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Pensador (Action: Ban Issued 15/03/2015)

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Manchester / Preston
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Bernardo, Pensador and Friends 
To Clarify, Drankazi and me have now cleared up our part of the issue, however the ending of the video is still an issue. 
Time & Date this happened: Aprox 2:00AM 05/03/15
Which Server did this happen on: RP server #2
Description of what happened: Me and Tom McMuffin were selling coke at the Drug dealer in kavala, a group attempted to rob me, they murdered tom without warning, or telling him to surrender, so i killed three of them including Bernardo, Bernardo returned and i asked him to leave before killing him, i finished selling my drugs, and attempted to leave, at which point my truck was shot and i was killed without any communication or warning. I even attempted to speak to them, stopped my truck when i could have carried on moving, (as only some of my wheels were damaged).
I lost aprox, 1.2mil and A Hemtt Truck, as well as my gear. Co
What Rule Was Broken ?: NLR and RDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Uncooperative in sidechat. 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:

Apologies for the spelling mistakes in the video, its too late for this.
This screenshot also ties Bernardo to the guys which kill me at the end, confirming that he was working with them and that they knew i shot him. The first time i shot him they would have had no way of knowing i shot him besides outside information. My main point is that, i was shot at the end as a result of information obtained by breaking NLR and Meta Gaming.

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I can confirm that straight after this, we turned up with two hemtts and an almost identical situation played out with me and my guys.  I lost 1m but rest of my team killed them.  There were at least 4. These guys need to understand what RP is.

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Hey Guys,

I was the guy talking to you at the start saying i was gonna rob you. We were between the wall talking to eachtoher. I wasn't actually gonna rob you I was gonna ask you for some money to keep my mouth shut before I left. I was with Drankazi at the time and the reason you died was because you opened fire on me. Your buddy then killed both of us.

We actually were their selling shipwreck stuff to the antique dealer and I was bored hence why we went over to you guys. Oh and the hobos all over , we didnt know any of them and we never came back after that. 

TL;DR. We RPd a bit. Your friend shot me. Drankazi shot your friend. You shot Drankazi. We pretty much logged off and were affiliated with nobody else.

Wait, you're actually reporting this? lol.

What happened here is quite simple. We sold a HEMMT full of boat wreck stuff at the antiques dealer. We saw probably about 5 other people in the area, including you guys, so while I was selling the last batch, Hypnotoad went up and tried to start chatting with you. When your friend told him to stay back, he said what he said (On skype I told him to back off, but oh well, he kept talking) and your friend clearly didn't like it. I went around the corner when I heard all of this, at which point your friend started shooting at hypnotoad. 

Having one clip in my handgun, I shot and killed your friend, who was trying to kill mine. Then we were killed by the video maker.

The reason I feel that this is a joke of a report is quite simple....We had around 500k on our persons at the time we were killed, so you guys made quite a tidy profit from this scenario. The other portions of the video were nothing to do with us.

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What were those first shots? who fired those? because if you fired at them they had every right to kill you.

Tom Mcmuffin, did you fire those first shots that sounded like a pistol?

Also if Pendasor was with them he had every right to kill you at that last second due to RP already being initiated.

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FYI: If there is an accusation that we were involved in an incident after this, admins just need to confirm that we logged out a few seconds after we respawned
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Muffin did not shoot the first shots, and if you were not trying to kill him then why at around 38 seconds onwards can you be seen moving around the back of where tom was, Tom didnt even see you before he was shot hence his response "wait there is two of them" as i tell him hes being flanked, and then as hes shot "what the fuck"  because he didnt expect it, Tom was using an Mk20 and the first shots where not by him, he was facing the other way.

The part im more bothered about is the second part where Bernardo comes back im guessing to scout for his mates, and then his friends kill me. Without saying a word.

Tom did indeed fire the first shots. I approached from behind to assess what was going on and to ensure the safety of my friend. I shot at him when he fired at Hypnotoad. I guess he shouted "what the fuck" because he was surprised to be shot from behind after the engaged on what he thought was an easy target.

Why on earth would we engage in a completely open area, with no cover and no idea how many people were with him? We knew there was one more person at least, so it would make no sense whatsoever for us to just randomly engage on someone when we're just after finishing a run ourselves and had quite a bit of cash on us. 

As for Bernardo, I have no clue who this dude is and he just ran over to your friend's corpse to see what was going on. If anyone in this scenario has a right to shout rdm, it's him.

I've said just about all that I need to say on this topic, so I'm gonna leave it to the admins to decide from here.

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I didn't shoot because I was not done RPing. I was just talking to him while he was on one end of the wall. Then Muffin tried shooting me through the top of the wall I moved for cover at the front of the house. Drankazi moved in from the back of the house
From your video
"He is trying to steal from us you can shoot him"
"Did he?"
"Yeah he just said he was gonna  take my money"
Shots fired at me
Then you can see Drankazi starts moving in for the kill from behind the house While you were saying 'Watch you back'  so he couldn't possibly have shot first.
You can even see the following
Three heavy shots were fired at 0:37
Drankazi moves in to kill you at 0:41 with 9 ACP rounds (which is all he had)
I agree with you on Bernardo as he walked in without no weapon and didnt care for his life. We do not know him though or anybody else that was there.
Muffin shot at the wall apparently to warn you off, wasn't directly trying to shoot you, Bernardo also was the 3rd guy who was shot after you killed muffin, around 55 seconds in, he then returns breaking NLR which is why i shot him on sight. 

I assumed you were with the guys who kill me in the end, however if that was the case  i apologize for accusing you.

The people who i am more bothered about are Bernardo for breaking NLR, which as a result got me killed, and his friends who broke RP and shot me without warning or saying anything. 

No worries at all man. Things got a bit hectic and shots were fired xD

I hope to see you ingame and we can have better RP experiences. The none robbing type :p

Sorry about what happened afterwards tbh.

I was referring to Pensador and his buddies RDMing constantly.  He was the one killing me without any RP from him or his hobo friends.

Spoke to Afro on TS and we're all good. Once it was established that we were not associated with the guys that killed him at the end of the vid (Confirmed on his recording that we both logged off soon after our encounter).

Afro can confirm this for the benefit of the admins?

Only report I can accept is:


User ID: 41405

PID: 76561197993711199

GUID: 91e104e6ca3fd569e53f1c3b75d9e1f7

What are u serious e was taking the rp since i was with bernardo if u BAN me it will be like WHAT are u serious.

ARE u Considering that the RP from now on will be :

- Move or ill kill u ? Bang Bang (dead civ) killed because he was warned lololol and i can Kill because i have big gun lololol Sorry Not real Life situation. And Punish the guy u are with the civ to avenge the Death off is friend .

OK no worries . 

Just a note to all the EXP and SAM Jones When u Start Shooting make sure the Guy ur shooting are alone otherwise u got shoot back.

I dont need to talk if RP is Initialise by U guys. 

PS- i have the recording of everyone SAM. The Fight against the EXP.

And another thing We Got Shoot everytime in the server without doing RP and I dont Bicth the Admins 2/3 than u cry babies Noobs.


Its just a game that u cant play that is ROLE PLAYING U DONT NOW HOW TO PLAY .

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