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Phone Controls

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Active member
When you use mouse control on the phone, if you are driving and you get a call you are no longer able to turn or slow down which has many times led to me being incapacitated. 
I think it would be really good if you made it so that you can still turn and moderate your speed when you receive a call.
I think it would save a lot of people a trip to the hospital.

Yeah, i used too but i dont like them as much. I feel like using the mouse shouldn't put you at a disadvantage
I mean personally I use keyboard controls as I just prefer them, but I really must agree with you here, plenty of times called a friend while their in a chopper, and well you can guess what happens next

I mean personally I use keyboard controls as I just prefer them, but I really must agree with you here, plenty of times called a friend while their in a chopper, and well you can guess what happens next
Yeah, exactly what i mean

What should happen is the NUI doesn't get focus until you accept/reject the call to prevent this. Currently the NUI pulls the focus.


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