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Permanent Ban Appeal - OllieUnbanV2

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Being staff on another server I assume, not sure if there's any other reason.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Not much, have been jumping between a few different games every now and again, focusing on school etc etc.

Why do you want to return ?

After watching a few different videos/streams, RPUK seems even better than I remember and I want to get back into Vanilla Altis Life. Not really enjoyed any other servers as much as I used to here either.

Why should we unban you ?

I pretty much didn't realize it was against the rules to be staff on another community. If I would've known I wouldn't have done it. I'm slightly confused as to why I would have been banned, because I haven't really played RPUK at all since I last got unbanned. I'm not an admin on there anymore and unless there's another reason that I'm not aware of, I don't know how I can explain much more, so sorry about the short appeal.

If there is another reason as to why I was banned, I can try and explain to the best of my ability. However, at the moment I only know of this one reason

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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@OllieUnbanV2 care to explain why you have a disturbing obsession with @Vladic Ka ?

I mean being an admin of such a toxic shitshow I suppose we could overlook, but you're mistaken if you think that is the reason.

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Cheers for the reply.

Without sounding rude or anything, I'm not 100% sure what you mean, but I'll explain what I think you're referencing.

The only things I remember was people in the police channels on that community used to spam soundboards of Vladic Ka. At one point I changed my IGN to one of the soundboards as a joke with the people in cops. Personally, I don't think they were particularly offensive, but nevertheless, I can see why it was pretty disturbing. 

I also may as well mention this, for honesty purposes:

Some community banned members (Alex Jackson in particular) used to jump into these cop channels and start spamming links to some shit made on youtube. It was mainly loud videos of Vladic, which I assume were clipped from his stream. but I'm aware he made the mass RDM video on that channel too. Again, this was pretty immature but I didn't think much of it at the time, as they were pretty harmless videos.

I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but I stopped speaking to those people a couple of months ago, as I left that servers police force and didn't really bother adding them anywhere else.

I obviously understand that I don't have a clean record at all, and I'd like to apologise for getting caught up in this shit.

TL;DR: I believe I was banned for speaking to community banned members, which I know I shouldn't have done, and I apologise for this. I don't speak to these people anymore, and I'm fully aware of what they've done in regards to this community. I did genuinely enjoy this community, and I wish to come back and hopefully never have incidents like this happen again.

So are you denying any involvement with the youtube account "Spastic Ka" or sharing any videos? How about you and other toxic admins trolling twitch streams?

Pretty desperate to be an admin wasn't you... and looking at what you wrote above pretty shit at it too!

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Cheers for the reply again.

I knew that channel existed because we were spammed links to pretty harmless, loud clips of Vladic on there. I think it was owned by AJ to get around his copyright strikes on his main channel, however, I wasn't sharing or posting videos to it, I've never been given an email or password for it. I haven't shared/posted videos of Vladic Ka on any other account either. I'm not 100% sure what happened in regards to that account, all I know was some of the videos I mentioned above were posted there.

Only thing I remember of trolling a stream was when another cop started following Vladic around on stream, I don't believe he was toxic in any form, I think he was just trying to get a reaction out of Vladic for a bit of a laugh, but I can understand how that might've been frustrating. I wasn't aware that other admins were trolling his stream, and I have never directly taken a direct involvement in any of this. I haven't really watched his streams and don't see the need of trolling on there, or anywhere else really.

I hope this can clear up the questions asked above.

mmm I do not feel you're being honest with me, you've been sat in teamspeak channels with your little friends as they have been trolling vladic's stream yet did not ban anyone of them... i guess that's the type of community it is over there.

What nice company you keep... whats your reasons for this appeal and leaving the community set up for toxic individuals? and why the hell should someone like you deserve the right to play here?

My main reason for this appeal is to (hopefully) get back into a decent, solid community and separate myself further from any future toxicity, or any incidents related. I feel I was enjoying Arma 3, and generally, just the community as a whole a lot more whilst I used to play here. I left the old community for a variety of different reasons, but I mainly didn't enjoy the constant combat of that server, which made a lot of players really toxic. For the first few months, I was having a really good time, however, the joy wore off after that, and I eventually gave up.

Being in the medics and the UNMC on this community made a load of really positive moments that have stood out over others on Arma. I've made a load of friends through this community with mainly positive outcomes, whereas in other servers they usually turn out bitter and negative.

I don't want to associate myself as a toxic, or just a not nice person. I think I honestly can be a decent person that can provide a good attitude to a community, and I really hope I can do that here, as I feel it's the best place for me personally.

Regarding the trust issues, and whether you'll believe on this or not is up to you, but I can assure you that I am being 110% honest with this appeal. I don't see the need in lying, as I won't get me anywhere, and there's plenty of ways that would prove me guilty if I was to lie. I've never uploaded any content that would give a bad name, or otherwise be offensive to the community.

I do feel like I deserve to play on this server. In my opinion, It's one of the only good roleplay servers that are left, and one of the only ones I've especially enjoyed. I think I will be able to contribute a lot, whether that's roleplay, support to other members, humor etc. I really hope I can prove this to you in this appeal, and by any further means necessary.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate it a lot.

@OllieUnbanV2 If you were to separate yourself further from toxicity surely you would have started with your steams friends list... some colourful types there which you have no doubt turned a blind eye to in your position elsewhere.

I do not believe that unbanning you will be a positive move, I also believe you do not deserve to play on this server after your position elsewhere turning a blind eye while your so-called members signed up here and posted racist comments, as well as spamming our streamers with inappropriate things.

You were well aware of what was going on and sat there and did nothing, While this community would ban anyone who went elsewhere and caused issues.

Weighing all this up I believe your better suited to that environment based on the history and the company you keep.

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Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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