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Permanent Ban Appeal - Just Balls (unbanned)

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Just Balls

In-game Name

Hannibal Lecter

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned for participating in exploiting bugs of the game.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Started a new job about a month after the ban so have been Working alot. havnt played arma, like.. at all tbh. CSGO for a bit, sum dota but most gaming hours has been spent on PUBG. I changed jobs and bought sum real estate. Planned to move to the capital within 4 weeks.

Why do you want to return ?

I'll explain more thouroughly below, but my main reason is that me and my friends were talking about getting back to ArmA since we've been playing alot of PUBG. We have a LAN comming up so we thought i'd be a great time to get back at it. It feels natural to back to where we started all the RP experience.

Why should we unban you ?

Okay so the reason why I havn't asked for an unban in all this time is because I, at the time, was too ashamed to do so. The reason being, I had recently been unbanned. So I decided to take a break from the game, mostly cuz i was mad at myself for getting involved at that idiotic scene.

I take full responsibility for my actions and am sincerely sorry for what I have done.
The only reason why I'm submitting this request is due to me and some of my friends were talking about playing RP again and started to talk old memories from RPUK.

So, it has been almost a year since this rulebreak took place and I have had plenty of time for regret and thouroughly think about my actions.
I hope you can give me a chance to come back to the server and have some fun with my friends Roleplaying and creating new RPUK memories by enjoying the roleplay gameplay.

Lastly I'd like to say that I am terribly sorry and that I also sent my apologies the houseowner at that time. I am sorry for disturbing the climate and vision the community has to create a soulful Roleplay experience. And I am also sorry for any inconvenience and any offence that was taken by my actions.

I'm happy to answer any questions that you might have.


PS. 1 detail, i cant remember that i have made an unban req for this ban therefore i find it hard to believe i was denied an unban req. My memory might be failing me tho :/ But the form requires me to check that box to be valid so i checked it, since i was redirected here by Samatlewis. Also i provided the link to the req I sent for this ban in which i was redirected to fill out this form. The link to the guid is broken also :( --> https://www.roleplay.co.uk/support

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Reading back on your ban notes, you was banned for doing some pretty basic exploits. It's a very stupid way to get banned for such a long time. Says you was glitching through the floor in order to lock-pick something, did you do this for personal gain or just a laugh? 

I'd like you to explain to me why we are so strict on rules such as exploiting?

Hi @Drew and @Wilco

Sorry for not responding, life got in the way :(thanks for taking a look at my unban req.

Yes, you are correct! I was banned for participating in exploiting by glitch thru floor. I want to be upfront with you so i'll send a clip of everything in pm, to not "teach" others how to use the glitch. I've cut the video for the relevant part. If you want the full file (1 hour) i'll upload so you can evaluate freely.

To be completely honest when i arrived at the site i wanted to check out the glitch out of curiosity. But also I got angry cuz one of our gangmembers was so greedy and taking stuff for himself. But also i got jealous of them getting free stuff so i thought i wanted to get my share.

I know it sounds retarded, but that is the complete truth. I'd like to add that I was hesitant to actually take things from the crate. I know it does not make it undone, but since im putting all cards on the table i guess it wont hurt to add that info.


The reason the community is so strict on exploits is due to alot of factors. The communitys main goal is to create an ambiance where people can experiance high quality roleplay. This makes the niche RP and will also attract people who want to experiance just that. To use exploits is to directly negate that goal since one will then be using game bugs to get ahead. Allowing exploits would also cause an epidemic of people exlpoiting instead of getting hardearned cash and doing it the "right" (work/criminal) RP way. Exploiting also causes imbalance in the game and thus creating an unwanted experiance for the players of RPUK and could also lead to RPUK getting a rumour of not being a good RP server since the talk could be "...rpuk is a server full of cheaters".

This exact exploit also does not give the houseowner a chance to defend himself. Therefore we directly desstroy the players RP experience, for which he is on the server to begin with.

I'd like to express me sincerest regret and hope that you will find it in you to ask additional questions if anything else comes to mind.

I am, truly sorry for acting this way and deeply understand the extent of how that affected the community.

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Just a headsup. I'm moving to another city tomorrow and will not have internet access until friday next week (march 9). If any questions are posted in this matter during that time, please give me a chance to be able respond until march 11.

Thanks in advance


I noticed on one of your old appeals, you was unbanned just because of how good the appeal was, it seems you are good at writing out an appeal and convincing us to give you another chance, but should that really be the case? If you know all this you end up back on the appeal page which confuses me tbh.

I really hope you knuckle down and play the game and creating a fun experience for others.

I'm going to give you another chance.

Welcome back & please don't forget to join our;

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