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Police base raid

(ASR) DaiVader

ASR - Banned for advertising and copying.
Last night we encountered someone at the diamond trader, he insulted us and ran away in his Orca, within moments we had two Orcas in chase.

The chase lasted a while but we didn't lose any ground and continued chasing, the chase led us to Athira where the heli pilot quickly landed and abandoned his heli and seeked refuge in the Athira police HQ.

We had no trouble with the police but by no means were letting this man get away with the crime of insulting us, we landed and the mobile ground units moved in, we were trying to be reasonable and would've made an exchange to get the man but the police must've assumed it was an attack and started firing so we launched a full scale assault on the Athira HQ, we lost many men, myself included but killed many police, in amongst all the action one of our guys ran into the HQ and found the man we were after and immediately executed him but at the cost of his own life as he was gunned down shortly afterwards.

We lost a lot of men but it was a Success, we got the man we were after and that's all that counted no matter how many of us died.

I'm sure many of you witnessed the entire attack and a few videos are floating around somewhere but I just thought I would share it with you.

We flew over & wondered what the hell was going on many Helo's & explosions. :eek:

Videos will be uploaded shortly - A yes, it was a success because the police HQ in Athira was in ruins after we left. Not a single enemy standing.

May I also add that this also led to the release of Crows leader Vertigo, who was about to be sent to jail.


We flew over & wondered what the hell was going on many Helo's & explosions. :eek:
Just because he ran into the police HQ didn't mean he was safe in any way at all, by no means was he getting away with what he did so we went full scale attack just to kill one man.

i was peacefully driving a ifrit in the countryside near Athira , looking for butterfly samples for my collection obviously ! When 3 orcas swooped by in tight formation , I must admit i was expecting to hear Ride of the valkyries playing as they thundered overhead lol


We lost a lot of men but it was a Success, we got the man we were after and that's all that counted no matter how many of us died.
I was the guy saying it, and the guy you killed wasn't me, it was in fact my friend which didn't say anything about you.

Not sure if you consider that as a success, but sure :p

I was the guy saying it, and the guy you killed wasn't me, it was in fact my friend which didn't say anything about you.

Not sure if you consider that as a success, but sure :p

The guy you speak about asked me whether he could join the ASR after this incident. When I told him that he had no chance, he said: 'It is because I called you guys stupid?' So I suppose it was him who said it.

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 I herd all this going down on my scanner as i travelled back from my Nans tree house in Stratis sounded like a massacre at the station.

But the sad perpetrator that insulted The Salt Rats honour and ran for Police protection paid dearly for his foul mouth for which i`m very happy.

Side note for poor police officer Eagleye who`s life was taken in a botched police hostage situation. Wreaths and monies have been sent to his widow.

Funeral is Thursday i believe please pop down and show your respect for this fine officer though he died held his head up high even when he was touched inappropriately by certain members i won`t mention at this time.

Stay safe out there .


i was peacefully driving a ifrit in the countryside near Athira , looking for butterfly samples for my collection obviously ! When 3 orcas swooped by in tight formation , I must admit i was expecting to hear Ride of the valkyries playing as they thundered overhead lol

Funny you mention that we did a coke run just yesterday in four Mohawks with that very creation Ride of the Valkyries blairing out :)

Funny you mention that we did a coke run just yesterday in four Mohawks with that very creation Ride of the Valkyries blairing out :)
More than one heli must always be accompanied with for mentioned soundtrack I feel this has to be one of the first new laws to be passed once the current state topples .

More than one heli must always be accompanied with for mentioned soundtrack I feel this has to be one of the first new laws to be passed once the current state topples .
 Agreed i have it on a loop all ready ......... Ha!

I have to admit I enjoyed the entire thing but the heli chase was most satisfying for me as we were constantly flying along dangerously close to each other not leering him get away.

Maybe everyone will finally realise they should take us Salt Rats a bit more seriously next time.

it was an interesting time in athira last night. our CI had escorted Vertigo into the station for questioning not to send him to prison at this point a Civ decided to try to land a helo near us. we informed him of the no fly area around towns and citys but he would not leave. he was about to be placed into custody when all of a sudden 3 ifrits and a hunter appeared and started circling the police HQ. at this point with soo many ilegal vehicles and shots being fired into the base we had no choice but to respond. (a little more RP could have been used before shots were fired at us) but it was a fun night especially when SCO19 decided to turn up (late as usual)

Whoever has any videos of this In asking can you upload them to this thread, would be nice to watch the ting from a sort of crowd perspective

it was an interesting time in athira last night. our CI had escorted Vertigo into the station for questioning not to send him to prison at this point a Civ decided to try to land a helo near us. we informed him of the no fly area around towns and citys but he would not leave. he was about to be placed into custody when all of a sudden 3 ifrits and a hunter appeared and started circling the police HQ. at this point with soo many ilegal vehicles and shots being fired into the base we had no choice but to respond. (a little more RP could have been used before shots were fired at us) but it was a fun night especially when SCO19 decided to turn up (late as usual)
I'm glad you enjoyed, I think all the participants did, but yea when we are in 3 Ifrits and two Heli's I don't think it leaves much headroom to engage in a friendly chat, but the civ was seeking cover in the HQ but apparently that didn't help him as much as he thought it might've.
Well done to all te cops involved, you did fight well taking a few of us out and overall was a damn good shootout.
