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Phone 2.0

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Fudge Lane
I believe the phone is a little bit too empty with content and should get some more love. It is something that is used a lot and should have more functions.

There are some apps/reworks that I believe could fit the server.


- Calculator | Just a basic calculator so you could do some number work, would make it better than having to RP pulling out your phone to then pull our your calculator OOC to do math.

- Weazel News App | Would potentially be another Tweedle but run by Weazel News to post about stories around the city as what they post usually gets flooded in other stuff on tweedle and doesn't get much attention. Would make it nice for people to get updated easier ingame on new stuff happening etc. rather than the forums.

YellowpagesA way for legal workers to advertise their business with a phone number. "Need your mining materials bought? Contact ###-mining co today! 123-456" Could work the same way house tax work where you have to pay a certain amount every month to have it on the list. Would have to be regulated by the government or some other legal sector so it doesn't turn into the silk road.

- Bank Statements | Could be nice to see your last 10 withdraws/deposits/purchases to see what you have spent money on. Just a small QoL thing.

- License App | Basically you could check your current owned licenses and points you may have accumulated on them.



- Search for contacts | Everyone knows how annoying it is when you have hundreds of contacts and you have to scroll thru the entire list from the top just to find a specific person. It would make it a lot nicer and easier to be able to search for names in the list, or favorite people to make them automatically go to the top.

- Pictures for contacts | It would be very fun to take pictures of your friends to add to their contacts like you have on Tweedle instead of having their first letter as a random color.

- Message storage | I think the max messages of 250 is alright, but as I have seen it deletes random/newest messages. Instead of deleting the top messages when you disconnect it should rather delete the oldest messages on your phone as sometimes I've seen it deleting messages that I have gotten a few hours before reconnecting.

I know this is a lot of stuff to ask for as there are more important things to change/add, but at least a few of this would improve the phone a lot. Any suggestions/changes please come with them 🙂

Pros: QoL, more stuff to do.

Cons: A lot, a lot of dev work.

Some fantastic addition suggestions there, the news app would be wonderful as the majority of the news just gets thrown on the forums would be nice to hear about about live in game and may even encourage the news team to get out and report more. Calculator just makes sense and the yellow pages / ads would be perfect to get rid of the drones that just flood a photo of their 20 cars in a list ever 10 minutes and the smoothie sellers keeping Tweedle more of a social media hub.

Some fantastic addition suggestions there, the news app would be wonderful as the majority of the news just gets thrown on the forums would be nice to hear about about live in game and may even encourage the news team to get out and report more. Calculator just makes sense and the yellow pages / ads would be perfect to get rid of the drones that just flood a photo of their 20 cars in a list ever 10 minutes and the smoothie sellers keeping Tweedle more of a social media hub.
I love seeing the Weazel News posts, but they barely get any attention and are just swallowed up by everything.

Big +1 speciallly on the weazel news app, weazel news has so much potential for content and this would help promote it so much, I think this is a fantastic suggestion 

As Weazel News whenever we post it does often get drowned out, an app for posting would be good to allow people to go to populated areas or places where events are happening and would reduce the need for people or groups to spam tweedle for awareness, which would only help to make Tweedle more organic.

I like the idea of the licence app too, as there's not any way currently for people to find out how many points they have though this could be done via an alternative method.


Really like the yellow pages for businesses and could potentially be easily managed by having a low cost to have your yellow page to stop inactive numbers hanging around. Would be really cool as well to see Weazel News deal with more in RP stuff to do with development like if there are gonna be new cars or upgrades through their own news app.

Love all these suggestions. It’s not something we think about from a day to day basis but will make a difference if they are added. More aesthetically pleasing I would say. +1

Massive +1 - great suggestions!

Awesome suggestion +1

Upgrade the wallet app to display financial info like bank statements as mentioned and also set you a waypoint for the nearest ATM as a service option. Like a real banking app. 

Everyone uses the phone more than anything. 

Having it display all the essentials and more at higher quality would really benefit the life of the server.

Would also like to add that tweedle would benefit having a profile page for people to follow and unfollow people. People can boast about their popularity and view all recent images posted on tweedle but not posts as some pictures get lost.

I really support this suggestion. But not a priority.


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great suggestions i would just like to add in addition to your great ideas, you said about yellow pages, it would be great if there was a selling app like gumtree etc where people can buy/sell cars/houses/storage safely with a trace and force payment system like how the police bill us when we have a fine for a crime for example, this would prevent people from having bad rp experience of being scammed i recently met a guy within rp that spent all his time taxing to get 150k to then get scammed over a house payment and it ruined his whole experience something like this phone app would prevent this although i appreciate its alot of dev work 

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