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Permanent Ban Appeal - Mi11er (Unbanned)

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

From my understanding of the situation and what i can remember, For the first week of Pavilion being a gang our RolePlay standers were consistently high and did not drop throughout the week, After about 8 or 9 days of Pavilion being thing multiple members of our gang went around RDMing and not roleplaying to a high stranded. These people went around RDMing and FailRping for about a day or two, I was NOT one of these people RDMing and FailRPing instead a video was sent to the staff team of me not wanting to be arrested at the airport.

This whole situation at the airport was when management only just updated the server and things were really buggy with the new updates at the time, The update included dragging wounded players with a stretcher, Giving wounded players blood bags so they didn't bleed out and a rag doll feature when you were tazed by the police.

From what i can remember Multiple NCU members saw me with a illegal weapon at the airport and had trapped me inside of an ATC, The Police officers wanted to confiscate my illegal weapon and after talking to them about why i had the weapon and what i was going to do with it they decided they wanted to take it from me as i didn't want to hand it in. The officers then decided to try taze me as i tried to make my escape away from them, I managed to run down the ATC and as i was about to get in my car but i was tazed by an officer and the officer did not seem to restrain me and i managed to get into my car and drive away but because the new rag doll feature that was just released it was nearly impossible to restrain someone after being tazed. After i drove away from the airport i was messaged on TeamSpeak by a police officer to come back to the RP situation, after being told i should come back i drove back to the RP situation and by that time more officers turned up from the NCU patrol, About 2 minutes later i came back to the Airport and got out my car with the illegal weapon to talk about why i had to come back but the officer that just arrived was more interested to why i had the gun on my back and said he wanted to take me back to NCU HQ to questioning, This officer didn't know that i just escaped them and was asked to come back out of RolePlay. after about 5 minutes of trying to explain to the officer why i should not be at the airport he would listen to me and just wanted to remove my weapon, This angered me and i started to threaten the officers that they would be shot, After about 5 to 10 minutes of arguing with the officer i decided to drive away as i knew the officer was just trying to arrest me at the NCU HQ as i was wanted for a high price. The Officer did not like this level of RolePlay and reported this to staff, The only reason i denied the officer is because i knew he only wanted to remove my weapons and put me in jail.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

I have been playing on another Altis life server and i have been playing other games.

Why do you want to return ?

I would like to return as the last time i played on this server it was an extremely entertaining experience, Alot of my friends still play on this server and i would love to meet them again. another reason i want to return is i believe my RolePlay is at a much higher standard than what it was 7 months ago, The last time i played on this community my reputation was not the best as i was in a gang that placed gunfights over RolePlay, but for the time i have been away i now know that people played on this community for high quality RolePlay and to have an enjoyable experience.

Why should we unban you ?

I have been apart of this community since the 3rd of june 2016 and RPUK was the first RolePlaying server i ever joined, When i started playing on RPUK i was the most fun i had with friends on Arma 3, I played on RPUK mostly every day untill i got blanket banned, Its now been about 7 months since i was blanket banned and in those past 7 months i have changed dramatically, I have matured alot more and i'm no longer childish and my RolePlay is at a very very high standard. These past two weeks or so i have been trying to remember what i did wrong and what i could of done differently and thinking back on it i now see that all the officer wanted to do is RolePlay back at the police station. If this scenario was played out again today i would 100% go back to the police station with that officer and RolePlayed that scenario, But 7 months back i was too greedy and i wanted to keep my gear instead of RolePlaying, i now know that sometimes the best RolePlay can happen when you sacrifice ingame money and gear. If i was to be unbanned i prove to everyone that i have changed and my RolePlaying standers are alot batter then what they were.
All i ask for is one more chance... Thankyou

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Do you have anything to say about the following quote?

I began reading this, and I gave you a chance to come clean. You decided to continue on the path of not doing so, so there for you have forced my hand in these matters.

I asked you to make a appeal with the truth, you decided to continue on the lie (On purpose or not). Staff have a video of you in-game from the 2nd of Febuary, the day you don't remember being on, where you literally told people, you would rather get them shot than Roleplay with them for 15 minutes. This is not the attitude we want in this Community, and it is not the behaviour from someone who is here for Roleplay.

I am going to make some quotes from your appeal.

"gang and when certain gang members went onto the server to RDM, VDM and barely Role play i was not apart it." - and you did not report this to staff? Even anonymously so you did get marked as a bad person by your friends... This issue could have been avoided if that happened!

"For the short time i was in Pavilion i believe i was one of the best Roleplayers who were in the gang and i always tried to prevent gun fights and other situations that cause low RP."  - As explained above, that can't be right... You rather having a gun fight, than talk to people for 15 minutes...

"gang and when certain gang members went onto the server to RDM, VDM and barely Role play i was not apart it." - and you did not report this to staff?  -         I didn't even know that some people in our gang went around RDMing and VDMing untill we all got the PAV blanket ban. And i'm sure most of our gang members didn't even know that some of our gang went around RDMing.

"For the short time i was in Pavilion i believe i was one of the best Roleplayers who were in the gang and i always tried to prevent gun fights and other situations that cause low RP."  - As explained above, that can't be right... You rather having a gun fight, than talk to people for 15 minutes...  -  i cant even remember if we even had a gun fight at the airport, i'm sure i just drove away from the situation.

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I have unbanned you, I think i made the wrong decision if i am honest, Something just isn't ringing true and we must note that you are steam friends with a lot of people who will never be unbanned from this community.

I guess the ball is in your court but keep in mind if you get banned again @Mi11er there wont be an appeal

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