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Outlaw267 (Action: Ban Issued 10/11/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Outlaw267
Time & Date this happened:  7/11/2014 10:10 pm Est (3AM GMT)
Description of what happened: Outlaw was in the Kavala HQ trolling, yelling at me, (i had restrained him just a few moments prior to this, then unrestrained him and told him to GTFO), shortly after he kills me while I'm talking to the HQ vendor.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No. Nothing to discuss.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
(Oh look, LRG Harry rejoining after combat logging)
I wil say I did do this. But Everyone was saying sidechat attack the police HQ so I did and I honestly did not know you couldnt kill in there, A admin came on and told all of us to stop it. So I stopped, I only killed one officer and doohickey btw ran up to me while restrained and knocked me out. Serveral times have I seen DOOHICKEY name in sidechat and people saying he rdm them and crap like that.

~Have a nice day! :)


Serveral times have I seen DOOHICKEY name in sidechat and people saying he rdm them and crap like that.
And every time someone says something like this I say the same thing: The Kavala constabulary has an ombudsman ready and willing to hear their complaints. 

Funny how nobody ever actually posts any evidence of this. The 1 post I have against me, the user used my own video, and was 100% full of shit. Go figure.

And you may have not known that you can't kill in a blue zone, but you sure as shit know you aren't supposed to RDM. You killed me while I was talking to the vendor in HQ. No RP at all.

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I rp before, I sure did buddy. I talked to you inside the place and you told me to GTFO so I took that as a threat came back and shot you. There was a bunch more people over there too btw! Everyone was saying attack the police HQ. I have been banned for RDM before and sure as hell wouldnt have done it again. I Love this server and have been banned before and It was for RDM and I regreted every fucking grueling minute of that ban and wanted to be back on that server roleplaying better than ever. I  have alot of friends on that server and sure would like to play with them still on that server. I used to be in the PMC untill I fugured out they were bad at RP so I left which makes a point saying. I know what I did was wrong but I didnt mean to do it.. I am sure that I rp with you before I shot which can be as simple as you telling me to GTFO. I am pretty sure If someone tells you to gtfo or something like a threat then I am pretty sure they can kill you if you havnt died after that (New Life Rule). Sorry, about the safezone Killing. I thought I read it thoroughly on the map but I guess not. 


I witnessed part of this and (right before this incident) was mistakenly killed by an officer during the middle of some sort of altercation between the police and a number of players. After that, all parties may have gotten a little carried away. Bullets were flying in every direction.

It would be incredibly complicated to discuss every detail of what occurred and ultimately, in my opinion, nothing extended beyond the bounds of fair (even if a bit hasty) play.

Nothing really to see here folks, with love, 


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Outlaw2678, you were RDM'ing all night.

You were running around at the car shop killing everyone, no RP at all.


That may be a bit of an exaggeration. While I respect your insight, my view on subject is somewhat different. While were awaiting a concert to start inside the Perry Nightclub, we heard and witnessed helicopters along with aerial gunshots (*not entirely sure how that's possible) towards the direction of the police HQ. A number of players, including myself, were intrigued and ran over to see what was going on. Right after we arrived, gunfire was exchanged between a number of Altis citizens and the police. The police seemed to be engaged in a battle between villeins in the complete opposite direction of entrance where us inquisitive citizens arrived. At that point they noticed us behind them and most likely thought that we were part of whatever group they were fighting in the opposing direction. In their deference, the police were, at the point, obviously under attack and had every right to defend themselves. However, the pace at which things escalated ment than a number of players were instantly killed (including myself who was completely unarmed and probably in my underwear at that moment as I usually am.)

There is no doubt that Outlaw fired upon killing an officer in the safe zone, but what is really at question here is the appropriateness of his actions in that very distinct situation. I'm here to say that the man acted in the self defense of himself and in the defense of those around him; most of whom, including myself, were already casualties of a very brief and unspectacular altercation between a group of scumbag citizens and what some may call the "Fascist" Police.

The action was most assuredly not premeditated before his arrival at the Police HQ, and thus the death penalty cannot be an applicable punishment for this incident. The real criminals here are the ones who began the altercation with the police long before a group of very curious citizens arrived and were subsequently dragged into the crossfire. 

With much love, 


Ive said on other posts made by Doohicky, I spoke to PC Frosty and he has spoken to higher authority in the police force apparently, This situation is now resolved and is getting forgotten about, Both police and civs were shooting in and to the HQ and so this is why it has been resolved easily.

I hope everyone can forget about this situation and leave it as it would save the admins a lot of issues and time reviewing this report.

Thank you :)

Yea, LRG Jc. Btw jakob I was getting VDM all night last night in the car shop area they took off so I took off OUT of the safezone bud so stop making up assumptions :) , Thanks!

Its a rulebreak therefore as per the rules we have issued a ban

ba99aa7046a919cb99dcfda837b99fd0 -1 Outlaw267 - Forum Report 10/11/2014

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