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[PLF] mrpat (Rejected - Cannot confirm)

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if i look at the video i dont see him desyncing tho, his fps looks fine, u look like u are desyncing its pointless to continue this it was clearly desync and you cant really put a finger on who it is, also the server desyns 90% of the time, we cant shoot all this time?

I see, two things come to my mind after watching the video:

  1. Why go into a gun fight when you know you're de-syncing?
  2. Why didn't you just upload that as first comment and not waste everyone's time?

- Bradley
1. thing comes into my mind, LAG SWITCH

he was not even surprised in the video that the guy was not moving like it was just normal

I was hoping that he wasn't a hacker! And he wasn't, why does everyone think I'm so vindictive -.-
I knew this would happen! My post was aimed at everyone, not you personally :p I should have said, everyone or put something under your quote, apologies if it seemed aimed at you :)

Basically, this thread is done with. I don't see any point in continuing with this thread as we know it's not a hack and the video doesn't visibly showing him desyncing or abusing sync. At current, it feels everyone is having a gang war, not to kill but to get the opposing gang banned, its really fucking childish and it needs to stop. Yes, report rule breakers - Bradley did the right thing here thinking it may have been a hack, but it wasn't, let's get on with enjoying the game.

I wasn't desyncing, and i didn't think it would be needed to spend 30min on cutting and uploading a video while its pretty Obvious it was desync/lag since half the server dropped connection 2 minutes after.

I do was supprised as i said in ts that i shot someone 50 times and he didn't die, he died 5 sec later then i hear my teammate say, Good job. I don't know why but it doesnt record my voice.

Remember this is not the first time a PLF member gets an ridiculous report. And thats why we are maybe overracting alittle bit.

But think of it, If it werent for mrpat recording he could have get a perma ban for "hacking". So I think unless you are 100% sure you shouldnt make a report, because not everyone got a video to slam on the table as defense.

And as over half of server dropped connection at the server its not hard to figure out its gonna be alot of desyncs,

But anyways this is solved so.


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I think people who nothing to do with it shouldn't comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at the rules on posting reports, it says not to post if you have no evidence or association to report which most on here don't.

Leave the report as its being proven he wasn't a hacker, he should of posted this earlier and it doesn't take 30 mins unless you're like a retard at editing?!? 

Thanks for finally proving you innocence !

Have a good night

- Bradley 

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Maybe a chase of desync.... nothing funny in the logs so cannot take action.

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