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ParallelSex - Unban Appeal (Closed)

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Your In-game name:  ParallelSex

Your Steam Profile ID:  76561198061326016

Your GUID (Broken Link):


Date & Time you was banned:  30/04/15 05:38 PM

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Supposedly RDM 

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

 As they said they were looking to rob someone, I had my heli park on top of the hill and heard theirs so I look with my range finder and saw 4 fully gear rebel's and was about to land their heli next to mine.  By now I'm panicking as me and my friend were outnumbered so I made the decision to fire 2 warning shots and pause, (on my screen I still see they weren't raising up and were stationary so I made the decision to kill the pilot) seeing as they were not moving I killed the pilot.  Once the heli hit the ground I got in to a better cover because of all the Katiba's they were holding (as I thought they were here to rob us). 

In my defence I was only defending myself from getting rob by 4 guys who are fully gear in a hellcat (looking through the heat vision finding prays) trying to land next to my heli.  If they weren't trying to rob us there wasn't any reason to land next to us near a weed processing factory where illegal stuff happens and robbing around this area is common.

 I have watch their video and I see what they were saying about the warning shots window being too small to react (but I did pause) but I was panicking and it seems long to me (also my screen was showing they heli not raising but theirs did raise up... there is also this issue), I just didn't want to get rob.  We were all Rebels expecting to do illegal stuff so death is expected (next time don't try to land a heli next to a heli which you saw 2 guys with weapons around the area).

Sadly I don't have any GoPro video recording to backup my defence but I always RP as an Asian cheap car seller (not my cars =,=) also when ever I'm caught by the police.  I also always have a nice chat with the police and Officer Connor should get a employee of the month as well, he's a great lad :D

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

ParallelSex RDM - 30/04/15 06:14 AM

I've just reviewed the video and noticed that your first two shots actually do hit the windshield of the helicopter. I'm not so sure you even did fire any warning shots, it seems like all 3 of those were shots to kill. Also if you really did panic and make a mistake, how come you didn't join us on teamspeak?

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To be honesty I'd have shit myself in that situation, Heli's aren't cheap.. and there's only one reason I can think that a Hellcat would be landing next to me in the middle of nowhere when I've got a heli.

Sadly, you didn't warn them first though, which is the main deal on the Island. You were fun to play with in Kavala so I hope they give you one chance :)

Edit: Conner rocks. McTavish could learn something from him. #barristers

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The lad that took that video of you doing it loves to use his scroll wheel over things :lol:   ;) , Good luck tho.

I've just reviewed the video and noticed that your first two shots actually do hit the windshield of the helicopter. I'm not so sure you even did fire any warning shots, it seems like all 3 of those were shots to kill. Also if you really did panic and make a mistake, how come you didn't join us on teamspeak?
 Ask the guy who was on the heat vision seat if I was anywhere near my heli because I was looking at you guys from 600m and run up the hill to 400m to shoot my shots (yes, the two shots where aim at your heli but not at the pilot... the third shot was aim at your pilot because your heli was still on my screen and it was a clean easy shot to make [why would you try to land your heli with your pilot facing the enemy anyway?, next time land it side ways]) will you even be able to hear me on direct chat from that far and you being in the heli making all the rotor sound?  

In the end we were both RPing as robbers (like you said in the vid you are about to jack my heli), and me... I was planning of robbing people at the weed processing factory and to let them use the processor only if they share the profit of what they make.  Seriously do you expect me (being a robber) lay a red carpet and let you land your heli with 4 guys so that I lose the advantage of being able to fight you off before you land and welcome you to rob us and jack our heli.  

Also, I didn't crush your hellcat and I even park it at the same spot where you land it in the video before logging out for the night and didn't see my heli there..... so if you have crush my heli you are also breaking the rule of you guys being dead so you shouldn't remember anything from your pass life to come back to that very spot to come and take my heli to crush it. 

PS. we have done the mistakes you have and we die I didn't say anything because I was about to rob them (and they know it because of how I land my heli and setting it up as a roadblock [very bad idea dont do it, lmao]) and they mange to fight me off and kill me and my friend.  Did we complain about it? No Because we about to rob them so the defender have every right to defend themselves.

To be honesty I'd have shit myself in that situation, Heli's aren't cheap.. and there's only one reason I can think that a Hellcat would be landing next to me in the middle of nowhere when I've got a heli.

Sadly, you didn't warn them first though, which is the main deal on the Island. You were fun to play with in Kavala so I hope they give you one chance :)

Edit: Conner rocks. McTavish could learn something from him. #barristers
McTavish is too strict with his job mannn, he doesn't get any of my jokes hahahaha but I he is also good at what he does :p

The lad that took that video of you doing it loves to use his scroll wheel over things :lol:   ;) , Good luck tho.
I also notice that as well cause i had my shemag on and i wasn't close by and he already look at my name hahahaha

 Ask the guy who was on the heat vision seat if I was anywhere near my heli because I was looking at you guys from 600m and run up the hill to 400m to shoot my shots (yes, the two shots where aim at your heli but not at the pilot... the third shot was aim at your pilot because your heli was still on my screen and it was a clean easy shot to make [why would you try to land your heli with your pilot facing the enemy anyway?, next time land it side ways]) will you even be able to hear me on direct chat from that far and you being in the heli making all the rotor sound?  

In the end we were both RPing as robbers (like you said in the vid you are about to jack my heli), and me... I was planning of robbing people at the weed processing factory and to let them use the processor only if they share the profit of what they make.  Seriously do you expect me (being a robber) lay a red carpet and let you land your heli with 4 guys so that I lose the advantage of being able to fight you off before you land and welcome you to rob us and jack our heli.  

Also, I didn't crush your hellcat and I even park it at the same spot where you land it in the video before logging out for the night and didn't see my heli there..... so if you have crush my heli you are also breaking the rule of you guys being dead so you shouldn't remember anything from your pass life to come back to that very spot to come and take my heli to crush it. 

PS. we have done the mistakes you have and we die I didn't say anything because I was about to rob them (and they know it because of how I land my heli and setting it up as a roadblock [very bad idea dont do it, lmao]) and they mange to fight me off and kill me and my friend.  Did we complain about it? No Because we about to rob them so the defender have every right to defend themselves.

McTavish is too strict with his job mannn, he doesn't get any of my jokes hahahaha but I he is also good at what he does :p

I also notice that as well cause i had my shemag on and i wasn't close by and he already look at my name hahahaha
I shouldn't have to land my heli facing the other way, I was counting on you not breaking the rules, and yes, you should have let us land and begin stealing your helicopter, it's all part of the RP, you parked a helicopter and left it unattended and we saw the opportunity and took it. You can't just break the rules because it is the only way to get yourself out of a situation you put yourself into. Our play style takes into account the rules of the server and we try to use them to our advantage as much as possible, if you simply neglect them then you have an unfair advantage.

I really don't understand where you are coming from here. You don't know what they were doing and they don't know what you were doing so ZERO RP was initiated at the point of you killing them. Warning shots? You never even gave them a chance to get away.

If this is your version of RP I don't think we should let you back on the server. Give me a reason why we should.

I really don't understand where you are coming from here. You don't know what they were doing and they don't know what you were doing so ZERO RP was initiated at the point of you killing them. Warning shots? You never even gave them a chance to get away.

If this is your version of RP I don't think we should let you back on the server. Give me a reason why we should.
No RP? What exactly does a robber mean to you in your dictionary?

I have explain enough, thanks but no thanks. Just close this thread because there's no point in me making my point as you don't think about my position at all. If this was in real-life and you see an unknown heli overwatching and about to approach you on a eg. illegal factory you just expect to stand there?

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