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PeachMaster Peril

5 Months ago we set about making this production. "Oh this sounds like a complex shoot" I said, "Will take us a good few days to get it done" I said... 

Give me another 5 months to regain my composure and sure, we can do part 2. Expect it around this time next year...

Great movie @DainMK must of been really hard work to choreograph and get the correct angles  LIVE  brilliant work 

Great to see some films from the AFC ;)


@Unlucky George

Know you're a king? Ha

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Good job mate! some wonderful cinematic things can be done with the spector cam it seems! 

I was still waiting for this to come out, I completely missed it!

 I made it to Hollywood!

Can I just point out how wonderful I look in this? xD 

5 months of work paid off in my eyes. Good shit, @DainMK and all those involved. <3


Remember turning up to the peach field after hearing the explosions 
