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Permanent Ban Appeal - JordaNUnban2019

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Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I'm pretty sure I was blanket banned with KET back last summer [DID NOT PLAY WHEN THEY WERE BANNED].

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Moved away from PC and focused on IRL stuff, had a break from PC all together since December. I have recently reinstalled Arma and everything else to go with getting back into RPUK.

Why do you want to return ?

Took a long break from Arma and PC in general and wanted a second chance to play on the server again. I send my sincere apology to everyone for an inconveniences I've caused in the past.

Why should we unban you ?

I am sincerely sorry for my actions and have matured much more since the incident, hoping to get a chance to play the very first server I joined when I got Arma years ago.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


Here are the notes connected to the other steam account 76561198101332259 you own... failed to mention that in your appeal (do not bother with the its my brother bullshit)

RDMed Wiisy at AW just after his two friends zener and another try mass RDMing at an event at the end of it. Upon being pulled aside he started using a shitty accent and saying he was not apart of their gang and has no friends, told to cut the bullshit and proceeded to start calling me a nigger.


Here are the notes connected to the other steam account 76561198101332259 you own... failed to mention that in your appeal (do not bother with the its my brother bullshit)

Brother bullshit? i can prove in several different ways, i gave that account to my brother? we’ve played on the server at the same time if the logs can prove that. I also could name you 7+ people to back my point up who still play on here. Thanks for the reply.

@JordaNUnban2019 Why would that account use the same steam names as your account... I guess your sharing accounts?

Also is your brother a disgusting racist ?

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@JordaNUnban2019 Why would that account use the same steam names as your account... I guess your sharing accounts?

Also is your brother a disgusting racist ?
I appolgise for my brothers actions however I can not stop him for his actions. He was young and immature hanging around with the wrong crowd on RPUK and IRL. The account did belong to me before i gave it to him to play on arma with me hence the same names. He has grew up and matured to put it he isn’t a little shit anymore. We have played on here together in many gangs. My brother is not a racist at all just thought at the time it was funny because he was young which now looking back on it he was stupid to do it. We do not share accounts at all I have a PC he has his own now and to save him the hassle i just gave him my old steam account i don’t use.

If you need further confirmation of my brothers existance and if he played when i did i can find some screenshots or give you some names to confirm it.


He was on my teamspeak account of the ban due to him being banned also i’m assuming.

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Well, I suggest you do stop his actions or take your old account back... There is evidence on these forums that the other steam ID used to be you and maybe still is...

From a community perspective, the evidence is stacked against you which cannot and will not be overlooked.

If you live with someone then you should be in total agreeance not to go getting banned for serious rule breaks, He may have thought it was funny but he landed both steam IDs and any accounts connected permanent bans from this community.

I would also advise him... or look in the mirror, that it wasn't a good idea using the username "JordaN" to come on the server and say the N word

Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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