chopper as the diamonds were still in it, but as only 1 of you followed i came back to the scene.

If the video hadn't of got cut off, you would of seen one of your Ifrit's following me.
We can post the full video of one of our guys following you but that makes no difference, why did you still aim the Ifrit for our man???

The main ASR gang would never rob and kill someone like that. I can't speak for the new people since I don't know them and I wasn't online that evening.

I just wanted to point that out.
I can confirm as I was part of the crew that robbed him, he was not robbed and killed and was given chances to give us the stuff he had but was only killed after he didn't respond when we asked him the second time for his diamonds.
Possible to upload that video? Wouldn't mind watching it, I'm pretty sure we had a full on conversation.

We can post the full video of one of our guys following you but that makes no difference, why did you still aim the Ifrit for our man???

I can confirm as I was part of the crew that robbed him, he was not robbed and killed and was given chances to give us the stuff he had but was only killed after he didn't respond when we asked him the second time for his diamonds.
So if i walk upto a civilian and ask for his cash but he doesn't respond the 2nd time, i have the right to shoot him? (being a rebel ofc) Doesn't sound right to me

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There might be a confusion of names now... Time to write stuff down ;)

Pretty sure all of us had a good time, we had a good time atleast. So I don't see the reason for all this flaming and suddenly being that butthurt about being killed.

Why don't we just move on, and remember this as a funny and epic episode instead turning it into a pile of shit and hate.

Take your medicine and stop trying to poison this epic thread (to late).

What i do know is you broke more than a couple rules here i know that what brought the rats to the HQ was one of you but soon changed into the freeing of vertigo which was a success the killing of you and your friend and the VDM of who ever broke NLR is obvious ... its just sad you did it...

Apologies yes that would be nice as you are about as important as gnat shit right now .

Just bask in the glow of another epic REbel/police encounter and go back to mining daimonds and calling people names as you run away :)  

Good day to you scummy bummy.


So if i walk upto a civilian and ask for his cash but he doesn't respond the 2nd time, i have the right to shoot him? (being a rebel ofc) Doesn't sound right to me
No ofc not that's stupid, that's why they invented the knock out system duh!

But it doesn't work for the Y inventory so we actually have no way of knowing what is on you. This leaves us in a awkward situation, do we believe you and let you go or do we kill you and actually see what you had, but we did engage in comms telling you we were robbing you and that we wanted your diamonds so the fact you were at the diamond trader with no diamonds and no cash is just dumb luck.

In all honesty what did you think was going to happen considering you had nothing to give to us and had no way to actually prove it.

Also I have just gone back through the player rules and there is nothing there saying what we did was wrong.

never someone broke the new life rule!

ASR would never do that would they!?!
Give us evidence and we will happily take the blame.

We have spawned back into Athira as it is convenient for us to all meet back up again but not once have we ever returned back to the location where we have died and re-engaged the enemy.

Also all this has been cleared up with Ed do I don't know what you are actually trying to do.

Please just upload the video of you shooting me @ the diamond trader, i clearly said i was the bait for my friends, it wasn't "dumb luck" at all, we seen your 2 Ifrits just outside of the town, so i was sent down to check the area.

Lets get on teamspeak, alot easier to communicate.

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I remember this briefly, we spent ages trying to communicate with you at the diamond trader but you ran off and tried hiding in a house where you met a gruesome end.
