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Ow' Do



I found this site via a link in a chatbox on another where they had stole your rules or something.

I live in Cumbria but originally from Yorkshire and not applying for a job or anything on the server just yet as I am still learning how to use ARMA3.

I have all the DLC but cannot seem to figure out how it all works apart from WASD lol.

You will find more info about me here: https://about.me/singingturnip

Hello sir!

If you have any questions regarding RP, rules or you have concerns you are always welcome on our teamspeak. 
At the top, there is a channel called "welcome center" feel free to join and ask any question you want ( no sexual favors).

Hope to see you around,

Mentor Levi



Welcome to the Altislife.co.uk Community, it's the #1 Roleplaying server in the UK and Europe!

Make sure to read up on the rules(and have a working microphone) before you join any of the Altislife.co.uk servers.

Have a good one,


I have a snowball mic but not used Teamspeak in about 10/11 years. I also have various headsets with mics.


I found this site via a link in a chatbox on another where they had stole your rules or something.

I live in Cumbria but originally from Yorkshire and not applying for a job or anything on the server just yet as I am still learning how to use ARMA3.

I have all the DLC but cannot seem to figure out how it all works apart from WASD lol.

You will find more info about me here: https://about.me/singingturnip
If possible send me a message where that happened, private message on the forums.

Welcome to our humble house, and please enjoy your stay! Make sure to read the rules aswell!

Good to see a new face to Arma 3 - what kind of things do you enjoy most? I'm looking for a possible partner in my oil running business.
