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Permanent Ban Appeal - FΛDΞD (Unbanned 15/10/16)

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Frank Roger

Well-known member
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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

After «Babou» posted this report http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/53793-report-a-player-kenan-tony-and-ludicrous-bad-rp-breaking-nlr-poorlow-quality-rp-partly-approved/#comment-308133.
I (Raven) who made this video, got banned from Altis Life due to breaking the rules, at 1.06: I'm a fresh spawn" - Breaking roleplay and at 1:44 "ToNy tony I can't lay down" - Metagaming TonY's name.
video 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUvxFDD_dAM&ab_channel=RAVEN.gaming
And i Combat stored a vehicle at 00:42 in this video 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEV3Vt-ShFE&ab_channel=RAVEN.gaming

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In the beginning i have been angry on myself for not being more careful, and hade to face the consequences that followed my action. I also read the rules to understand properly what i did wrong and discussed them with a friend to fully understand the depth in it.
I have been active on the forum, and posted this threah about my PC-specs: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/53870-my-gaming-pc-in-progress/#comment-308730
The following months:
I satrted working as an apprentice, doing day/night shift in a cyclus, so i didn’t get around to play videogames, but when i actually got time to play, I spent some time on another RP server (altis life) and learned alot og new ways to interact with RP and how to use it without breaking any rule.
Example: Trying to find out when the server restarts :
Talking to a random guy: «Sir? do you know when the government said the huge tsunami is going to hit the island?». This is just some off the worlds/ things i have learned to say while I have been away.
And this so called ''little time for gaming'' lasted until i got my certificate of apprenticeship, about six months.
Now i got a normal job and lots off time to play.

Why do you want to return ?

Some of my friends are still playing here on Altis Life and i want to play with them, and i miss playing on the server really bad. It has been one of my favourite servers to play on ever!
And I also want to be a part of Altis Life because off the fun and stories you can hear and experience. I have seen many things and recorded, and i would like to get more footage for an upcoming youtube video.
I also love Altis Life servers because of all things you can do, example: i can be a ARAC and fix cars and trucks. I can be poor and try to survive in harsh conditions by picking apples, or I can be a Ganglord that makes money of selling drugs, or playing in the slot-machines. The possibilities just dont stop. You also have the rules to make a very good RP experience/foundation! Also you have the active admins and staff that you can rely on!
I also want to make videos on youtube, videos off **soon to come**: encounters, moments, tutorials and funny montages.
This is some of the reason i want to join, and be a part of ALTIS LIFE.

Why should we unban you ?

During the time I was banned, I thought about how much I could contribute and help the community by helping new players and guide them in to altis life, and show them how the life on this island works.
I want to also try to get my gang to rob ''Bad Guys'' and donate the money to poor/unlucky players, also help the police in a way like ''vigilante'' group-kinda roleplay.
I've also learned a lot about how to talk to people on a RP way without breaking the rules mentioned above.
So i will next time be 100% sure to know if someone talks or starting a roleplay /rob me, or how to perform real RP before i do any thing like this again. with this i promise!
I have been banned now for almost 7 months, and i have truly learned form breaking the rules and im sorry for all i have done. I hope i can get a new chance from all of this and be sure to make a huge difference by following the Rules and use proper RolePlaying.

Best regards,

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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You only played here for a month and got banned for multiple rule violations. What is stopping you from doing the same thing again?

I mentioned above how i have learned how to talk to not break RP and how to be bether at it. I have also read the rules many times to be sure that i dont forget any rules or break the rules again like i did, and i realy want to be apart off the Altis Life Community again and that is one of the main reason i am not going to break the rules that i have done. I have also been watching your stream and learned many things form it. It has been soon 7 months since I've talked to the Pepole of Kavala and i really need to say that i miss it ..


Best regards,Raven

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