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Picking people up

Nikki Nixon

Lost MC
Paleto Bay
After someone is downed. They can refused to be picked up. this makes no sense. Yet you can place them in a near by car without them accepting and take them anywhere anyways. If you're hurt to a point/dead someone should be able to pick you up with out a fight. Fair if you're up and standing then yes you can refuse.
Agreed its abit silly. Maybe add a quick time event like for resisting handcuffs to the downed person allowing them at least a chance to resist, with a cooldown on the person attempting to carry
I like it the way it is, makes people think about what they are doing, where they are attacking etc… -1 from me
I've never understood the logic in needing permission to carry but not to place in vehicle.
I've never understood the logic in needing permission to carry but not to place in vehicle.
Yeah same. Like if you're dying, how can you refused a few people grabbing you. dragging you around etc. When up and fine then thats okay refuse it. Or even it out and make it so you cant be put in a car against your will cause thats the same.
While for practicality I understand this proposed change, as I agree it doesn't make sense a dead person refusing to let you pick them up. However, what's the balance aspect? What's to stop me from providing you bare minimum roleplay, shooting you and just picking you up and taking you somewhere because that is easier than roleplaying you as a hostage or what not. I think if this was to be implemented, there are some second and third order effects we need to think of.
While for practicality I understand this proposed change, as I agree it doesn't make sense a dead person refusing to let you pick them up. However, what's the balance aspect? What's to stop me from providing you bare minimum roleplay, shooting you and just picking you up and taking you somewhere because that is easier than roleplaying you as a hostage or what not. I think if this was to be implemented, there are some second and third order effects we need to think of.
Currently the only thing stopping you is being inside an area cars don't fit.
While for practicality I understand this proposed change, as I agree it doesn't make sense a dead person refusing to let you pick them up. However, what's the balance aspect? What's to stop me from providing you bare minimum roleplay, shooting you and just picking you up and taking you somewhere because that is easier than roleplaying you as a hostage or what not. I think if this was to be implemented, there are some second and third order effects we need to think of.
I believe as well if people profide decent RP they would never refuse to be picked up either and it woudn't cause an issue, it's more of a safety net against the no/fail rp baldies you sometimes have running around.

being ''downed'' also doesn't always mean someone is ''dead'', they could be concious, they could defend themselves where you can't pick them up but they can't run away etc. as if you get shot it's your decision how badly the injury is, being shot in the leg will prevent you from running away but you can still push away people trying to pick you up/drag you away as your upper body and arms/head are fine.

If someone has been shot 7 times in the chest and they refuse to be picked up i think that's more of a fail rp situation on their side and can be resolved with a report player form.

there are some reasons why the ask for consent is good and bad. so i'n my opinion it's better to have it then not. But that's just my opinion.
If someone has been shot 7 times in the chest and they refuse to be picked up i think that's more of a fail rp situation on their side and can be resolved with a report player form.
Fail RP isn't a rule and on reports I've seen for people not alloeing pickup, the result is that you are allowed to decline a carry.
If someone has been shot 7 times in the chest and they refuse to be picked up i think that's more of a fail rp situation on their side and can be resolved with a report player form.
Not the case as it stands, anyone for any reason can refuse to be picked up. it is not against the rules to refuse, for any reason.
This system is written this way deliberately.

We give people a certain amount of authority over their player character.
Nobody can take specific clothing pieces off you (bar mask)
Nobody can Remove items from your inventory (bar police)
Nobody can force you to play animations (you have to agree)

This extends to our carry script, No one can force you to be picked up (bar firefighters) it doesn't matter what state you are in.
all this is done in an attempt to limit abuse, Sure we have ways around picking people up i.e putting them in a car but new players won't know that and it still restricts what can happen to your player character
If a player is incapacitated to the point where he can’t refuse being picked up, it would make sense that he can't refuse being moved in a vehicle either.

But I think allowing it would have an impact on the NHS and the Police ,For example when your ''downed'' on a roof in a gun fight u can end up at dodgy or dumped instade you could have been rescued/arrested by the NHS/Police.
Not the case as it stands, anyone for any reason can refuse to be picked up. it is not against the rules to refuse, for any reason.
This system is written this way deliberately.

We give people a certain amount of authority over their player character.
Nobody can take specific clothing pieces off you (bar mask)
Nobody can Remove items from your inventory (bar police)
Nobody can force you to play animations (you have to agree)

This extends to our carry script, No one can force you to be picked up (bar firefighters) it doesn't matter what state you are in.
all this is done in an attempt to limit abuse, Sure we have ways around picking people up i.e putting them in a car but new players won't know that and it still restricts what can happen to your player character
Not sure if my reply came across differently, but i was agreeing with @Gordon2 :)
-1! I get how a dead person shouldnt be able to refuse and such.... But the baldies!! it would be horrifically abused and the suggestion to get it changed would go up quicker than this one did ='D.... Driving along solo crash out windscreen youve your guns and shit on you.... random baldie drives past picks you up and dumps for no reason ='D