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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): never did see names just a huge 30 bil heli landing on us while we where driving on the road, but very sure it was IT since we had so many run ins with them and it was them that responded back to it.
Time & Date this happened: 21:42 uk time
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: VDM/troll/grifing
What Rule Was Broken ?: VDM/troll/grifing
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: asked them who did it and http://i.imgur.com/PJZJ663.jpg Yeah,
Please post video evidence/screenshots here 
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after) 

the heli that vdmed us landed beside us and 1 guy got out. but still no name .... so no idear who was trolling. and only thing that was said was from TI
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All I have is the Humming Bird and M-900, if admins can check logs, I've never had that much, to buy a Hurion, but I will own to typing that but I don't own or ever been in a Hurion, even though I did type in chat. It could of been anyone who done this, but there is no valid proof of who this was.

Good luck.


All I have is the Humming Bird and M-900, if admins can check logs, I've never had that much, to buy a Hurion, but I will own to typing that but I don't own or ever been in a Hurion, even though I did type in chat. It could of been anyone who done this, but there is no valid proof of who this was.

Good luck.

you typed it, that means you knew it was happening. so your saying you your covering for someone RDMing and grifing. that itself in my eyes are grifing. if ur looking at your mate doing it and making fun of me dieing when your frirends RDM/VDM/grifing us. i bet it was a good lauge on TS from the TI side. 

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He no doubt typed it because it's banter, you don't often hear about someone flying 5km in an offroad. I was in TS at the time and no-one said anything and I don't believe anyone was even in a huron at the time.

Please don't go throwing accusations around, the fact you've had run in's with us doesn't give you the right to make false reports.

I don't want to see ANYONE else from TI respond to this here, if you do you will have to explain yourself to me. If Matthew wishes to respond that's up to him as the OP seems to be aiming the accusations at him (even though he doesn't have a huron).

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He no doubt typed it because it's banter, you don't often hear about someone flying 5km in an offroad.
Honestly, you got it, you didn't say anything about the guy who typed 'GOD' but the word Allah = God to other religions, so I'm sorry if this seems suspicious, and I understand it frustrating, but you surly can't try and get me banned for typing, next time you see someone type in chat that they flew 5k across the map, and when it does, message me privately and I will understand.

Honestly, you got it, you didn't say anything about the guy who typed 'GOD' but the word Allah = God to other religions, so I'm sorry if this seems suspicious, and I understand it frustrating, but you surly can't try and get me banned for typing, next time you see someone type in chat that they flew 5k across the map, and when it does, message me privately and I will understand.
well sadly matthew i did not see names, not saying it was you, or TI, but at that time i was sure the heli had something to do with you guys. if it has nothing to do with TI i'm sorry for pointing your way, but you must understand it sucks to get killed randomly and have very little to go on. but i hope the helis landing wheels got some dmg.. maybe that shows up on logs. if not meh i will just let it go. was just the 5th time i was killed. but as we speak i got a better recording program so clips like this will not happen anymore now i will record everything with obs.

I understand your frustration,but i can asure you no one from TI did this as at that time nobody was in a Huron. Alot of us in TI have Hurons,but we rarely use them,and when we do we only use them for making money. 

I would also like to say,next time if you have a problem with TI, try to contact the leader/co leader on ts. If we do do something wrong,we will always compensate it back. 

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