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Police bad Roleplay and other tihngs.


Community Banned
Wales, UK
To be honest it's getting a little boring now seeing how poorly some police roleplay and how they break their own rules.

This morning as an Example a PC Uwhale pulled me over for two manslaughter charges. I was half way through explaining a decent roleplay story (which was actually true), he told me 'thats a nice story but resisting arrest is an immediate prison sentance' .... What?


As you can see it is a 15k Charge only and I wasn't even resisting considering I pulled over, got out, put my gun away and started walking towards them. Luckily a CI with some sense came along and sorted out the situation.

Later the same morning I saw a CSO Tyrantseye patrolling around Kavala by himself, wrongfully restraining / arresting people and he managed to get his car stolen twice because it was unlocked (by me), also he was not on comms.

I left the Police one day ago to be a Rebel but it riles me up to see these officers who dont know their own rules, fines or how to roleplay, your already pretty much immortal in the fact that you make 20k every 15 minutes and your gear is free (which is way to lenient imo) so at least make some effort to play properly for us people who actually spend money.

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TBH most people that I know who have left the police go through the same experience of being pissed off with Police that seem to have no idea what they are doing... 

Just be cooperative and ask to speak to someone high back at HQ if they are geniunely awful and normally it gets sorted...

As for the CSO I am pretty sure that is Chivs area...

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I'd have to agree, lately I have been very disappointed with the state of police roleplay on the server; the quality has gone downhill a lot recently, used to be great.

I'd have to agree, lately I have been very disappointed with the state of police roleplay on the server; the quality has gone downhill a lot recently, used to be great.
Say it ain't so, Jamco.

Didn't I have a 5 minute discussion with you about barbecues yesterday? Or was that another medic?

I have to agree here i was arrested yesterday and i was RPing with the officers that they would al pay for taking me in and when i was in mid sentace they sent me to jail. the cops need to lay off sending players to jail when players are trying to RP 

I have to agree here i was arrested yesterday and i was RPing with the officers that they would al pay for taking me in and when i was in mid sentace they sent me to jail. the cops need to lay off sending players to jail when players are trying to RP 
Then you spammed the 999 system with OOC messages about RP, can't say you didn't deserve that. 

Officers are not going to give you any time if you threaten them. 

The police RP is just to fu**ing bad right now. i got sent to jail for 15 (or 25)mins without the cop saying shit about why i am going to jail. he also asked me if i had anything more to say before he puts me in jail, and i said yes, and he just put me in jail before i got to say shit. it was no RP in that situation, just restrain, take to police station and then jail. he didn't even ask for my name for gods sake. so yeah, i am going to stop playing on the server until they get their shit together.

This isnt a place for Discussion, if you have a complaint about an officer raise it to someone within the police force or post here. If it is a CSO/PCSO raise it to myself or anyone in the Academy.

Then you spammed the 999 system with OOC messages about RP, can't say you didn't deserve that. 

Officers are not going to give you any time if you threaten them. 
yeah but still they need to RP more not just send some one to jail mid sentance  its bad RP to do that 

yeah but still they need to RP more not just send some one to jail mid sentance  its bad RP to do that 
It's probably worse RP to spam OOC chatter via an IC means.

You can't exactly set yourself atop a pedestal if you're guilty of similar 'crimes'.

Double Standard, The quality of Roleplay from Rebel's/UNMC has drastically gone down hill, You say you are wanted for two manslaughter charges why do you think that isn't going to result in your incarceration? Or are you living in a fantasy world the law is just that some officers choose to bend things to there benefit But most officers arn't going to let a guy get away with murder, 

As to everything else, Come play a Cop come get sub standard roleplay every second of every day where rebels think rp is enough when a cop puts his sirens on and are okay with shooting cso's knowing they can't do shit about it.

Come sit in my office and listen to endless complaints that boil down to did you have a gun out yes? expect to be shot you.

That or go walk out your front door IRL with a rifle in hand and get shot.

Police complaints has been Posted make it legit or Up your Game instead of the substandard Pisswash that the majority of the Complaints dissolve into.


I think this topic has run my course, im not going to argue, just posted my experience.

Sure, use me as an example, i literally said that before i let the Ci control the situation as i found out we were MISFED information.

Also metagaming my name to send me a text to troll me isn't good RP either. piss off...

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Double Standard, The quality of Roleplay from Rebel's/UNMC has drastically gone down hill, You say you are wanted for two manslaughter charges why do you think that isn't going to result in your incarceration? Or are you living in a fantasy world the law is just that some officers choose to bend things to there benefit But most officers arn't going to let a guy get away with murder, 

As to everything else, Come play a Cop come get sub standard roleplay every second of every day where rebels think rp is enough when a cop puts his sirens on and are okay with shooting cso's knowing they can't do shit about it.

Come sit in my office and listen to endless complaints that boil down to did you have a gun out yes? expect to be shot you.

That or go walk out your front door IRL with a rifle in hand and get shot.

Police complaints has been Posted make it legit or Up your Game instead of the substandard Pisswash that the majority of the Complaints dissolve into.

i  totaly agree with the comment about unmc roleplay going down hill as of late and we are doing all we can to rectify this situation which has already resulted in a number of or soilders being relieved of their duties, however us being in limbo at the moment i can understand why some of my guys are getting bored and frustrated about not knowing if we are comming or going but i can assure you the standard of unmc roleplay will improve dramaticaly once our changes have been rolled out

Keep this civil and try to be constructive with discussion backed up by evidence.

Anymore shit throwing and this thread will be closed.

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