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Park Rangers get basic first aid training

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Well-known member
Brief Summary: Since the park ranger role is now a whitelisted faction, Id like to suggest the following. Rangers can act as medics and revive people if downed in an accident.

Detailed Suggestion: Please note, I am not in this faction and trying to get extra benefits. This is simply a suggestion. If the rangers (perhaps level locked or rank locked?) have the ability to provide first aid for people when up in the mountains or away in the wilderness where ever I think this would make the role so much deeper in terms of their rp and the benefit they bring to the city. I am thinking about helping the NHS crew who might not have the chance to drive all the way to the top of chilliad because little johnny got eaten by a mountain lion. This has honestly sprung from the fact there are now more animals in the wild and gives the rangers an extra string to their bow as a whitelisted faction.

Potential caveat would be perhaps only allowing it in rural areas so maybe say one nothing south of the latitudinal line of the existing ranger station for example but everything north of that so as to not impinge on NHS teams. I assume this is possible due to the turf rules for gangs being what they are with defined areas for selling of narcotics.

The Pros: Deeper rp for the ranger faction. As a whitelisted group I presume they are some pretty tip top RPers so would certainly stand to benefit from this. Also less pressure on NHS workers who honestly don't get the recognition they deserve 🙂 and basically more chance for medical rp. I realise in real life most of the time, the EMS teams would fly in in a chopper and just casevac the individual to the nearest hospital and am totally down with that but I thought this idea might just fly (pardon the pun). I could totally rp a flying doctor 😉

The Cons: Takes away some opportunity for the NHS guys i suppose.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? Naturally yes it does but could also bring even more fun times in situations, not just criminal rp, but overall.

We already have a specific department for this, Search & Rescue. Would make that kinda pointless and take away even more from us. I know many of us in the NHS love any excuse to get out of Pillbox and out of the city, so those S&R calls are valuable to us and taking them away would be a huge loss on our part. 

-1 from me I’m afraid. 

We already have a specific department for this, Search & Rescue. Would make that kinda pointless and take away even more from us. I know many of us in the NHS love any excuse to get out of Pillbox and out of the city, so those S&R calls are valuable to us and taking them away would be a huge loss on our part. 

-1 from me I’m afraid. 
My apologies then, I wasn't aware of that. Ok. Then it's a moot point. I'll delete it. 

Basic first aid training for the park rangers would be a good thing to do but it should be within RP, so learning to do more medical based RP rather then actually having the ability to revive. Letting them revive would defeat the purpose of the NHS and S&R. Rangers can render assistance currently by coordinating police and NHS assistance or they can transport someone to hospital. -1

Rejected - Falls under NHS Search and Rescue Unit
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