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PC Kenneth on drugs? I think not.


So after the 0100 restart we ended up patrolling through the main street in Athira. Me and Vincent Hanna ended up stopping because i spotted two men ontop of the wall by the prison. When i started talking to them and help them get down PC Hanna said he could not see them. So he called me a liar and ended up calling the other Patrol unit over to the prison to check if they also could not see them. When they arrived they couldn't see them either. So they ended up calling me a madman/druggie/crazy. BUT! I have PROOF!

Look at this magnificent picture displaying the two men on the prison wall! It was real, you are the ones that are mentally unstable/high.

- Kenneth


But, Police Constable Kenneth, I do not see these imaginary friends of yours, It's very much possible that the rest of the department would believe me in thinking that you Sir, have simply lost the plot! ... :Drooling:


haha, woulda loved to hear that conversation :)

It's the images of you're past and your future. from hair on the head to bald,

You can rent some of my oil for the head so i can shine like a diamond when you get bald. :)


It's your guardian angels from the altis heavens

What are you talking about? I don't see any men in these screenshots.. 
