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PLF Palmoz (Rejected - Video too short)

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Is it possible, that you can stay on topic please? this post is about Palmoz killing DI Levi, not about someone VDM'ing, make a new topic and put the video in there, and please, DI Levi said wait for the admins, so please wait

CI Crazyone

Yeah i w8! Here for my ban yeah fun, levi should not be a cop, if he cant stay right to the story about what rly happend, as a final word that vid shows nothing close to what happend...

PLF knows the glitch and they abuse it non-stop they all know it and they all use it till they get reported once on the forums so they can say i didn't know even tough other plf members already got a report for it. THEY ARE WELL AWARE of the bugg , YOu need to be to do this in the first place a normal person wouldn't shoot for no reason while they are restrained

Dogs u can just shut our mouth cause u are only here cause u dont like me! I DONT know about this bugg and who are u to say something else?

All this hate towards plf...

PLF knows the glitch and they abuse it non-stop they all know it and they all use it till they get reported once on the forums so they can say i didn't know even tough other plf members already got a report for it. THEY ARE WELL AWARE of the bugg , YOu need to be to do this in the first place a normal person wouldn't shoot for no reason while they are restrained
No hate, but I don't like glitchers. This topic makes it evident at least PLF as a gang knows, so they should have told you and possibly you have read it. Another point is that I myself was taken hostage BY PLF, had the same glitch, at which point some guy in PLF tells me it's a glitch, and I agree to consider myself ziptied. So a good amount of evidence. Don't make it about hate between two gangs, let's stick with evidence.

To be honest, he did knew ! His friends already got reported for that and they keep doing it, because no admin is taking action in the PLF clan ! We have a big forum post coming soon that hopefully will be enough to ban most of their clan (Metagaming-RDMing) !

Or you can just not walk in front of someone that you just downed and restrained untill they are putting the weapon away. It really can't get much easier than this.

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